Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.



18th International  Colloquium on Provincial Roman Art

Belgrade / Viminacium, May 20. – May 25. 2024

The detailed Programme and Book of Abstracts can be dowloaded on the link: https://ai.ac.rs/en/crpa-xviii-programm/

CRPA XVIII extended the deadline until the 15th of January 2024. year.

Because the applications for CRPA XVIII kept coming during this weekend, which attested to the ongoing interest in the Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art, it is decided to extend the deadline until the 15th of January 2024. year.

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2nd Circular for 18th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art

CRPA XVIII Program Submission & Registration Commites & Sponsoring Locations & Accomodation News ai.ac.rs

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1st Circular for 18th International Colloquium on Roman Provincial Art

CRPA XVIII Program Submission & Registration Commites & Sponsoring Locations & Accomodation News ai.ac.rs

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Institute of Archaeology
Knez Mihailova 35
11 000 Belgrade
Registration via email until February 20th 2024.
Regular Participation fee payment until March 31st  2024.
Final Participation fee payment from the 1st until the 15th April 2024
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