Dr Saša Redžić
Senior Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Saša Redžić has, since 1997, researched Roman cultural heritage in Moesia Superior’s territory, and neighbouring Roman provinces. Dr Redžić studies architecture and suburban infrastructure, as well as funeral practices during the period of Roman domination. The particular aspects of Dr Redžić’s interests are Roman coinage, fibulae, belt sets and military equipment.
2014 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Roman belt sets on the territory of Serbia from the 1st to the 4th century
2006 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Finds of Roman fibulae on Viminacium necropolises
2001 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2024 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2015 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2002 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
Languages: English, German
Participation in projects
(2002 – ) IRS – Viminacium, a Roman city and legionary camp – research of the material and spiritual culture, population, application of the modern non-destructive techniques of aerial prospection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute of Archaeology
International Conferences
- XXIVth international LIMES (Roman Frontiers) congress, Belgrade-Viminacium, Serbia, September 3rd -11th 2018.
- HOMINES, FUNERA, ASTRA (HFA6) 6TH EDITION, Alba Iulia, Romania, October 15th-18th 2017
- XXIIIst international LIMES (Roman Frontiers) congress, Ingolstat, Germany, September 14th -20th 2015.
- 10th Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group of the International Council of Zooarchaeology– Belgrade, Serbia August 25th-30th 2014.
- X International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, Vienna, Austria, May 29th – June 2nd 2013. Vienna (Austria)
- XVII International Congress of Classical Archeology, Rome, Italy, September 22th -26th 2008.
- ROMEC XVII- XVII RОman Military Equipment Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, May 24th-27th 2010.
- ROMEC XVI- XVI Roman Military Equipment Conference, Xanten, Germany, June 13th-16th 2007.
National Conferences
- XL skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva i proslava 70 godina Arheološkog instituita (Mnemosynon Firmitatis) – Beograd , Srbija, 2017.
- Redžić, S. 2007. Nalazi rimskih fibula na nekropolama Viminacijuma, Beograd: Arheološki institut. (Arheologija i prirodne nauke, posebna izdanja 2)
Chapters in international monographs and collections
- Војвода, М. Реџић, С. 2018. Циркулација римског новца у српском делу лимеса (I-V век) / Circulation of Roman Coins in the Serbian part of the Limes (1st – 5th century), у Римски лимес и градови на тлу Србије/Roman Limes and cities in the territory of Serbia, ур. М. Кораћ, С. Поп-Лазић, 50-55; 239-281. Београд: Српска академија наука и уметности, Археолошки институт
- Redžić, S. Jovičić, M. Mrđić, N. Rogić, D. 2018. Zaštitna arheološka istraživanja na lokalitetu Pećine (Viminacijum) u 2016. godine, u Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2016. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović-Vitas, V. Filipović, 79-90. Beograd: Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/40390875/Arheologija_u_Srbiji._Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2016._godini
- Redžić, S. Jovičić, M. Danković, I. 2017. Arheološka istraživanja na lokalitetu Rit (Viminacijum) u 2014. godini, u: Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2014. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović-Vitas, V. Filipović, 77-86. Beograd: Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/35368200/ArheologijA_u_Srbiji._Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2014._godini
- Redžić, S. Milovanović, B. Jovičić, M. 2017. Arheološka istraživanja na lokalitetu Rit (Viminacijum), u Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2015. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović-Vitas, V. Filipović, 71-76. Beograd: Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/35368267/ArheologijA_u_Srbiji._Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2015._godini
- Redžić, S. Milovanović, B. Danković, I. 2017. Zaštitna arheološka iskopavanja na lokalitetu Više grobalja (Viminacijum) 2014. godine, Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2014. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović-Vitas, V. Filipović, 87-93. Beograd: Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/35368200/ArheologijA_u_Srbiji._Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2014._godini
- Redžić, S. Mrđić, N. Milovanović, B. 2017. Zaštitna arheološka istraživanja na lokalitetu Više grobalja (Viminacijum) 2015. godine, Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2015. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović-Vitas, V. Filipović, 49-57. Beograd: Arheološki institut https://www.academia.edu/35368267/ArheologijA_u_Srbiji._Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2015._godini
- Redžić, S. 2016. Roman buckles made from bone and ivory discoveed at the site of Viminacium, in Close to the bone – Current Studies in Bone Technologies, ed. S. Vitezović. 261-264. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology
- Redžić, S. Jovičić, M. 2014. Istraživanje antičke vile rustike na lokalitetu Nad Klepečkom (Viminacijum) u 2013. godini, u Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheoloskog instituta u 2013. godini, ur. D. Antonović, 54-59. Beograd: Arheološki institu https://www.academia.edu/9895398/Arheologija_u_Srbiji_Projekti_Arheolo%C5%A1kog_instituta_u_2013._godini
- Redžić, S. 2010. Identifying The Workshop for intensely profiled Fibulae at Viminacium, in Bolletino di Archeologia on line, volume speciale, ed. R.Tribunale,120-125. Roma: Mibac http://www.archeologia.beniculturali.it/pages/pubblicazioni.html
- Redžić, S. 2009. Military Belts from Eastern Cemeteries of Viminacium, in Xanten Berichte, Band 16, ed. A.W. Busch, H.J. Schalles, 243-248. Mainz: LVR Romer Museum
Papers in scientific journals
- Војвода, М. Реџић, С. 2019. Редак налаз новца Ханибалијана из једне гробне целине на Виминацијуму. Нумизматичар 37: 261-267
- Vojvoda, M. Redžić, S. 2019. Roman Coins discovered during archaeological investigations of thermae at Viminacium (2003–2007). JAHA NO. 3.3: 79-98.
- Војвода, М. Реџић, С. 2018. Прилог проучавању тежина римског империјалног и провинцијалног новца (пример виминацијумских јужних некропола). Нумизматичар 36: 51-71.
- Redžić, S. Jovičić, M. Pantelić, S. 2015. Unpublished grave-goods of belt-sets with ring-shaped buckles from Viminacium. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 9: 37-42.
- Redžić, S. Danković, I. 2012. A unique find of a belt set from Viminacium. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 7: 357-360.
- Redžić, S. Jovičić, M. 2011. Unpublished Finds of Roman Fibulas from the Territory of Viminacium. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 6: 49-60.
- Redžić, S. 2009. VTERE FELIX belt sets on the territory of Viminacium. Starinar LVIII: 155-162.