Director Dr Snežana Golubović
Principal Research Fellow
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Snežana Golubović participated as a student in large excavations of the Viminacium necropolis and since then she has been involved in research related to Roman provincial archaeology, which includes research of the Roman city, camp and necropolis of Viminacium. She is focused on the material and spiritual culture of the antique population of Viminacium and all the questions associated with the research of the foundation and development of the antique city and a legionary camp of Viminacium. In her research, she applies a multidisciplinary approach, which enables her to participate in the interdisciplinary project of Viminacium
2005 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade, PhD: Burials in Viminacium from the 1st to the 4th century
1998 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade. MA: Graves in the shape of a well from the Viminacium necropolis
1985 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade
2022 – Institute of Archaeology, Director
2022 – Institute of Archaeology, Principal Research Fellow
2015 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2005 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
1999 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
Languages: English, German, French
Director of Projects
(2018-2019) Project Viminacium – excavations of legionary castrum in the locality Čair, director of systematic research, Ministry of Culture and Information, Institute of Archaeology
(2015-2017) Project Viminacium – excavations of the Roman Amphitheatre, director of systematic research, Ministry of Culture and Information, Institute of Archaeology
(2015-2017) ARCHEST Developing archaeological audiences along the Roman route Aquileia-Emona-Sirmium-Viminacium, as part of the programme Creative Europe 2014-2020 (Italy, Slovenia, Serbia)
Participation in projects
(2011 – 2019) IRS – Viminacium, Roman city, and military legion camp – research of material culture and non-material of inhabitants by using the modern technologies of remote detection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation, and 3D visualisation
(2012 – 2014) –Danube Limes Brand (Extension of the Danube Limes – UNESCO World Heritage in the Lower Danube), (SEE/D/0307/4.3/X), DLB (Austria, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia, Romania and Bulgaria)
(2011–2012) Tourist Promotion of the Archaeological Site along the route from Aquileia to Viminacium (Culture Programme 2007-2013), T-PAS (Italy, Slovenia and Serbia)
(2006–2011) Urbanisation and transformation of the city centres of civilian, military and residential character in the Roman provinces of Moesia, Pannonia and Dalmatia, Ministry of Science, Institute of Archaeology
(2006 – 2011) Applying geophysical GIS, GIR and GPS techniques in the research of the Roman city and legionary camp of Viminacium, Ministry of Science
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
(01.11.2001 – 1.08.2002) Scholarship of Bavarian Ministry of Sciences for the preparation of the doctoral thesis at the LMU University in Munich (Institut für Vor- und Frühgeschichte und Provinzialröemische Archäologie LMU München)
(19.02 – 09.03.2001) Studies at the LMU University in Munich, on behalf of Prof. Dr Michael Mackensen
(1991 – 1992) Scholarship of the foundation of the Academy of Sciences and Arts of Vojvodina, postdoctoral studies
International Conferences
- Roman Capitals under Transition, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Novemner 4th-7th 2019.
- XXIVth international LIMES (Roman Frontiers) congress, Belgrade-Viminacium, Serbia, September 3rd -11th 2018.
- Between East and West. Stobi and the Cities of the Roman Provinces in the Balkans, Stobi, Macedonia, September 27th -30th 2018.
- 42nd International Symposium of Archaeology and History in Memoriam Constantini Daicoviciu, Bajle Herkulane, Romania, March 9th -12th 2016.
- XXIIIst international LIMES (Roman Frontiers) congress, Ingolstat, Germany, September 14th -20th 2015.
- 3rd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces,Vienn, Austria, November 11th -14th 2015.
- Bridging the Danube, Roman Occupation and Interaction along the Middle Danube Valley, 1ST – 5TH C.AD, Timisoara, Romania, April 11th -12th 2014.
- 40th International Symposium on Archaeometry | ISA 2014, Getty Conservation Institute and University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California, May USA, 19th -23th 2014.
- 39th International Symposium of Archaeology and History in Memoriam Constantini Daicoviciu, Religious Symbols-Christian Testimonies-Evidences of Faith, from Prehistory to Contemporary Times, Karansebesh, Romania, March 6th – 9th 2013.
- 2nd International Conference on the Roman Danubian Provinces, Ferara, Italy, November 20th -22th 2013.
- XXII international LIMES (Roman Frontiers) congress, Ruse, Bulgaria, September 6th -11th 2012.
- Symposium Archaeological Heritage – Its Role in Education, Presentation and Popularization of Science, Belgrade, Viminacium, Serbia, October 5th -8th 2012.
