Dr Vesna Bikić
Principal Research Fellow
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Vesna Bikić has, from 1993, been dedicated to the studies of the Middle Ages period processes of settlements and burial customs, with a specific focus on the studies of material culture, particularly ceramics and jewellery. Dr Bikić studies different phenomena from the Byzantine, European Middle Ages period and Ottoman cultural circle, which are the most important for the shaping of the Serbian cultural identity. Questions regarding the production, distribution and use of objects that hold information about complex societal relationships and cultural processes, are studied in a multidisciplinary way, using well- known archaeological and archaeometric methods.
2001 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Byzantine import and influences among the finds from settlements and necropolises in Serbia 11th-15th century
1993 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Ceramics from Belgrade fortress from the 9th century to 1521.
1989 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2014 – Institute of Archaeology, Principal Research Fellow
2004 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2001 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
1994 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
1993 – Institute of Archaeology, scholarship of the Ministry for Science of the Republic of Serbia
Languages: English
Director of projects
2022 – Archaeological research of Koprijan fortress, near Doljevac, Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia
2008-2009 Development of methodological tools for the documenting of archaeological heritage; Sources for the explanation of the historic processes along the Sava and Danube; Governmental programme of scientific-technological cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia
2005-2006 Historical analysis of economic relationships in the Central Balkans, governmental programme of scientific-technological cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Slovenia
2002 Scientific-research project for Belgrade Fortress, Secretary of Culture of Belgrade city government
Participation in projects
(2021–2022) SMACH Project – Sustainable management of cultural heritage in the Balkans in response to climate change. Best practices for adaptation and intercultural cooperation, as a part of the Central European initiative programme
(2020–2022) Cultural Contacts in the Central Balkans: The Study of Archaeological Contexts from Late Prehistory to the 18th Century,pof cooperation between the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
(2011–2019) Processes of urbanisation and development of medieval society, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology (2006–2010) Processes of deurbanisation and urbanisation on the territory of Medieval Serbia, Ministry of Science of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology
(2004–2019) Research and interpretation of archaeological cultures on the territory of Bulgaria and Serbia, utual agreement regarding cooperation between the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
(1989-2015) Programme of systematic archaeological research of the Studenica monastery
(1989-2001) Velika Gradina site in Vrsenice(1886-1999) Programme of research, protection, space regulation and use of Stari (old) Ras and Sopoćani, Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia
– Serbian Committee of Byzantine Studies
– Association Internationale pour l’Etude des Céramiques Médiévales Méditerranéennes (International Association for the Study of Medieval Mediterranean Ceramics) – AIECM3
– Rei Cretariae Romanea Fautores (Supporters of the Cretaceous Roman Empire) – RCRF
(2004) Belgrade City award for social and humanistic sciences
International conferences
- 13th Congress AIECM3 on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics, Granada, 8 to 13 November 2021
- 12th International Congress on Medieval and Modern Period Mediterranean Ceramics, Athens, Greece, 21-27 th October 2018
- 5th International Conference of Mediaeval Archaeology, Zagreb, Croatia, 6–7 th June 2018
- 15th Conference & Exhibition of the European Ceramic Society – EcerS2017, Budapest, Hungary, 9-13 th July 2017
National conferences
- Rani srednji vek na Centralnom i Istočnom Balkanu, Program saradnje između SANU i BAN, Beograd, 25–26. novembar 2021.
- Ser Artur Dž. Evans (1851-1941): „ilirska“ traganja i srpsko pitanje, Beograd, 7. decembar 2021.
- Godišnji skupovi Srpskog arheološkog društva 2014-2018; 2022.
- Šesta nacionalna konferencija vizantologa, Beograd, 18–20. jun 2015.
- Bikić, V. 2010. Vizantijski nakit u Srbiji – modeli i nasleđe, Beograd: Arheološki institut (Posebna izdanja 48)
- Popović, M. i Bikić, V. 2009. Vrsenice – kasnoantičko i srpsko ranosrednjovekovno utvrđenje, Arheološki institut – Beograd
- Поповић, М. и Бикић, В. 2004. Комплекс средњовековне Митрополије у Београду – истраживања у Доњем граду Београдске тврђаве, Београд: Археолошки институт (Посебна издања 41)
- Bikić, V. 2003. Gradska keramika Beograda (16-17. vek), Beograd: Arheološki institut (Posebna izdanja 39)
- Бикић, В. 1994. Средњовековна керамика Београда, Археолошки институт (Посебна издања 25)
Chapters in international monographs and edited volumes
- Vuković, J., Bikić, V. 2022. Pottery Function in the Archaeology of the Continental Balkans: An Overview, in Pottery Function and Use: A Diachronic Perspective, eds. J. Vuković and V. Bikić, Belgrade 2022, 37–66.
