Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

Садике за приходност

Садике за приходност

Lead partner: Poetovio LXIX drustvo za rimsko zgodovino in kulturo Ptuj (SLO)
Institute of Archaeology (SRB)
Manager for Institute of Archaeology:
Dr Jelena Andjelkovic Grasar
Dr Milica Tapavicki Ilic


The project is intended to design and organize various workshops during the 14th Roman Games in Ptuj (Slovenia).

The Institute of Archaeology, as a partner institution that reaches young people, invited the Archaeological Student Club to take part in the project. The result of the project is a new experience for young people in organizing a thematic event related to cultural heritage and the revival of history, with eight completely newly conceived and implemented workshops, in which the IoA associates performed active mentoring work with students. The conducted workshops are:

  1. Archaeology beyond stereotypes of popular culture
  2. Gaming in practice – Board games
  3. Roman Ceramics: More than lifeless fragments/fortune from the past!
  4. Culina Romana
  5. Animal bones speak out!
  6. Roman Coinage: Pecunia non olet!
  7. Roman slings and slingers
  8. Recognizing mystery artifacts

The results of the project were communicated through the Newsletter of the IoA to the wider scientific and professional public, while two papers were published in a scientific journal.


Senior Research Associate

Principal Research Fellow


Jelena Anđelković Grašar, Milica Tapavički-Ilić, Ana Gavrilović, Kristina Bondžulić, Mirjana Đorđević, PATHS OF STORYTELLING FOCUSED ON ARCHAEOLOGY AND ITS OUTREACH POTENTIAL – CASE STUDY ROMAN GAMES IN PTUJ, Archaeology and Science 17 (2020), 2021, pp. 147-158.

Jelena Anđelković Grašar, Mladen Mladenović, Ana Gavrilović, Danica Grujić, Predrag Đerković, Peđa Perić, Ivan Ilić, ARCHAEOLOGY WORKSHOPS AS AN EDUCATIONAL APPROACH IN COMMUNICATION WITH THE PUBLIC – KEY CASE STUDY ROMAN GAMES IN PTUJ, Archaeology and Science 17 (2020), 2021, pp. 135-145.

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