Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

Interpreting Art of Mysterious Medieval Stećak Tombstones through Virtual Reality (StećakLand),

Interpreting Art of Mysterious Medieval Stećak Tombstones through Virtual Reality (StećakLand),

Institutе of Archaeology participants:

PhD Jelena Anđelković Grašar,

PhD Milica Radišić,

PhD Emilija Nikolić,

PhD Uglješa Vojvodić

Creative Europe funding (2023-2025)

Partner institutions:

The coordinator is the Association for Digitization of Cultural Heritage DIGI.BA (BIH)

NoHo production Ireland, Dublin (IR)

Dubrovnik museums, Dubrovnik (CRO)

Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (RS)

National Museum of Montenegro, Podgorica (MNE)

Mak Dizdar Foundation, Stolac (BIH)

Chamber Theater 55, Sarajevo (BIH)

Interpreting Art of Mysterious Medieval Stećak Tombstones through Virtual Reality (StećakLand)

Monumental medieval tombstones called stećaks represent a Western Balkans regional phenomenon dated between the 12th and 16th centuries. These monuments feature a wide range of decorative motifs, scenes and inscriptions that represent iconographic continuities from Antiquity as well as locally distinctive traditions of medieval peoples. Since 2016, they have listed as UNESCO World Heritage.

This Creative Europe project aims to reach a wider audience by presenting the symbols on the monuments through digital media. Experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro will choose the most representative stećaks whose ornaments will populate the digital environment named StećakLand. We will be able to visit it through a virtual reality application that will be installed in museums. Through this application, museum visitors will learn the meanings of the symbols from the stećaks and get to know their stories. Visitors of necropoles where stećaks can be seen will be able to read the meanings of decorations and decorative ornaments through the augmented reality application. StećakLand will also be presented in a theatrical performance. Kamerni Teatar 55 will put on performances with the actors wearing VR headsets. Through the presentation of the digital content seen by the actor, the audience will have the opportunity to observe two realities: the physical scene and the performance of characters in the digital environment of StećakLand through the actor’s view via the VR headset.

When it comes to the territory of our country, the digitization of stećaks at the necropoles in Perućac and Rastište, as well as stećaks in front of the Ethnographic Museum in Belgrade is planned as the first stage of the project.


Senior Research Associate

Research Associate

Research Associate

Research Associate
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