Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.



Mortar Design for Conservation. Danube Roman Frontier 2000 Years after

PhD Emilija Nikolić, Research Associate at the IoA

Participants from the IoA:
PhD Mladen Jovičić, Research Associate (IoA),
PhD Snežana Vučetić, Assistant professor (Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad),
Ljiljana Miličić, Principal Research Fellow  (IMS Institute),
Ivana Delić – Nikolić, Associate (IMS Institute),
PhD Jonjaua Ranogajec, Full professor in retirement  (Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad – 2020),
PhD Nevenka Mijatović, Research Associate (IMS Institute),
PhD Bilja Ilić, Senior Research Associate (IMS Institute),

Institutional partners:
Institute of Archaeology, Lead partner
Faculty of Technology, University of Novi Sad, project partner
IMS Institute, Novi Sad, project partner


The Mortar Design for Conservation – Danube Roman Frontier 2000 Years After (MoDeCo2000) project was funded by the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia through the PROMIS programme, in the period from 2020 to 2022. During the project, research was carried out on Roman mortars originating from structures erected from the 1st to the 6th century AD along the former Danube Limes in the territory of today’s Serbia, currently sites on the tentative UNESCO WH list named Frontiers of the Roman Empire – The Danube Limes (Serbia).
The project’s overall objective was to accumulate knowledge on the used raw materials and technologies of production, and to apply it in the design of compatible mortar models, which should be recommended for conservation, advocating the use of compatible materials as a principle of the utmost importance when considering the protection of monuments. The research was conducted as a multidisciplinary study connecting archaeology, the history of architecture and construction, geology, chemistry, materials science, and practical conservation with engineering. The leading institution was the Institute of Archaeology, with the Faculty of Technology of Novi Sad and the Institute for Testing of Materials as partners.
The samples were taken from 25 archaeological sites and monuments of culture; 40 structures connected to legionary fortresses, auxiliary forts, and associated civil settlements, among which are Singidunum, Viminacium, Diana, and Trajan’s Bridge. During the project, 122 mortar samples were researched using stereo optical and digital microscopy, spectrophotometry with colourimetry, XRF, XRD, FTIR, SEM, and RAMAN techniques, for the purpose of their mineralogical, petrographic, and chemical characterisation. Standard laboratory techniques were also used for the analyses of their physical and mechanical properties.

The results gained through the MoDeCo2000 project activities are valuable for the scientific community in Serbia since the project is the first systematic attempt to research historical mortars in the country and, of equal importance, it is probably the largest systematic action in recent years in the appeal for conducting practical architectural conservation following the thorough research on authentic materials. Thus, the project received a lot of attention in the conservation community in Serbia, but also in the scientific community in the region, since the production and use of historical mortars in Serbia had not been researched in such detail previously. The results have shown the similarities between production and usage activities in different Roman provinces, their dependence on raw materials, and modifications according to the local circumstances, which also led to some specific features, but also proved that architectural conservation can and should be successfully conducted using traditional methods of mortar mixing and local raw materials.

As a continuation of the project in the future, it is planned to deepen the existing cooperation with researchers from abroad through joint research and, in particular, to initiate comprehensive cooperation with those from neighbouring countries, on whose territories there are also the remains of buildings of the Danube Limes and with whom Serbia jointly aspires to a place on the UNESCO World Heritage List.


Mladen Jovičić, Emilija Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Snežana Vučetić, Conservation Mortars for the Danube Limes in Serbia: Safeguarding the Values of Cultural Heritage, u: The Ninth World Archaeological Congress WAC-9 Abstract Book Prague, Prague, Czech Republic 3–8 July 2022,J.Turek (ur.), Prague: Guarant International spol. s r.o. 2022, str.364; ISBN 978-80-908114-0-9

