Dr Sanja Pilipović
Principal Research Fellow
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Sanja Pilipović is dedicated to the study of funerary art and the cults of Roman deities on the territory of the Danubian Limes, particularly in Viminacium. Dr Pilipović’s research focus is on the understanding of the cultural and religious life of the population in the aforementioned territory, particularly in the 2nd and the 3rd century.
2007 – Doctoral thesis in Art History. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: The cult of the god Bacchus in the Roman province of Moesia Superior
2003 – Master’s thesis in Art History. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Mythological compositions with the theme of love on sepulchral monuments of the Roman province of Moesia Superior
1998 – Bachelor’s degree in Art History. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2024 – Institute of Archaeology, Principal Research Fellow
2019 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2013 – Institute of Balkan Studies, SANU, Senior Research Associate
2007 – Institute of Balkan Studies, SANU, Research Associate
2003 – Institute of Balkan Studies, SANU, Research Assistant
2002 – Institute of Balkan Studies, SANU, Research Trainee
2001 – Institute of Balkan Studies, SANU (Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), scholarship of the Republic of Serbia for talented students
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
2008 – Scholarship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic – École française de Rome
2007 – Scholarship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic – École française de Rome
2005 – Scholarship of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the French Republic – Dipartimento di Studi storico-religiosi della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia-Università La Sapienza, Roma (Department of Historical-Religious Studies of the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy, La Sapienza University, Rome)
Languages: Italian, English, French
Participation in international conferences
- Scrolls and Codices on funerary stelae in the Upper Moesian Limes. Međunarodna online radionica Representations of writing materials on Roman funerary monuments. Text, image, message, organizovana u okviru projekta “Scroll in Hand” Odeljenja za Antičku istoriju, Univerziteta u Pečuju, pod pokroviteljstvom Mađarske akademije nauka 28. oktobra 2021
- All-seeing Helios: the example of the mirror from Viminacium (Upper Moesia). Међународни конгрес Romanising Oriental Gods? Religious transformations in the Balkan provinces in the Roman period. New finds and novel perspectives / Romanisation des dieux orientaux? Transformations religieuses dans les provinces balkaniques à l’époque romaine. Nouvelles découvertes et perspectives. International symposium Skopje, 18–21 September 2013. Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Skopje, Leiden University, University of Toulouse, Skopje 2013
- Pilipović, S. 2011. Kult Bahusa na centralnom Balkanu. I III vek. Beograd: Balkanološki Institut SANU (posebna izdanja 106)
- Pilipović, S. 2007. Mit i ljubav. Predstave na nadgrobnim spomenicima rimske provincije Gornje Mezije. Beograd: Balkanološki institut SANU (posebna izdanja 100)
Papers in scientific journals
- Pilipović, S. 2021. Stele con cimasa orizontale con coppia di leoni da Viminacium, Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 72: 67–76.
- Pilipović, S. i Milanović, Lj. 2021. Facing Medusa: the significant of the spolia in the church Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in Smederevo. Classica et Christiana 16: 299–322.
- Pilipović, S. i Milanović, Lj. 2020. I Dioscuri nell’arte funeraria: insolito frammento della stele da Viminacium. Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 56: 261–283.
- Pilipović, S. 2019. Gli Augustales a Viminacium (Mesia Superiore): le testimonianze epigrafiche ed iconografiche. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 70: 67 – 82.
- Pilipović, S. 2018. Stele con sella curule e littori sacrali (CIL III, 9733): ordo decurionum a Viminacium. Classica et Christiana 13: 181 – 200.
- Pilipović, S. 2017: Il culto di Silvano nel limes della Mesia Superiore. Acta Archaeologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 68: 59–74.
- Pilipović, S. 2016. Il culto di Liber a Taurunum: un contributo allo studio della viticultura nella Pannonia Inferiore. Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 52: 445–470,
- Pilipović, S. i Milanović, Lj. 2016. The Jonah Sarcophagus from Singidunum: A Contribution to the Study of Early Christian Art in the Balkans. Classica et Christiana 11: 219–245.
- Pilipović, S. 2015. All-Seeing Helios in the Adultery od Venus: the Image and Context in Roman Art ant its Christian Afterlife. Classica et Christiana 10: 479–499.
- Pilipović, S. 2014. Sette divinità planetarie: esempio di corazza della parata da Castra Tricornia (Mesia Superiore), Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina 50, 266–284.
- Pilipović, S. 2013. Le rappresentazioni di Elio/Sol nella Moesia Superior. Classica et Christiana 8/2: 599–626.
- Pilipović, S. 2012. Free-Standing Medallions with Portraits in Upper Moesia. Revue des etudes anciennes 114/1: 101–116.
- Pilipović, S. i Petrović, V. 2012. Deux monuments honorifique de Timacum Minus. Živa Antika 61: 83 – 99.
- Pilipović, S. 2011. Un gruppo di stele funerarie provenienti da Viminacium (Moesia Superior) Classica et Christiana 6/2: 593–612.