Dr Milica Tapavički Ilić
Principal Research Fellow
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Milica Tapavički Ilić’s research has, from 1995, encompassed questions of the Romanisation of Celtic Scordisci in the Central Balkans. Dr Tapavički Ilić focuses on different aspects of, primarily, material culture, such as the remains of settlements and necropolises, and on objects for everyday use. Dr Tapavički Ilić has also researched, for almost a decade, experimental archaeology and its application to scientific research and conclusions.
2002 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Philipps-Universität, Abteilung für Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Marburg, Germany. PhD: Vergleichende Untersuchung zur Romanisierung der Treverer und der Skordisker (PhD: Comparative study of the Romanisation of the Treveri and the Skordisci)
2000 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Scordisci in the period of Roman domination
1996 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2022 – Institute of Archaeology, Principal Research Fellow
2015 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2004 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2002 – National Museum of Serbia, curator of the Iron Age collection
1997 – National Museum of Serbia, trainee
Languages: English, German, Italian
Director of projects
(2019-) COST Action CA 18128 – SEADDA, European Union (representing Republic Serbia)
(2016-) COST Action CA 15201- ARKWORK, European Union (representing Republic Serbia)
(2012-2015) OpenArch, European Union
Participation in projects
(2020-) TRAME – “Tracce di Memoria”, research adviser. The project is co-financed by the European Union, through Erasmus+ (2020-1-IT02-KA201-079794)
(2020-2021) “Sadike na prihodnost”, scientific associate. The project is co-financed by the European Union, through Erasmus+ (2020-2-SI02-KA105-015668)
(2018) ViMM – Virtual Multimodal Museum, expert in digital cultural heritage on the project “Horizon 2020”, UNESCO and CUT – Cyprus University of Technology
(2011 – ) IRS – Viminacium, Roman city, and military legion camp – research of material culture and non-material of inhabitants by using the modern technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation, and 3D visualisation
(2006) Metal Age in Pomoravlje, Institute of Archaeology
(2005) Applying geophysics methods of GIS, GPR, GPS and new methodologies in the research of the Roman city and legionary camp of Viminacium, Institute of Archaeology
(2005) Historical analysis of the economic relationships in the Central Balkans, Slovenian Academy of Sciences (SAZU)
(2004 – 2005) Applying artificial intelligence, internet database and dynamic presentation in archaeology, Institute of Archaeology
(2002) Keltenlexikon, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
(2008) Scholarship for participation in the 3rd LRCW congress in Parma and Pisa, Italy
(2006) Scholarship for participation on 25th international RCRF congress in Durrës, Albania
(1998-2002) DAD scholarship for PhD students
– EXARC (secretary of the organisation)
International conferences
- 27th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Archaeologists – Widening Horizons, Kil, Nemačka, 6. – 11. 09. 2021.
- Pontica 2021, 54th International Session, Muzeul de istorie naţională şi arheologie Constanţa, Konstanca, 17. do 19. novembar 2021.
- МetArh, 7th scientific conference Methodology and Archaeometry, Zagreb, 2 – 3. decembar 2019.
- 5th International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces – Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st cent. BC – 6th cent. AD), Jaši, Rumunija, 5. do 9. novembra 2019.
- XXIV International Limes Congress, Beograd, Viminacijum, 2 – 9. septembar 2018.
- Innovation and Cultural Heritage, High-level Horizon 2020 conference of the European Year of Cultural Heritage, Royal Museum of Arts and History, 20. mart 2018, Brisel.
- EAC 10, Experimental Archaeology Conference, Lajden, Holandija, 20-22. april 2017.
- The Impact of Dialogue with Visitors on AOAM Management, Second International Symposium at Viminacium – European project OpenArch, Viminacijum, Beograd, od 29. septembra do 3. oktobra 2014.
- 2nd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Ferara, Italija, 20 – 22. novembar 2013.
- Archaeological Heritage – its Role in Education, Presentation and Popularization of Science, Viminacijum, Beograd, 5-8. oktobra 2012.
