Dr Nemanja Mrđić
Senior Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Nemanja Mrđić is dedicated to the research, protection and presentation of Roman cultural heritage in Europe and Serbia. Dr Mrđić researches military architecture and urban organisations, antique infrastructures (communications and aqueducts) on the Limes in Danubian provinces. Dr Mrđić is particularly interested in the army, units on the territory of the Danubian Limes and Roman military equipment. Dr Mrđić also researches funerary customs, experimental archaeology and keys.
2015 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Military iconography from the 3rd to the 4th century in Illyricum
2009 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Topography and urbanisation of Viminacium
2004 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2021 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2016 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2010 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2005 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English, Russian
Participation in projects
Applying geophysics methods GIS, GPR and GPS technologies in the research of the Roman city and legionary camp of Viminacium, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
(2005-) IRS – Viminacium, Roman city and legion camp – research of the material and spiritual culture, population, application of the modern non-destructive techniques of aerial prospection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute of Archaeology
– ICOM (International Council of Museums)
– Serbian Archaeological Society
– A member of the Bratislava Group, an expert advisory board for the UNESCO transnational cultural heritage project “Frontiers of the Roman Empire”
– A member of the working group for the compilation of the national dossier “Frontiers of the Roman Empire – Danubian Limes in Serbia”, founded by the Commission of the Republic of Serbia for Cooperation with UNESCO
International conferences
- XXIVth international LIMES (Roman Frontiers) congress, Belgrade-Viminacium, Serbia, Organization of sessions: Fortifying our Frontiers and Hold the Lines, September 3rd -11th 2018
- 4th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces. Zagreb, Croatia, November 15th -17th 2017
- Faculty of Classics, Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK, Marche 7th 2017. https://www.mcdonald.cam.ac.uk/events/dcaucus0th2017_6
- 42nd International Symposium of Archaeology and History in Memoriam Constantini Daicoviciu, Bajle Herkulane, Romania, March 9th -12th 2016
- XXIIIst international LIMES (Roman Frontiers) congress, Ingolstat, Germany, September 14th -20th 2015
- 3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Vienn, Austria, November 11th -14th 2015
- Bridging the Danube, Roman Occupation and Interaction along the Middle Danube Valley, 1ST – 5TH C.AD, Timisoara, Romania, April 11th -12th 2014
- VIth International Conference on Mammoths and their Relatives, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Grevena and Siatista, Greece, May 5th-12th 2014
- 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry | ISA 2014, Getty Conservation Institute and University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, May USA, 19th -23th 2014
- 39th International Symposium of Archaeology and History in Memoriam Constantini Daicoviciu, Religious Symbols-Christian Testimonies-Evidences of Faith, from Prehistory to Contemporary Times, Karansebesh, Romania, March 6th – 9th 2013
- 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, May 29th –June 2nd 2013
- 2nd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Ferara, Italy, November 20th -22th 2013
- XXII international LIMES (Roman Frontiers) congress, Ruse, Bulgaria, September 6th -11th 2012
- The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity), Trnava, Slovakia, October 22th – 24th 2011
- International Conference on Methods of Education and Popularisation in Archaeological Heritage, Warsawa, Poland, December 3rd -6th 2011
- ROMEC XVII- XVII RОman Military Equipment Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, May 24th-27th 2010
