Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

The Library

The Library of the Institute of Archaeology is a scientific research library. It was established immediately after the founding of the institute in 1947, and engaged its first librarian, Nadežda Mandić, in 1949. From 1984, Verona Miletin was in charge of the library, and in 1999, Ljubica Cvetković replaced her. Since March 2020, Sanja Nikić has been the head of the library.

The library holds more than 17,700 monographs and 27,700 issues of journals (data correct as at December 2023). The primary catalogue is the local electronic database WINISIS, which was installed in 1995. From June 2022, access to the COBISS catalogue system was made available. Currently, during the transition from one database to the other, there is parallel updating of both catalogues. Both catalogues are ordered by the titles of the journals. The alphabetic catalogue holds information about the journal issues, while the topographic catalogue details where specific issues can be found.

Thanks to the publishing work of the institute, from the founding of the library to today, an exchange of publications has been carried out with over 70 domestic institutions and approximately 370 overseas institutions. Today, the book collection is increased by way of exchanges and, in slightly fewer numbers, by gifts or purchases. The library’s book collections consist of significant publications from archaeology, history, history of art, architecture, geophysics, and other similar scientific disciplines. Many publications are not held in any other library in Serbia except the library of the Institute of Archaeology.

The library’s special collections include legacy works of Đurđe Bošković (around 5,000 units), Milutin Garašanin (around 7,000 units) and Vojislav Trbuhović (around 3,000 units). Work is underway to make these works available for use.

The library has access to a great number of foreign books and journals, thanks to the Consortium of Serbian Libraries for Unified Procurement (KoBSON).

The librarian administers the Digital Repository of the Institute of Archaeology (RAI) , as well as the scientific part of the eNauka portal (SRO editor).

The working hours of the library are Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 15:00.

It is preferable to notify the library in advance of your visit via e-mail.

MA Sanja Nikić Slankamenac

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