

Project title: Archaeological research in the lower reaches of the South Morava: Excavations of the Late Neolithic site of Srednje Polje in Bradarac, near Aleksinac
Research leader: Dr Dragan Milanović
Team members:
Dr Aleksandar Bulatović;
Tatjana Trajković Filipović,
Srećko Živanović,
Jovan Đajić,
Dr Miroslav Kočić,
Marinko Antonijević;
Geographers from the “Jovan Cvijić” Institute:
Dr Marko Milošević,
Dr Jelena Ćalić;
Pedologist from the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”: Dr Veljko Perović
Collaboration: Center for Culture and Art Aleksinac and National Museum Niš
The site is situated east of the village of Bradarac, in the inter-river zone between the left bank of the Puljanska river and the right bank of the Mozgovacka river, not far from their confluence. It is located directly next to a stretch with salty soil (Slatina). The surroundings of the Srednje Polje site are characterised by the dominance of meadow vegetation (vertisol soil type) along with sporadic forests and alluvia of the Mozgovacka and Puljanska rivers.
Between 2014 and 2019, the Institute of Archaeology conducted two successive projects: the Archaeological Survey of the Municipality of Aleksinac (2014-2016) in cooperation with the Aleksinac museum, and Archaeological Prospection of the Lower Reaches of the South Morava (2017-2019) in collaboration with the National Museum in Niš, the Center for Culture and Art in Aleksinac, and the National Library “Stevan Sremac” in Sokobanja. These projects received financial support from the Ministry of Culture and Information of the RS, and the municipalities of Aleksinac, Niš, and Sokobanja. The research was aimed at collecting and analysing data on the distribution of surface archaeological finds and the geomorphological and pedological characteristics of micro-regional entities using exclusively non-destructive archaeological methods. An archaeological map was created of the area of the Niška, Aleksinačka, and Sokobanjska basins, leading to a better understanding of settlement patterns during all periods in these micro-regions.
An important segment of the project involved geophysical research, conducted at three spatially close, Late Neolithic sites: Srednje Polje in Bradarac (2017–2018), Drugo Aleksinačko Okno in Aleksinac (2019), and Crnokalačka Bara near Rujišta (2020). The research aimed to clarify settlement patterns during the late stages of the Vinča culture and understand the process of disintegration of Vinča culture settlements in the lower reaches of the South Morava.
Numerous surface finds from the Srednje Polje site indicated the existence of settlements from the late stages of the Vinča culture (Vinča D, i.e., Vinča-Pločnik II), as discovered at the neighbouring sites. Densely distributed burned structures surrounded by ditches and palisades were recorded at all three sites. Notably, at Srednje Polje, an area of about 5 hectares revealed a settlement with burned residential structures and a fortification system consisting of double and triple trenches with a palisade and an entrance on the northern side.
In 2021, archaeological excavations were undertaken at the site to verify geophysical data and initiate the process of protecting the site. The main goals included collecting relevant data through archaeological excavations in order to understand the chronological and cultural context of fortified settlements from the late stages of the Vinča culture in the Aleksinac Basin. The expected results relate to determining the character of defensive structures, their chronology, the stratigraphy and chronology of the settlement itself, and collecting samples for dating (AMS). Additionally, a study of animal remains is ongoing to indicate the representation of animal species and other relevant data related to strategies for their conservation.
Trench 1, measuring 22×2 m, was investigated in 2021, revealing Late Neolithic (Vinca culture) artifacts, as well as finds from the Early Antiquity and Late Bronze Age periods. The preliminary results indicate that the southern part of the settlement consists of a fortification system of trenches and palisades, suggesting conflict situations between settlements.
Future activities within this interdisciplinary project, financed by the municipalities of Aleksinac and Niš, will focus on verifying data obtained by geophysical prospecting of the area, establishing settlement chronologies, researching technological aspects of material culture, and determining socio-economic indicators of change brought by the Copper Age, i.e., the Eneolithic. The project is managed by Dr Dragan R. Milanović from the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade, with participation of colleagues from the Bioarchaeology Laboratory of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, the National Museum of Niš, the Institute of Geography “Jovan Cvijić”, the Institute for Biological Research “Siniša Stanković”, and others.
Selected bibliography:
Милановић, Д. и Милојевић, П. 2013.Каснонеолитски локалитети у Алексиначкој котлини: природна средина и економски потенцијали, Етно-културолошки зборник XVII, Сврљиг 2013: 73–82.
Милановић, Д., Милојевић, П., Милошевић, С. и Кајтез, И. 2016. Алексиначко Поморавље од праисторије до средњег века, нова сазнања. Каталог изложбе. Алексинац: Завичајни музеј Алексинац.
Милановић, Д. и Милојевић, П. 2016.Археолошка проспекција Алексиначке котлине-прелиминарни резултати, у: (ур.) С. Рајић, Алексинац и околина у прошлости-500 година од првог писаног помена 1516-2016. Завичајни музеј Алексинац; 33-47.
Милановић, Д. Милојевић, П. 2018. Археолошка проспекција доњег тока Јужне Мораве у 2017–2018. години, у Програм и апстракти, Праисторијска секција Српско археолошко друштво, (прир.) Л. Баљ и Д. Милановић.Нови Сад: Српско археолошко друштво и Музеј Војводине.
Milanović, D. Milojević, P. Pendić, J. 2019. Geofizička istraživanja na kasnoneolitskom nalazištu Srednje Polje u Bradarcu kod Aleksinca, у Програм, извештаји и апстракти, Српско археолошко друштво, XLII годишњи скуп, (прир.) А. Црнобрња и В. Филиповић. Неготин: Српско археолошко друштво и Музеј Крајине Неготин: 79–80.
Milanović, D. Milojević, P. 2019 Arheološka prospekcija donjeg toka Južne Morave u 2017. godini, u: Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2017. godini (ur.) I. Bugarski, V. Filipović i N. Gavrilović Vitas, Beograd, Arheološki institut: 173–179.
Milanović, D. 2021 Arheološka prospekcija donjeg toka Južne Morave u 2018. godini, u: Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2018. godini, (ur.) S. Vitezović, M. Radišić i Đ. Obradović, Beograd, Arheološki institut: 45–52.
Milanović, D. 2022. Rezultati arheološke prospekcije donjeg toka Južne Morave u 2019. godini, u Arheologija u Srbiji, projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2019. godini, (ur.) S. Vitezović, Đ. Obradović i M. Radišić. Beograd: Arheološki institut.