- Vojvoda, M. Mrđić, N. 2017. Coin finds from the Viminacium necropolis of Pećine and their role in funerary ritual/Nalazi novca sa viminacijumske nekropole Pećine i njihova uloga u pogrebnom ritualu, Beograd: Arheološki insitut
- Vojvoda, M. Mrđić, N. 2015. Coin finds from the Viminacium necropolis of Više grobalja and their role in funerary ritual/Nalazi novca sa viminacijuske nekropole Više grobalja i njihova uloga u pogrebnom ritualu, Beograd: Arheološki institut (Viminacijum knjiga 4)
- Korać, M. Golubović, S. Mrđić, N. 2014. Rimski limes u Srbiji / Roman Limes in Serbia. Beograd: Arheološki institut Beograd
- Korać, M. Golubović, S. Mrđić, N. 2009. Itinerarium Romanum Serbiae – Roads of Roman Emperors in Serbia. Belgrade: Center for New Technology
- Mrđić, N. 2007. Snabdevanje vodom u antici na prostoru Gornje Mezije i jugoistočnog dela Donje Panonije, Beograd: Centar za nove tehnologije
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Mrđić, N. Milovanović, B. 2017. Viminacium – Roman city and legionary camp: Topography, Evolution and Urbanism, in ROMAN FRONTIER STUDIES 2009, eds. N. Hodgson, P. Bidwell, J. Schachtmann. 393-400. Archaeopress Roman Archaeology 25, Oxford. Archaeopress Publishing Ltd
- Мрђић, Н. Бикић, В. Антоновић, M. Радишић, М. Перић. С. 2017. Археолошка истраживања у Ђердапу. у Mnemosynon Firmitatis. Седамдесет година археолошког института (1947-2017), ур. В. Бикић, Ј. Шарић, 67-89. Београд: Археолошки институт
- Mrđić, M. Tapavički-Ilić, M. 2015. A Roman Burial Rite in Viminacium: The Latest Discovery, in Culti e religiosita nelle province danubiane, Atti del II Convegno Internazionale, cur. L. Zerbini, 483-496. Ferrara: LAD Laboratorio di studi e ricerche sulle Antiche province Danubiane
- Mrđić, N. Raičković, A. 2013. Soldier Burials with Weapons at Viminacium Cemetery, in Proceedings of the XVII Roman Military Equipment Conference Weapons and Military Equipment in a Funerary Context, ed. M. Sanader et al, 117-132. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Arheološki muzej u Zagrebu
- Golubović, S. Mrđić, N. 2010. Territory of Roman Viminacium – From Celtic to Slavic Tribes, in The Phenomena of Cultural Borders and Border Cultures across the Passage of Time (From the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity), Anodos 10/2010,ed. K. Trantalidou, 117-125. Trnava: Trnava University
- Milovanović, B. Mrđić, N. 2010. The She-Wolf Motif with Romulus and Remus on a Tomb Stela of an Augustal from Viminacium, in Bollettino di Archeologia on line I 2010/ Volume speciale/ Poster Session 3, ed. R.Tribunale, 90 – 94. Roma: Mibac.
- Кorać, M. Mrđić, N. 2009. Cemetery as a battlefield. Weapon finds from Viminacium cemetaries, in Xantener Berichte 16, ed. A.W. Busch, H.J. Schalles, 107-123. Mainz: LVR Romer Museum.
- Golubović, S. Mrđić, M. 2009. Killed By An Arrow – Grave 152 From Viminacium, in Xantener Berichte 16, ed. A.W. Busch, H.J. Schalles, 55-63. Mainz: LVR Romer Museum.
Edited volumes
- Golubović, S. Mrđić, N. 2018. Vivere Militare Est – From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier, VOLUME I-II, Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology
Papers in scientific journals
- Jovičić, M. Korać, M. Mrđić, N. Dimitrijević, V. Chu, S. Kostić, D. Blackwell, B.2015. The latest steppe mammoths (Mammuthus trogontherii (Pohlig)) and associated fauna on the Late Middle Pleistocene steppe at Nosak, Kostolac Basin, Northeastern Serbia. International Union for Quaternary Research 379: 14–27. http://www.journals.elsevier.com/quaternary-international/
- Jovičić, M. Korać, M. Mrđić, N. Tomić, N. Marković, S. Hose, T. Vasiljević, Đ. Gavrilov, M. 2015. Quaternary International, Exposing mammoths: From loess research discovery to public palaeontological park, 2015. International Union for Quaternary Research 6/372: 142-150 http://www.journals.elsevier.com/quaternary-international/
- Mrđić, N. Raičković, A. 2013. Cult Preparation of a Burial Pit – Experimental Research of Local Customs. Tibiscum (Acta Mvsei Caransebesiensis) 3: 114-123.
- Golubović, S. Mrđić, N. 2013. T-PAS – Project on tourist promotion of the archaeological sites along the route Aquileia, Emona, Viminacium. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 8: 101-112.