Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.


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The intensive scientific cooperation between the Austrian Archaeological Institute and A. Kapuran started in 2017 with joint projects on Bronze Age metallurgy in the Balkans and has significantly expanded over the last few years. Thanks to the profound knowledge of A. Kapuran, our team was able to conduct several field campaigns in eastern Serbia successfully. With our project on Bronze Age copper-producing societies in eastern Serbia and the Central Balkans in general, the Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade and the Austrian Archaeological Institute established a novel scientific discourse of mutual respect and equality that serves as an example of productive and effective cooperation.

Dr Mario Gavranović, Deputy Scientific Director, Department of Prehistory & Western Asian/North-western African Archaeology – Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences

"Cela va bientôt faire 50 ans qu’une fructueuse collaboration scientifique est née entre archéologues français et serbes dans le cadre d’une convention de recherche et d’accords quadriannuels conclus entre l’Institut archéologique de Belgrade et l’École française de Rome. Grâce à des missions archéologiques régulières et à une équipe franco-serbe soudée, archéologues et étudiants fouillent ensemble chaque été à Caričin Grad, ville fondée par l’empereur Justinien (527-565) près de son lieu de naissance. Ils s’interrogent, débattent et interprètent les structures mises au jour. De plus, plusieurs prospections géophysiques et LiDAR ont été effectuées depuis plus de 10 ans par nos collègues de l’Institut archéologique de Belgrade. La poursuite de ce travail collaboration permet de compléter certaines zones du plan topographique général de la ville et continue à révéler des informations importantes sur son paysage urbain et religieux intra et extra muros."

Catherine Vanderheyde, Université libre de Bruxelles, Philosophy and letters department, Université de Strasbourg, Ufr Des Sciences Historiques - UMR 7044, Free University of Brussels, Philosophy and letters

"I had the occasion to collaborate with the Archaeological Institute of Belgrade during the development of an Erasmus+ European project, and it was a discovery and a highly enriching experience: the colleagues from the AI are really professional and skilled, and full of passion for their work. The scientific results of their work are really remarkable, for me it was a very fruitful collaboration: namely, after the end of Erasmus + project, we brought on the collaboration through the signature of an agreement between the Institute and the Parco archeologico del Colosseo. This allowed us to host in the Parco the exhibition "Itinerarium Romanum Serbiae" and to organize a scientific meeting on the occasion of the exhibition opening."

Dr Francesca Boldrighini, Parco Archeologico del Colosseo

"Collaboration between the Archaeological Institute and Sarajevo Graphics Group/DIGI.BA started with the project Roman Heritage in the Balkans and successfully continues through the Creative Europe projects SHELeadersVR and StecakLand. Hardworking experts from the Archaeological Institute are always ready to prepare historical information for our VR/AR applications and to select the most important cultural heritage objects and sites. This collaboration improves museum exhibitions in both Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina with digital content and encourages visitors to come and explore the magnificent historical sites in both countries. It is both an honour and a pleasure to work with such professionals and we hope that this successful collaboration will continue in many future projects"

Prof. Dr Selma Rizvić, University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering

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