МА Mladen Mladenović
Research Assistant
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Research area
MA Mladen Mladenović deals with the Late Antique, the Early Byzantine archaeology, and archaeozoology. His special scientific interests are the exploitation of animals in the indicated periods, the importance of animal husbandry, hunting, fishing in the economy of the settlement and the use of secondary animal products. He is also interested in the use of biomolecular analyses: stable isotope analysis and ancient DNA analysis to better understand aspects of food supply at archaeological sites.
In 2022, he defended PhD thesis proposal at the Department of Archeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
In 2020, he enrolled in PhD academic studies at the Department of Archeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
In 2020, he completed his master’s academic studies at the Department of Archeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
In 2019, he completed his bachelor’s academic studies at the Department of Archeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
- Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade- Research assistant
- SAD – Serbian Archaeological Association
- ICAZ – The International Council for Archaeozoology
Languages: English
Awards, scholarships and professional training
2021–2023. Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
2021–2023. Winner of the award for young talents of the Municipality of Lebane
Participation in international conferences
- 9th PZAF- – Post Graduatee ZooArchaeology Forum, 25–27.06.2021., Belgrade, Serbia
- ICAZ-Zooarchaeology of the Roman Period – 3rd Working Group Meeting: Animals in the Roman Economy: production, supply, and trade within and beyond the Empire’s frontiers, online, 11–12 March 2021
- 10 thPZAF – Post Graduatee ZooArchaeology Forum, 24–26.05.2023., Zagreb, Croatia
Participation in national conferences
- Serbian Archaeological Society 2022 – Regular autumn meeting of the Medieval Section
- Serbian Archaeological Society 2019
- A step into science, the twelfth conference of participants of the research station Petnica, November 29 – December 1, 2013, Valjevo.
- Мladenović, T., Mladenović, M. 2020. Animal exploitation in the territory of present-day Serbia during the Medieval period: a zooarchaeological perspective, in Marković, N., Bulatović, J. (eds), Animal Husbandry and Hunting in Southeast Europe through Time, Oxford: Archaeopress, 167–186.
- Mladenović, M., Pop–Lazić, S. 2023. Animal management in the fortified palace Felix Romuliana – Gamzigrad (Serbia) throughout the Late Antique and the Early Byzantine periods, Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 49,
- Krajcarz, M., Krajcarz, M., Baca, M., Golubiński, M., Bielichová, Z., Bulatović, J., Csippán, P., Dimitrijević V., Kyselý, R., Makowiecki, D., Marciszak, D., Marković, N., Mladenović, M., Van Neer, W., Obada, T., Živaljević, I., Bulatović, A., Ivanišević, V., Pop-Lazić, S., Mihailović, D., Ostasz, A., Penezić, K., Tasić, N., Špehar, P., Wilczyński, J., and Popović, D. 2022. The history of the domestic cat in Central Europe, Antiquity https://doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2022.128
- Grašar, J., Mladenović, M., Gavrilović, A., Grujić, D., Đerković, P., Perić, P., Ilić, I. 2021. Archaeology workshop as an educational approach in communication with the public – case study Roman games in Ptuj, Archaeology and Science 17, Belgrade: Center for New Technology Institute of Archaeology, 135–145.
- Kukić, M., Mladenović, M. 2014. Strategija ishrane na lokalitetu Jerinin grad – Brangović, Petničke sveske 72 (2013), Valjevo: Valjevoprint, 473–479.