Emilija Nikolić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Mladen Jovičić, Natural Brick of Viminacium, in: Serbian Ceramic Society Conference, Advanced Ceramics and Application X, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Program and the Book of Abstracts, Belgrade, Serbia, 26–27 September 2022, N.Obradović, L.Mančić (eds.), Belgrade: Srpsko keramičko društvo, 2022, str.50; ISBN 978-86-915627-9-3

Nevenka Mijatović, Ljiljana Miličić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Emilija Nikolić, Mladen Jovičić, Biljana Ilić, Chemical Analysis of Historical Mortars from the Roman Period in Serbia, u: Serbian Ceramic Society Conference, Advanced Ceramics and Application X, New Frontiers in Multifunctional Material Science and Processing, Program and the Book of Abstracts, Belgrade, Serbia, 26–27 September 2022, N.Obradović, L.Mančić (ur.), Belgrade: Srpsko keramičko društvo, 2022, str.67; ISBN 978-86-915627-9-3

Emilija Nikolić, Mladen Jovičić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Snežana Vučetić, Jonjaua Ranogajec, Recognising the Values of Historic Mortars: From a Database to an Exhibition, u: 8th Balkan Symposium of Archaeometry, Book Of Abstracts, Belgrade, Serbia, 3–6 October 2022, R.Balvanović, M.Marić-Stojanović, M. Gajić-Kvaščev (ur.), Belgrade: Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 2022, str.53-54; ISBN 978-86-7306-167-2

Nevenka Mijatović, Milica Vasić , Ljiljana Miličić, Milena Radomirović, Zagorka Radojević, Fired Pressed Pellet as a Sample Preparation Technique of Choice for an Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence Analysis of Raw Clays, Talanta 252 (2023), https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0039914022006403

Snežana Vučetić, Helena Hiršenberger, Jihn Milan Van Der Bergh, Jonjaua Ranogajec, Roman Danube Limes Mortars – Thermal Characteristics and Identification of Production Technology, u: Book of Abstracts of the 6th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC6) and 15th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (Medicta2021), 20-24 July 2021, Split, Croatia, A.Rotaru, M.Erceg (ur.), Craiova: Sitech 2021, str.76; ISBN 978-606-11-7861-2

Emilija Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Mladen Jovičić, Nevenka Mijatović, Snežana Vučetić, Mortars of the Roman Frontier on the Danube, u: Book of Abstracts of the 6th Historic Mortars Conference – HMC 2022, 21-23 September 2022, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, V.Bokan Bosiljkov et al. (ur.), Ljubljana: Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering 2022, str.33; ISBN 978-961-6884-78-5

Snežana Vučetić, Jonjaua Ranogajec. Metodologija ispitivanja istorijskih maltera. Novi Sad: Univerzitet u Novom Sadu – Tehnološki fakultet 2022; ISBN 978-86-6253-156-8

Emilija Nikolić, Mladen Jovičić (ur.). 1st International Conference with Workshop – Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes, Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 2022, ISBN: 978-86-6439-072-9

Emilija Nikolić, Mladen Jovičić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Snežana Vučetić, Jonjaua Ranogajec. “Our MoDeCo2000: Results Overview of the Scientific and Research Project”, u: E. Nikolić, M. Jovičić (ur.), 1st International Conference with Workshop – Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes, Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 2022, ISBN: 978-86-6439-072-9

Mladen Jovičić. Researching Roman Mortars from the Danube Region – Archaeological Perspective of the MoDeCo2000 Project, u: E. Nikolić, M. Jovičić (ur.), 1st International Conference with Workshop – Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes, Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 2022, ISBN: 978-86-6439-072-9

Snežana Vučetić, Jonjaua Ranogajec, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Emilija Nikolić, Mladen Jovičić. Design of Compatible Mortars for Conservation Interventions, u: E. Nikolić, M. Jovičić (ur.), 1st International Conference with Workshop – Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes, Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 2022, ISBN: 978-86-6439-072-9

Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Emilija Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Mladen Jovičić. Geology of Raw Materials in Roman Mortars of the Danube Limes in Serbia, u: E. Nikolić, M. Jovičić (ur.), 1st International Conference with Workshop – Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes, Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 2022, ISBN: 978-86-6439-072-9

