Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

Submission & Registration


18th International  Colloquium on Provincial Roman Art

Belgrade / Viminacium, May 20. – May 25. 2024

Submission & Registration:
Payment instructions can be found here.

The bank transaction costs are not calculated into the amounts of the Congress fee.
Please emphasize while paying that it is for CRPA XVIII


Participation with lecture/short lecture:

Submission of the abstract (max. 500 words) by January 15, 2024 to crpa18serbia@gmail.com  and registration until March 31 2024,

after which there will be an increased conference fee.

The decision on the acceptance of the proposed lecture will be sent by the February 1 2024.


Participation without lecture:

Registration by March 31, 2024 , after which there will be an increased conference fee.

Participation in the excursion on May 25 2024(optional):

Registration until March 31, 2024 (all information will be available soon)


Type of posts:

Presentation, duration 20 minutes+10 minutes discussion

Short contribution, duration 10 minutes

Poster contribution, duration 10 minutes



English, German, French, Italian, Spanish


Conference fees:

Regular fee until March 31, 2024: 250

Increased fee from March 31, 2024 to April 15: € 300

Students and accompanying persons:
Registration until March 31, 2024: € 80
Registration after March 31 to April 15, 2024: € 130


Cancellation fees:

Cancellations until March 31, 2024: € 30.
Cancellations after March 31, 2024: no refund


Registration fees include: conference materials, event opening cocktail, participation to all lectures, coffee breaks, guided tours in Belgrade (Lapidarium, National Museum of Serbia etc.), visit and session in Viminacium – bus transfer, accommodation and meals in Viminacium (including one night in Viminacium 23rd/24th May).


Registration fees for accompanying persons and persons who don’t participate with lectures include: participation in all lectures, coffee breaks, guided tours in Belgrade, transfer without meals and accommodation to and back from Viminacium on 23rd and 24th May.


The excursion on Saturday 25th May is optional and is paid separately.

Excursion to Sirmium includes: transfer to and from Sirmium, lunch, visit to the Imperial palace with adjacent objects and the Museum of Srem

If you register by 31 March 2024: 50 €

Registrations after 31 March are not possible


Institute of Archaeology
Knez Mihailova 35
11 000 Belgrade
Registration via email until February 20th 2024.
Regular Participation fee payment until March 31st  2024.
Final Participation fee payment from the 1st until the 15th April 2024
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