Participants from the IoA:
Project managers / researcher: Dr Jelena Anđelković Grašar
Assistant to the project manager/researcher: Dr Emilija Nikolić
Researcher: Dr Milica Tapavički Ilić
Financial manager: Gordana Marinković
Institutions involved in the project:
Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (SRB)
The Parco Archeologico del Colosseo (IT)
Liceo Classico ‘Pilo Albertelli” (IT)
Belgrade School of Design (SRB)
KÖME – Kulturális Örökség Menedzserek Egyesülete / Association of Cultural Heritage Managers (HU)
Pécsi Hajnóczy József Kollégium (HU)
Çatalca District Directorate of National Education (TUR)
Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw (PO)
The project aims to promote the educational value of cultural heritage, which today is recognized as an important method in education at the social, scientific and institutional level.
The essence of this project is the dynamic relationship between the roles of identity and diversity, as well as cultures that have changed due to the acceptance of elements from other cultures. This project will allow high school students to discover and understand the value of cultural differences through the heritage left by peoples who once lived in the same area. It will also enable them to realize the importance of cultural “contamination” as a way to enrich and shape local and territorial identity.
The specific objectives of the project are:
- Promotion of the social and educational value of cultural heritage and its contribution to inclusion in society and building the European community. The basis for this promotion is cultural differences resulting from old customs and migrations throughout history.
- Conception and development of an innovative educational methodology intended for high school students, with the aim of promoting the active participation of students in finding ways to discover and interpret the cultural heritage that follows the thread of migrations throughout history.
- Promoting the development of expertise and skills among students, especially an innovative spirit and communication in foreign languages, coping in society and the art of community life, awareness and cultural expression.
- Strengthening the relationship between managers of archaeological sites and local communities.
The main result of the “TRAME” project is the “TRAME manual” for teachers and educators, which contains a description of the educational methods intended for secondary school students, designed by the project partners (the manual is in the final stage of preparation, ready for printing). Pilot courses, through which educational methods will be tested and evaluated, will be conducted by employees of partner organizations in Italy, Hungary, Serbia, Poland and Turkey. The international mobility of pupils was carried out from 18th to 24th March, in the Viminacium Archaeological Park, and was organized by the Institute of Archaeology.
Interpretation of cultural heritage and formal education: “Trame” Erasmus+ project as an example of good practice, paper was presented at the 44th meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society, Paraćin, October 14th – 16th, 2021.
Ј. Анђелковић Грашар, ”Trame” Еразмус+ пројекат као пример добре праксе, 44. скуп Српског археолошког друштва, Параћин, 14. – 16. октобар 2021. године, стр. 98.