Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

Middle Ages


The aim of the project is to study a number of topics – from the process of deurbanisation in the late antique period to the re-urbanisation in the Middle Ages, with particular reference to the development of the city, fortification, settlement, material culture, economy, technology and anthropological characteristics of populations that inhabited the Central Balkans.

In some segments, the project also touches on the periods of Ottoman and Austrian occupation. The examination of these topics of archaeology, history, technology and anthropology is of great importance for clarifying some of the still insufficiently researched problems concerning the formation of fortified cities, defence organisation, settlement, habitation, economy, trade, technological base, local production of goods and, finally, the characteristics of the population through the analysis of human osteological material. The questions of deurbanisation and settling imply the study of relationships between citys, forts and settlements in the early Byzantine period, with special reference to the problems of great migrations and the settlement of the Germans, Huns, Slavs and Avars. A particular aspect of research involves the study of forts and monastic complexes. The interpretation of mediaeval forts in the context of the urbanisation of mediaeval Serbia is based on the research of both fortifications and fortified cities. At the same time, the study of material culture takes place through a multidisciplinary approach – from archaeological analysis to an archaeometric examination of the material, for the purpose of determining the technological base, transportation routes and cultural influences. 

  • The work in the field of archaeology of the Early Middle Ages includes the study of the processes that marked the end of Antiquity in the Central Balkans: the vanishing of administration and cities, the collapse of the border and economy and massive depopulation, followed by the arrival of newcomers. The period of Slavic settlement saw complex relationships between the

  • In the context of exploring the later stages of the Middle Ages, our research delves into the study of settlements, fortresses, monasteries and necropolises in the territories which that belonged to the Serbian and Hungarian medieval state (south and north of the Sava and Danube). Additionally, a particular focus of our investigation is dedicated to examining archaeological remnants from the

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