MA Danica Mihailović
Research Assistant
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic of south-eastern Europe; the Palaeolithic open-air sites; economy of chipped stone. MA Mihailović’s research is related to the technology of production, organisation of distribution, and use of stone tools, which enables an insight into the social organisation, economy and mobility of the hunter-gatherer communities in the Palaeolithic. During recent years, MA Mihailović’s focus has been on Palaeolithic localities in the open and the exploitation of sources of silicate raw materials as a potential factor in settling during the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic. The research is followed by participation in relevant projects in Serbia and Greece.
2019 –Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Theme: Settlements on mineral resources in the Lower and Middle Palaeolithic of the Balkans
2015 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Mesolithic chipped stone from the locality of Livari and Damnoni in Crete, Greece
2014 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2021 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2019 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English, Italian
Participation in projects
(2019) Archaeology of Serbia: cultural identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the Central Balkans in the development of European prehistory, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
(2020-) Prospection of Mali Šturac, financed by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia
(2019-) Associate on the project of the protective archaeological research on the locality Stambolijski in Bulgaria, The National Archaeological Institute with Museum at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (NAIM-BAS)
(2013-) Stelida Naxos Archaeological Project, Greece, McMaster University, Ontario, CA
(2013 – 2015) The Plakias Stone Age Project, Greece, Providence College, US
(2008 – 2012) Çatalhöyük Research Project, Turkey, Stanford University, CA, US
(2008 – 2010) Archaeological excavations of the Balanica cave, Sićevo, Niš, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, Department of Archaeology and University of Winnipeg, Department for Anthropology
– Serbian Archaeological Society
– European Association of Archaeologists (EAA)
– Canadian Institute in Greece (CIG)
International conferences
- UISPP (International Union of the Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences) XIX world congress, 2021.
- ESHE (European Society for the Study of Human Evolution) conference, 2021.
- LED (Luminescence and Electron Spin Resonance Dating) conference, 16th , 2021
- EAA (European Archaeological Associaton) Annual Meetings,27th, 26th , 20th (2021, 2020, 2014)
- Metarh (7th Scientific Conference Methodology and Archaeometry), 2nd-3rd December, Zagreb, Croatia, (2019)
- Les travaux archaeologiques dans les Cyclades, colloque international, Athens, 22-26th November, 2017
- Cyclades through the Ages: Space-People (The 3rd International Cycladological Conference, Hermoupolis, Syros), 25th-29th May, 2016.
- AIA (Archaeological Institute of America ) Annual Meetings, (2014- 2016)
- SAA (Society for American Archaeology) annual meeting, 2015.
- MESO 2015, The Ninth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Belgrade, Serbia, 14th – 18th September 2015.
National conferences
- Annual meetings of the Serbian Archaeological Society (2020, 2015)
Chapters in international monographs and edited volumes
- Carter, T., Contreras, D.A., Holcomb, J. Mihailović, D.D., Skarpelis, N., Campeau, K., Moutsiou, T., and Athanasoulis, D. (2017) TheStélida Naxos Archaeological Project: New Studies of an Early Prehistoric Chert Quarry in the Cyclades , in D.W. Rupp and J. Tomlinson (eds.), From Maple to Olive: Proceedings of a Colloquium to Celebrate the 40thAnniversary of the Canadian Institute in Greece, 10-11 June 2016. Publications of the Canadian Institute in Greece, 10, Athens: 75-103.
- Carter, T. Contreras, D. Doyle, S. Mihailović, D.D. Skarpelis, N. (2016) Insular activity in the Early Holocene Aegean: Mesolithic chert exploitation at Stélida (Naxos) in context in M.Ghilardi, GEOMEDISLANDS, CNRS éditions, Paris, 275-286.
Papers in scientific journals
- Carter,T.Contreras,D.A. Holcomb, J. Mihailović, D.D. Karkanas, P. Guérin,G. Taffin,N. Athanasoulis,D. Lahaye ,C. (2019) Earliest occupation of the Central Aegean (Naxos), Greece: Implications for hominin and Homo sapiens’ behavior and dispersals, Science Advances, vol.5/10, a
https://advances.sciencemag.org/content/5/10/eaax0997 - Carter,T. Strasser,T.F. Panagopoulou,E. Campeau,K. Mihailović,D.D. (2018) Obsidian circulation in the early Holocene Aegean: A case study from Mesolithic Damnoni (SW Crete), Journal of Archaeological Science:Reports, 173-183.
- Skarpelis,N. Carter,T. Contreras, D.A. Mihailović, D.D. (2017) Characterization of the siliceous rocks at Stélida, an early prehistoric lithic quarry (Northwest Naxos, Greece), by petrography and geochemistry: A first step towards chert sourcing, Journal of Archaeological Science:Reports, 819-833 .
- Carter,T. Mihailović, D.D. Papadatos,Y. Sofianou,C. (2016) The Cretan Mesolithic in Context: New Data from Livari Skiadi (SE Crete), Documenta Prehistorica XLIII, 87-101.
- Carter,T. Contreras,D.A. Mihailović,D.D. Moutsiou,T. Skarpelis,N. Doyle,S. The Stélida Naxos Archaeological Project: New Data on the Mesolithic and Middle Palaeolithic Cyclades,
Antiquity /341, Project Gallery, - http://antiquity.ac.uk/projgall/carter341