Dr Vidan Dimić
Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Vladan Dimić has, since 2010, researched archaeotechnology, that is the exploitation, manufacture, use and circulation of stone raw materials and tools in prehistory, particularly during the Neolithic in Serbia. Dr Dimić started the research related to the mentioned topics on abrasive and polished stone tools from the locality of Lađarište, then expanded his research to other Neolithic localities in Serbia. Some of the main research of Dr Dimić is the functional-typological analyses of stone artefacts, and analyses of raw materials from which tools were made in prehistory. During recent years, Dr Dimić’s focus has also been on archaeological experiments as a complementary segment of archaeotechnological studies, and research on the production processes and the use of stone tools. A significant segment of this research is the analysis of traces of use. All of this research is focused on more or less specific archaeotechnological problems, for the accumulation of data and experiences that enable us to interpret them and better understand different prehistoric communities, their behaviour, exchange of knowledge, skills and their specific technological choices.
2020 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Production and use of Neolithic polished stone tools with a cutting board: experimental research and comparative traceological analyses
2013 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Petrologic, and functional-typological study of polished and abrasive stone tools from the locality of Lađarište, near Vrnjačka Banja
2012 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2020 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2018 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
Languages: English
Participation in projects
(2012-2015) “The rise of metallurgy in Eurasia: Evolution, organisation and consumption of early metal in the Balkans”, University College of London,
(2018-2019) Archaeology of Serbia: Cultural identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the Central Balkans in the development of European prehistory, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
(2013-) Prospection of Mali Šturac: research of prehistoric mining, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
Welcome to Germany 2008, Scholarship of the Federal Republic of Germany and Friedrich Ebert foundation in co-operation with the Bavarian Academic Centre for Central, Eastern and South-eastern Europe (BAYHOST) and the European Movement in Serbia (EMinS)
– Serbian Archaeological Society
International conferences
- 2021) (27th) EAA Annual Meeting
- (2015) 4th Balkan Early Metallurgy Symposium, Targu Jiu, Romania, Vasile Parvan Institute of Archaeology Bucharest, Alexandru Stefulescu Museum of Gorj County Targu Jiu , 10th-12th May 2015
- (2016) The Fourth International Symposium of Archaeology: Vita est vita, Струмица, Македонија, 3-6. 11. 2016
- (2017, 2018, 2021) 6th,, 7th, 10th Scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, (MetArh), Zagreb
- (2018) US Serbia & West Balkan Data Science Workshop, Belgrade 26.08-29.08. 2018
National conferences
- Annual Meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society (2015-2022)
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Antonović, D., Dimić, V., 2022. Abrasive stone tools in Neolithic of Serbia: from recognizing to publication, in The Lithics from Anatolia and Beyond,(ed) A. Baysal, Oxford, Archaeopress: 265-278.
- Dimić, V.,Antonović, D., 2021. Ground and abrasive stone tools from Belovode, in The rise of metallurgy in Eurasia: Evolution, organisation and consumption of early metal in the Balkans, (eds.) Radivojević, M., Benjamin W. Roberts, B. W., Marić, M., Kuzmanović Cvetković, J., and Rehren, T. Oxford, Archaeopress: 205– 214.
- Dimić, V., Antonović, D., 2021. Ground and abrasive stone tools from Pločnik, in The rise of metallurgy in Eurasia: Evolution, organisation and consumption of early metal in the Balkans, (eds.) Radivojević, M., Benjamin W. Roberts, B. W., Marić, M., Kuzmanović Cvetković, J.,and Rehren, T. Oxford, Archaeopress: 382–392.
- Antonović, D., Dimić, V., 2021. Ground and Abrasive Stone Tools from Early Neolithic Site of Bataševo near Mladenovac, in: Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice (serie nouă), Supplementum 1, Scripta praehistorica, Miscellanea in honorem Mariae Bitiri dicata, (eds) R. Dobrescu, A. Boroneanţ, A. Doboş, Cetatea de Scaun: 413-428.
- Antonović, D., Dimić, V. 2017. Copper ore exploitation at the site of Prljuša on Mali Šturac, in S. Vitezović, D. Antonović (eds.) Archaeotechnology studies: Raw material exploitation from prehistory to the Middle Ages, Beograd, Srpsko arheološko društvo : 117 – 142.
- Antonović, D., Dimić, V., Starović, A., Borić, D. 2017. Ground stone artefacts from Aria Babi, in M. Mărgărit and A. Boroneanţ (eds.) From hunter-gatherers to farmers: human adaptations at the end of the Pleistocene and the first part of the Holocene: papers in Honour of Clive Bonsall, Targoviște, Cetatea de Scaun: 135 – 147.
- Filipović, V., Popadić, I., Dimić, V. (2017). Zaštitna arheološka istraživanja na nalazištu Kalčine šume kod Vladičinog Hana, u: (ur.) Bugarski, I., Vitas, G.N., Filipović, V. Arheologija u Srbiji, projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2015. godini; Arheološki institut, Beograd; str: 37-40.
Papers in scientific journals
- Ђуричић, А., Димић, В., 2020. Место и улога експерименталне и искуствене археологије у интерпретацији прошлости, Гласник Српског археолошког друштва, 36: 401 – 423.
- Антоновић, Д., Николић, Е., Витезовић, С., Поповић, Б., Димић, В. 2020. Прљуша, Мали Штурац – истраживање, заштита и презентација праисторијског рударства на Руднику, Гласник друштва конзерватора Србије 44: 66-71.
- Dimić, V. 2019. Hammering the Past: The Experimental (Re)construction and Usage of Prehistoric Mining Hammerstones from Prljuša-Mali Šturac site, Rudnik Mountain; Старинар, Археолошки институт, Београд: 85-112.
- Михаиловић, Д., Боровић-Димић, Ј., Димић, В., Кајтез, И., Гавриловић, Н., Heffter, Е. (2015). Рекогносцирање налазишта из доњег и средњег палеолита на североисточним обронцима Гоча; Гласник Српског археолошког друштва 31: 165-185.
- Dimić, V. (2015). Traseological markers on ground stone cutting–implements from Lađarište site near Vrnjačka Banja. Гласник Српског археолошког друштва 31: 39-74.
- Димић, В. (2014). О појединим терминолошким и интерпретативним проблемима у студијама глачаног и абразивног каменог оруђa: Гласник Српског археолошког друштва 30: 379-398.
- Bogosavljević, V., Borojević, K. Dimić, V., Marković, J. (2017). Sečenje kultivisanih vrsta žitarica u periodu poznog neolita i ranog halkolita na teritoriji Srbije – eksperimentalna istraživanja, Архаика: 27-64.
- Dimić, B. Vidan (2013). “Analiza glačanog i abrazivnog kamenog oruđa sa lokaliteta Lađarište kod Vrnjačke Banje”. у Наша прошлост 14, Народни музеј Краљево: 31–56.