MA Ana Mitić
Research Assistant
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
MA Ana Mitić researches Roman material and spiritual culture, that is Roman provincial archaeology. She is particularly dedicated to the study of ceramics by applying different macroscopic and microscopic analyses. Her interests also encompass the local production and distribution of Viminacium pottery. She is also interested in the methods of import of ceramic vessels from large pottery centres into the Balkan provinces. In addition, she studies stone vessels from the territory of the Roman province of Moesia Superior.
2017 –Doctoral studies in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade,
2016 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Roman wells in Viminacium
2014 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2022 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2018 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English, French
Participation in projects
(2018-2019 ) Viminacium, a Roman city and legionary camp – research of the material and spiritual culture, population, application of the modern non-destructive techniques of aerial prospection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute of Archaeology
International Conferences
- 32nd Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Athens, Greece, 25th September – 2nd October 2022
- ArheoVest Symposium: Interdisciplinarity in Archeology and History, Fifth edition: In Honorem Prof. Univ. Emerit Doinea Benea, 25th November, 2017
- 30 th Congress of the Rei Cretariae Romanae Fautores, Lisbon, Portugal, 25th September – 2nd October 2016
- 4 th International Congress of the International Lychnological Association (ILA) Ptuj, 15-19th May 2012
Chapters in international monographs and collections
- Raičković Savić, A. i Mitić, A. 2021. Analiza keramičkog materijala iz objekata 24 i 25 sa lokaliteta Nad Klepečkom, u Arheologija u Srbiji, Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2018. godini, ur. S. Vitezović, M. Radišić, Đ. Obradović. 237-246. Beograd:Arheološki institut
- Raičković Savić, A. i Mitić, A. 2021. Rezultati obrade keramičkog materijala iz objekta br. 18 sa lokacije Nad Klepečkom, Viminacijum, u: Arheologija u Srbiji, Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2018. godini, ur. S. Vitezović, M. Radišić, Đ. Obradović, 241-256. Beograd:Arheološki institut
- Raičković Savić, A. i Mitić, A. 2019. Rezultati tipološke obrade keramičkog materijla sa prostora Viminacijumske nekropole Više grobalja, u Arheologija u Srbiji. Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2017. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović, 191-200. Beograd:Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/41277431/Arheologija_u_Srbiji._Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2017._godini
- Raičković Savić, A. i Bogdanović, A. 2018. Preliminarna analiza keramičkog materijala s prostora viminacijumskog amfiteatra – objekti 3 i 4, u Arheologija u Srbiji. Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2016. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović, 129-136. Beograd: Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/37527171/Arheologija_u_Srbiji_projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2016._godini
- Danković, I. and Bogdanović, A. 2017. Contribution to the knowledge of Viminacium’s water supply, Arheovest V (ArheoVest Symposium: Interdisciplinarity in Archeology and History, Fifth edition: In Honorem Prof. Univ. Emerit Doinea Benea, on November 25, 2017), Timişoara: 469-481.
- Raičković Savić A. i Bogdanović, A. 2017. Obrada keramičkog materijala iz ukopa sa prostora severoistočnog dela amfiteatra Viminacijuma, u Arheologija u Srbiji. Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2015. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović, 119-125. Beograd: Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/35368267/ArheologijA_u_Srbiji._Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2015._godini
- Raičković Savić, A. i Bogdanović, A. 2017. Keramika iz bunara sa prostora viminacijumskog amfiteatra – rezultati obrade materijala iz 2014 godine, u Arheologija u Srbij. Projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2014. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović, 149-152. Beograd: Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/35368200/ArheologijA_u_Srbiji._Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2014._godini
Papers in scientific journals
- Jovičić, M. and Bogdanović, A. 2018. New evidence of the cult of Epona in Viminacium. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 13 (2017): 33-45.
- Богдановић, А. 2017. Керамичке посуде са печатним орнаментима из Виминацијума. Зборник Народног музеја 23-1: 267-282.
- Raičković Savić, A. and Bogdanović, A. 2017. Storage vessels or chamber pots?. Ephemeris Napocensis XXVII: 197-202.