Dr Ognjen Mladenović
Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
MA Ognjen Mladenović is oriented, through his participation in several national and international projects, towards research of the origin and distribution of tin during the Bronze and Iron Age, using geological and archaeological prospection, isotope analyses and cultural-historical interpretation of bronze objects. With participation in numerous systematic research of prehistoric localities, he has also focused his research towards questions related to the architecture, interior organisation and mutual relationships between prehistoric settlements.
2023 –PhD thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2017 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Origin and distribution of tin in the territory of Serbia in the period of the Late Bronze Age and the transitional period
2016 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2023 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2021 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2019 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English, French
Participation in projects
(2022-2025) THE FLOW: Interactions-Transmission-Transformation: Long-distance connections in the Copper and Bronze Age of the Central Balkans; Institute of Archaeology Belgrade; the “Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade; under the patronage of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
(2019-) Archaeological Investigation of the Settlement Systems, Burials, and Mining Resources in the Prehistory of North-western Serbia, collaboration with Brooklyn College, City University, New York
(2017 – ) Prehistoric landscapes of the region of Pusta Reka, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade and Institute for the European and Oriental Archaeology, Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna
– Serbian Archaeological Society (secretary)
National Conferences
- (2017-2022) Annual meetings of the Serbian Archaeological Society
Chapters in monographs or edited volumes
- Filipović, V. i Mladenović, O. 2019. Prirodne karakteristike severnog Stiga i njegov strateški značaj u praistoriji i ranoj istoriji/Natural Characteristis of the Northern Stig Area and its Strategic Importance During the Prehistory and Early History, u: Viminacijum u Praistoriji/The Prehistory of Viminacium, ur. A. Kapuran, A. Bulatović, S. Golubović, V. Filipović, 11-24, Beograd: Arheološki institut.
- Mladenović, O., Jovičić, M. i Danković, I. 2019. Naselje Skordiska na lokalitetima Rit i Nad klepečkom/Scordisci Settlement at the Sites of Rit and Nad Klepečkom, u: Viminacijum u Praistoriji/The Prehistory of Viminacium, ur. A. Kapuran, A. Bulatović, S. Golubović, V. Filipović, 177-222, Beograd: Arheološki institut.
- Mladenović, O. 2019. A New Find of Bronze Hinged Fibula from the Vicinity of Svrljig, in: Papers in Honour of Rastko Vasić 80th Birthday, eds. V. Filipović, A. Bulatović, A. Kapuran, 355-366, Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology
Papers in scientific journals
- Filipović, V., Vučković, V. i Mladenović, O. 2019. Archaeological site of Bolnica and its importance for the prehistory of Central Morava Region. Старинар LXIX: 113-138
- Bogić, J. i Mladenović, O. 2019. Археолошка истраживања локалитета Бањица подно Сврљиг града у 2017. години: прелиминарни резултати. Етно-културолошки зборник XXII: 21-35.
- Filipović, V. i Mladenović, O. 2017. Prilog proučavanju članaka astragalnih pojaseva sa teritorije centralne i jugoistočne Evrope. Prilozi instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 34: 143-183.
- Mladenović, O., Sremac, R. i Filipović, V. 2017. Astragal belt from Kablarovac and several chance finds from the vicinity of Šid. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 12: 9-18.
- Младеновић, О. 2017. [Лозница, културна страртиграфија праисторијских локалитета у Јадру, Рађевини и Азбуковици/ Loznica, cultural stratigraphy of the prehistoric sites in Jadar, Rađevina i Azbukovica. Археолошка грађа Србије X]. Гласник САД 33: 365-369.
- Младеновић, О. 2017. Локалитет Градиште у Давидовцу код Врања: Покретни налази из старијег гвозденог доба са заштитних истраживања из 2011. године. Гласник САД 33: 7-22.
- Mladenović, O. 2017. Some remarks on tin ore deposits in the Balkans. Етно-културолошки зборник XXI: 11-20.
- Mladenović, O. 2017. O primeni izotopskih analiza kalaja u Arheologiji. Artefakti 1: 19-30.
- Filipović, V., Bulatović, A., Bankoff, H. A., Powell, W., Mladenović, O., Gligorić, R. i Mason, A. 2019. Jadar: Preliminarni rezultati kampanje 2017. godine, u: Arheologija u Srbiji – projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2017. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović, 78-86.
- Horejs, B., Bulatović, A., Milić, B., i Mladenović, O. 2019. Austrijsko-srpski projekat Praistorijski pejzaži u regionu Puste reke (Leskovac) – istraživanja 2017- godine, u: Arheologija u Srbiji – projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2017. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović, 169-172.