- В. Бикић, Керамичке целине и друштвени контексти у раном средњем веку – примери из српске археологије, у Свет средњовековних утврђења, градова и манастира. Омаж Марку Поповићу, ур. В. Иванишевић, В. Бикић, И. Бугарски, Београд 2021, 287–307.
- Бикић, В. 2019. Нова роба за ново друштво – Београд и средња Европа Хабзбурга, у В. Бикић (ур.), Барокни Београд – Преображаји (1717–1739): 162–195. Београд: Археолошки институт, Музеј града Београда / Bikić, V. New Goods for a New Society – Belgrade and Habsburg Central Europe, in: Baroque Belgrade, / V. Bikić (ed.), Baroque Belgrade – Transformation (1717–1739): 162–195. Belgrade: Insitute of Archaeology, Museum of City of Belgrade
- Bikić, V. 2019. Beyond the jewellery: archers’ rings in the medieval Balkans (14th-15th Centuries), in New Research on Late Byzantine Goldsmiths’ Works (13th-15th Centuries) / Neue Forschungen zur spätbyzantinischen Goldschmiedekunst (13.-15. Jahrhundert), Byzanz zwischen Orient und Okzident: Veröffentlichungen des Leibniz-Wissenschafts Campus, ed. A. Bosselman-Ruickbi: 155-164. Mainz: Verlag des Römisch-Germanischen Zentralmuseums
- Bikić, V. and Miladinović-Radmilović, N. 2018. Female identity at teh beginning of the Modern Age – A bride’s burial at Bubanj near Niš (Serbia), in The archaeology of women: Mortuary practices and bioarchaeological reconstruction, eds. Mihai Gligor and Andrei Soficaru: 241-264. Annales Universitatis Apulensis. Series Historica (AUASH), 22/1
- Bikić, V. 2017. Ottoman Glazed Pottery Standardisation: The Belgrade Fortress Evidence for Production Trends, in Glazed Pottery in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea Region, 10th-18th centuries, Vol. 2, eds. S. Bocharov, V. François, A. Sitdikov, 207-216. Kazan-Kishinev: Stratum
Edited volumes
- Бикић, В. (ур.), 2019. Барокни Београд – Преображаји (1717–1739), Београд: Археолошки институт – Музеј града Београда / V. Bikić (ed.), Baroque Belgrade – Transformation (1717–1739), Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology – Museum of City of Belgrade
- Бикић, В. (ур.). Процеси византинизације и српска археологија. Византијско наслеђе и српска уметност I, Београд : Српски комитет за византологију, ЈП Службени гласник, Византолошки институт САНУ/ Bikić, V. (ed.). Processes of Byzantinization and Serbian archaeology. Byzantine heritage and Serbian art I, Belgrade: The Serbian National Committee of Byzantine Studies, Službeni glasnik, Institute for Byzantine Studies Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts.
Papers in scientific journals
- Živković, J., Bikić, V., Georgakopoulou, M., Carvajal Lopéz, J. C. 2021. Ceramic production on the Middle Danube frontier: Belgrade in the 14th and 15th centuries, Journal of Archaeological Sciences: Reports 36: 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jasrep.2021.102809
- Živković, J., Bikić, V., Georgakopoulou, M., Carvajal Lopéz, J. C. 2021. Archaeology of craft and artisans in the Ottoman Empire: a case of ceramic production in Belgrade during the 16th and 17th centuries, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 13.4, article 63: 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12520-021-01306-3
- Bikić, V., Miladinović, Z. 2021. Opal ring from Novo Brdo and gemstone rings in the late Middle Ages, Зборник Народног музеја у Београду XXV/1, 397–434.
- Бикић, В. 2020. Археологија најстаријих српских црквених средишта, Ниш и Византија XVIII, ур. М. Ракоција, Ниш, 223–235.
- Бикић, В. 2016. Прстење из Бањске: идентификацијa и уметничко-занатски контекст. Саопштења XLVIII: 79-92.