- XXII International Limes Congress, Ruse, Bugarska, 6-11. septembar 2012.
- Ex-Oriente-Lux, “IV. Mednarodni kongres Zveze raziskovalcev svetil, zveze ILA” (IV. nternational Congress of the International Lychnological Association), Ptuj, Slovenija, 15-19. maj 2012.
- The 27th Congress of R.C.R.F., Beograd, 19 – 26. 09. 2010.
National conferences
- XLII godišnji skup Srpskog Arheološkog Društva, (2019, 2021)
- Prvi skup sekcije za arheometriju, arheotehnologiju, geoarheologiju i eksperimentalnu arheologiju Srpskog Arheološkog Društva, Beograd, 28. februar 2020.
- Петковић С., Тапавички-Илић М., 2020. Касноантичко утврђење Horreum Margi (Late Roman Fortification Horreum Margi), Археолошки институт, Грађа 11, Београд.
- Tapavički-ilić M. 2009. Keltische Keramiktradition zur Römerzeit (bei den Treverern und den Skordiskern), Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, Saarbrücken.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. 2004. Die Romanisieurng der Skordisker, Internationale Archäologie IA 84, Rahden/Westf
Edited volumes
- Tapavički-Ilić M. Vasić R. Krstić V. 2004. “Die Skordisker – ein keltisches Volk im Mittelbalkan”, in “Silber der Illyrer und der Kelten im Zentralbalkan“, Keltenmuseum – Hochdorf/Enz.
Chapters in international monographs and edited volumes
- Tapavički-Ilić, M., Nikolić, E., Anđelković Grašar, J. 2020. Managing the archeological park and open-air museum of Viminacium (Serbia) – challenges and development (2007-2018), Chapter 72. in Handbook of Cultural Heritage Analysis, Springer Nature, eds. S. D’Amico, V. Venuti. 2073 – 2107. Springer, Cham.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. Vojvoda M. 2018. Oil-lamp typology from the Roman cemetery “Kod Bresta” – Viminacium excavations 1985-1992, in Ancient lighting devices. Acts of the 4th and 5th Congresses of the International Lychnological Association (Ptuj, May 2012; Sibiu, September 2015) (Monographies Instrumentum 59), ed. L. Chrzanovski, A. Nestorovic, 487-504. Autun: Editions Monique Mergoil.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. 2015. The Story of Dacian Pots and Dacian Cups. Development through Prehistory and History. LIMES XXII, in Proceedings of the 22nd International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies, eds. Ly. Vagalinski, N. Sharankov, 619-625. Sofia: Ruse.
Papers in scientific journals
- Tapavički – Ilić M. 2019. Grabbeigaben als Ausdruck des Venuskultes anhand von Beispielen aus Viminacium. Frauen – Forschung – Archäologie, Band 13: 91-111.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. 2012. Some Observations concerning painted Pottery in Moesia Superior. Rei Cretariae Romanae Acta Favtorum 42: 155-158.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. Golubović S. 2012. The Viminacium Archaeological Park and Scientific and Research Centre. BAR International Series 2443, 2012, 67-73.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. Petković S. 2011. Römerzeitliche Keramik aus dem nordöstlichen Turm der Römerstadt Horreum Margi. Starinar LXI: 251-273.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. 2011. “The Vranj Find of Iron Tools from the Vicinity of Požarevac in Eastern Serbia”. Archaeologia Bulgarica XV: 69-76.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. 2010. “Dacian Ware at Horreum Margi” in LRCW 3, Late Roman Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae in the Mediterranean, Archaeology and archaeometry, Comparison between western and eastern Mediterranean. BAR International Series 2185 (II): 979-982.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. 2008. The Romanization of Scordiscian Pottery (as shown by the example of bowl finds from Viminacium). Rei Cretariae Romanae Acta 40: 195-197.
- Tapavički-Ilić M. 2006. Relations of Celtic Mintings to Roman Monetary System (Shown on the Еxample of Scordisci and Treveri). Starinar LV: 35-51.