Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

Projects financed by the Ministry of Culture 2023

Projects financed by the Ministry of Culture 2023

Projects financed by the Ministry of Culture in 2023

Competition for co-financing of archaeological heritage

No. Project Name Project Carrier
1 Archaeological investigations of the site intended for the construction of Mediana Archaeological Centre Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
2 Archaeological research of the Koprijan Medieval Fortress near Doljevac Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
3 Archaeological research of the Koprijan Medieval Fortress near Doljevac Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
4 Serbian-French archaeological research in

area of Caričin Grad

Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
5 Vrelo – Šarkamen, archaeological research,

presentation, and promotion

Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
6 Archaeological research in the lower course of the South Morava river: Excavations of a fortified Late Neolithic settlement at the Middle Polje site in Bradarac, near Aleksinac Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
7 Viminacium – Urban core research at the site of Čair Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
8 Limes in Serbia – UNESCO World Cultural

Heritage – Exploring the Miroč Fortress –


Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
9 Archhaeological research conducted in Velika Humska Čuka in Hum, near Niš Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
10 Archaeological Research of Gradina on Jelica Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
11 Archaeological Workshop – Middle Morava Valley in the Neolithization of Southeastern Europe. Drenovac – Neolithic Megalopolis Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
12 Systematic Archaeological Excavations of the locality Glacov Salaš site in 2023 Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
13 Processing of materials from Neolithic settlements Pavlovac -Čukar and Pavlovac – Gumnište, salvage excavations from 2011 excavating season Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
Project Name Project Carrier
14 Systematic Archaeological Reconnaissance conducted in the area of Jagodina Local Museum Jagodina
15 Processing of movable archaeological material from the locality of Škodrino Polje near Knjaževac –

From the excavating seasons in 2012 and 2013

Local Museum Knjaževac
16 Systematic Archaeological Reconnaissance of the area of Knjaževac Local Museum Knjaževac
17 Felix Romuliana – Gamzigrad 70 years


National Museum of Zaječar

Competition for the Financing of Museum Heritage

No. Project Name Project Carrier
1 Implementation of the exhibition “Journey to the Past – Itinerarium Romanum Serbiae – Viminacium” at the Colosseum Archaeological Park in Rome, Italy, from May 16th to July 14th 2023 Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
2 Conservation of movable cultural property

found on the Viminacium that will be

exhibited on a permanent display

Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
3 Continuation of works on equipping the exhibition space for the permanent display of the Museum as part of the Institute of Archaeology in the area of the Viminacium Archaeological Site (phase 3 – for the year 2023) Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
4 Conservation and Presentation of Viminacium Boats Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
5 Preparation of final documentation, permanent provision, and safe storage of osteological materials from earlier anthropological research in Sirmium Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)

Competition for the Financing of Immovable Cultural Heritage

No. Project Name Project Carrier
1 The project “Sarcophagus and Stele from the Archaeological Site of Viminacium: Conservation, Restoration, and Presentation” Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
2 Conservation, restoration, and presentation of Neolithic architecture in Drenovac Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)

Competition for the Financing of the Library and Informative Activities

No. Project Name Project Carrier
1 Modernization of the IoA’s Library to accommodate the fund and improve the functionality of the space. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
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