Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

Commites & Sponsoring


18th International  Colloquium on Provincial Roman Art

Belgrade / Viminacium, May 20. – May 25. 2024

CRPA Scientific Committee:

Cristina Alexandrescu, Bucharest

Mihai Barbulescu, Bucharest

Gerhard Bauchhenß, Bonn

Piotr Dyczek, Warsaw

Annamaria Facsády, Budapest

Vassiliki Gaggadis-Robin, Aix-en-Provence Manfred Hainzmann, Graz

Jure Krajsek, Celje

Gabrielle Kremer, Vienna

Sabine Lefebvre, Dijon

Johannes Lipps, Tübingen

Peter Noelke, Cologne

Trinidad Nogales Bassarate, Merida Sylvia Palágyi, Veszprém

Titus Panhuysen, Maastricht

Erwin Pochmarski, Graz

Barbara Porod, Graz

Michel Reddé, Paris

Ante Rendić Miočević, Zagreb

Isabel Rodà de Llanza, Barcelona Mirjana Sanader, Zagreb


Organizing committee and cooperation partners:

Nadežda Gavrilović Vitas, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade

Snežana Golubović, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade

Jelena Andjelković Grašar, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade

Milica Tapavički Ilić, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade

Marija Jović, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade

Ivana Kosanović, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade

Ivan Bogdanović, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade

Ljubomir Jevtović, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade

Miroslav Vujović, Faculty of Philosophy Belgrade

Marko Janković, Faculty of Philosophy Belgrade

Jelena Erdeljan, Faculty of Philosophy Belgrade

Olga Špehar, Faculty of Philosophy Belgrade

Veselinka Ninković, National Museum of Serbia

Ministry of Science, technology and innovation of Republic of Serbia Ministry of Culture of Republic of Serbia


Institute of Archaeology
Knez Mihailova 35
11 000 Belgrade
Registration via email until February 20th 2024.
Regular Participation fee payment until March 31st  2024.
Final Participation fee payment from the 1st until the 15th April 2024
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