Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

MA Ana Gavrilović

MA Ana Gavrilović

Research Trainee

+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191;
+381 61 20 14 189


Research area:


MA Ana Gavrilović is interested in the domain of public archaeology, primarily the influence that video games can have in spreading awareness of the importance of cultural heritage.




In 2022, she completed her master’s academic studies at the Department of Archeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade

In 2020, she completed her bachelor’s academic studies at the Department of Archeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade




  1. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade-Secretar of editoral board of Starinar journal and publishing of the Insitute of archeology


Member of:

  • President and member of the Archaeology Students Club (KSA- Klub studenata arheologije)
  • Secretary and member of Serbian Archaeological Association (SAD – Srpsko arheološko društvo)
  • Member of NGO Cultural Network Danube (KMD – Kulturna mreža Dunav)


Languages: English


Participation in international conferences


  • 2022 – Second International Conference of Video Game Studies (SVI), abstract “Never Alone when it comes to the fight for cultural heritage


Participation in national conferences


  • 2021 – meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society, abstract “Popularization and perception of archeology as a discipline – Archeogaming and other magic




Chapters in international monographs

  •  Gavrilović, A. (2022). Level up with Archaeogaming. Integration of Archaeological Heritage Interpretation into Practice: Concepts and Case Studies, еd: Anđelković-Grašar and Plemić ,125-135. SAD & Institue of Archeology, Belgrade.


Published papers in national journals

  • Anđelković Grašar, J., Tapavički Ilić, M., Gavrilović, A., Bondžulić, K., i Đorđević, M. (2021). Paths of storytelling focused on archaeology and its outreach potential – CASE study Roman Games in Ptuj. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 17, 147-159. https://doi.org/10.18485/arhe_apn.2021.17.9
  • Anđelković Grašar, J., Mladenović M., Gavrilović A., Grujić D., Đerković P., Perić P. i Ilić. (2021). Archaeology Workshops as an Educational Approach in Communication with the Public – Case Study Roman Games in Ptuj. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 17, 135-147. https://doi.org/10.18485/arhe_apn.2021.17.9
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