Nevenka Mijatović, Ljiljana Miličić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Biljana Ilić. Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence in the Investigation of the Composition of Historical Mortars, u: E. Nikolić, M. Jovičić (ur.), 1st International Conference with Workshop – Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes, Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 2022, ISBN: 978-86-6439-072-9

Ljiljana Miličić, Emilija Nikolić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Snežana Vučetić. Compatible Mortars for the Architectural Conservation of the Danube Limes in Serbia – Importance of the Raw Component Characterisation, u: E. Nikolić, M. Jovičić (ur.), 1st International Conference with Workshop – Science for Conservation of the Danube Limes, Book of Abstracts. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 2022, ISBN: 978-86-6439-072-9

Mladen Jovičić, Emilija Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Snežana Vučetić. Conservation Mortars for the Danube Limes in Serbia: Safeguarding the Values of Cultural Heritage, u: J. Turek  (ur.), The Ninth World Archaeological Congress WAC-9 Abstract Book Prague, Czech Republic 3–8 July 2022; Prague, 2022, str. 364; ISBN 978-80-908114-0-9

Snežana Vučetić, Helena Hiršenberger, John Milan Van Der Bergh, Jonjaua Ranogajec. „Roman Danube limes mortars – thermal characteristics and identification of production technology”, u: Book of abstracts of the 6th Central and Eastern European Conference on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (CEEC-TAC6) and 15th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis (Medicta2021)Split, Croatia. A. Rotaru, M. Erceg (ur.), Craiova: SITECH House, 2021, str. 76; ISBN 978-606-11-7861-2

Mladen Jovičić, Emilija Nikolić, Ljiljana Miličić, Ivana Delić-Nikolić, Snežana Vučetić. „Naučno –istraživački projekat MoDeCo 2000 (Mortar Design for Conservation – Danube Roman Frontier 2000 Years after”, у: Програми, извештаји и апстракти: Српско археолошко друштво, XLIV скупштина и годишњи скуп, Параћин, 14-16. октобар, 2021. А. Црнобрња, В. Филиповић (ур.), Параћин: САД и Завичајни музеј Параћин, 2021, стр. 56-57; ISBN 978-86-80094-17-5

Емилија Николић.Прилог савременом развоју архитектонске конзервације у Србији: Научна истраживања малтера дунавског лимеса“. Mодерна конзервација 8-9/2021, стр. 87-99; ISSN: 2334-9239

Снежана Вучетић, Емилија Николић, Младен Јовичић, Љиљана Миличић, Ивана Делић –Николић, Хелена Хиршенбергер, Јоњауа Раногајец. „Дизajн мaлтeрa зa кoнзeрвaциjу – Римскa грaницa нa Дунaву 2000 гoдинa кaсниje: Научно истраживачки пројекат MoDeCo2000“. Гласник друштва конзерватора Србије 45/2021, str. 190-193; ISSN 0350-9656

Mihajlo Valuh, Emilija Nikolić, Snežana Vučetić. „Characterization of Historical Mortars and Identification of their Preparation Technology: Roman Military Camp Viminacium“, u: Book of abstracts, XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, Zagreb, Croatia, February, 24th – 25th, 2022. K. Žižek i dr. (ur.),Zagreb:Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, str. 33; ISSN 2718-2177

Anđela Šiniković, Anja Avramović, Mihajlo Valuh, Emilija Nikolić, Snežana Vučetić. „Characterization of Roman Mortars from Two Archaeological Sites: Trajan’s Bridge and Roman Castrum Diana, Karataš“.u: Book of abstracts, XIV Meeting of Young Chemical Engineers, Zagreb, Croatia, February, 24th – 25th, 2022. K. Žižek i dr. (ur.),Zagreb:Hrvatsko društvo kemijskih inženjera i tehnologa, str. 139; ISSN 2718-2177


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