Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.



In 2002, a project called “Culture of Lepenski Vir: cultural processes and transformations from the ninth to the sixth millennia B.C.” was carried out to reconstruct the process of transformation of hunter-gatherer communities into farming-pastoral communities in the Central Balkans. This research resulted in the publication of monographs and studies on a wide range of topics, including cut and polished stone artifacts, stratigraphy, the chronology and content of cultural layers, the anthropological characteristics of Đerdap’s inhabitants during the Mesolithic-Neolithic transition, and more. The publication of field documentation and other materials from the excavations will provide systematization to the broader professional and scientific community and offer insight into the cultural and chronological character of the culture.

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