- „Morti vivosdocent“, Strumicа, Macedonia, November 3rd -6th 2011.
- International Conference on Methods of Education and Popularisation in Archaeological Heritage, Warsawa, Poland, December 3rd -6th 2011.
- XXIst international LIMES (Roman Frontiers), Newcastle upon Tyne, Great Britain, August 17th -23th 2009.
- „Funerary Practices in Central and Eastern Europe (10th century B.C. to 3rd century A.D.)“, Tulcea, Romania, September 10th-12th. 2008.
- XVII International congress of Classical Archeology AIAC „Meetings between cultures in the ancient Mediterranean“, Rome, Italy, September 22th -26th 2008.
- RAC/TRAC 2007 Seventh Roman Archaeology Conference, London, Great Britain, March 27th– Aprile 1st 2007.
- ROMEC XVI – The Roman Military Equipment Conference, Ksanten, Germany, July 13th-16th 2007.
- ROMEC XVI – The Roman Military Equipment Conference, Zagreb, Croatia, July 24th -27th 2007.
- Korać, M. Golubović, S.Mrđić, N. 2014. Rimski limes u Srbiji / Roman Limes in Serbia, Beograd: Arheološki institute
- Korać, M. i Golubović, S. 2009. Viminacium – Više Grobalja 281-530 (kremacija) 268-560 (inhumacija), Tom II, Beograd: Arheološkii nstitut – Centar za nove tehnologije
- Korać, M. Mrđić, N.Golubović, S. 2009. Itinerarium Romanum Serbiae, Beograd: Centar za nove tehnologije
- Golubović, S. 2008. Grobovi u obliku bunara sa nekropola Viminacijuma, Beograd: Arheološki institut
Chapters in international monographs and collections
- Korać, M. Golubović, S. Mrđić N. 2018. Research of Viminacium and its Suburban Zones, u Vivere Militare Est. From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier, II, ur. S. Golubović i N. Mrđić, 41-72. Beograd: Arheološki institute
- Голубовић, С. 2018. Сахрањивање у римском периоду, у Римски лимес и градови на тлу Србије, ур. М. Кораћ и С. Поп-Лазић, 94-99. Београд: САНУ, Археолошки институт
- Golubović, S. 2017. The use of amphorae in burials at Viminacium, u Romans in the Middle and Lower Danube Valley, first century BC – fifth century AD: Case Studies in Archaeology, Epigraphy, and History, ur. E.C. De Senai, C. Timoc, 45-52. British Archaeological Reports-International Series 2882. Oxford: BAR Publishing
- Golubović, S. i Korać, M. 2013. Bringing to Life the Ancient City of Viminacium on the Danube, u Presenting the Romans, ur. N. Mills, 65-73.Woodbridge: Boydell Press
- Golubović, S. i Korać, M. 2008. Cremation Burials at Viminacium (I-III c. AD.), u Funerary Practices in Central and Eastern Europe (10th c BC – 3rd c. AD), ur. V. Sîrbui R. Ştefănescu,109-118. Brăila – Braşov, Muzeul Brăilei
Priređeni tematski zbornici
- Golubović, S. i Mrđić N. 2018 Vivere Militare Est. From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier, Beograd: Arheološki institut
Thematic anthologies prepared
- Jeremić, G. Golubović, S. Drča, S. 2017. Unpublished glass findings from the eastern necropolis of Naissus (Jagodin Mala, Niš). Starinar LXVII: 109-130.
- Golubović, S. Mikić, Ž. 2015. ResultsofArchaeological-Anthropological Studies of Mass Burials inViminacium-Grave G-769/ the Pećine Necropolis. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 11: 155-165.
- Golubović, S. i Korać, M. 2013. Grave Inventory – a Reflection of the Belief of Deceased. Tibiscum (Acta Mvsei Caransebesiensis) 3: 124-136.
- Golubović, S. i Mrđić, N. 2010. Territory of Roman Viminacium – From Celtic to Slavic Tribes. Anodos 10: 117-125.
- Ilić, O. Golubović, S. Mrđić N. 2010. Supplying and Transport along Danube Limes in the Upper Moesia. Arheologija i prirodnenauke 6: 61-76.
- Golubović S. Mrđić, N. Scott Speal, C. 2009. Killed by an Arrow – Grave 152 from Viminacium. Xantener Berichte 16: 55-63.
- Golubović, S. 2004. Jewellery and costume decorations in the cremation graves from Viminacium. Anodos 3: 79-90.
- Golubović, S. 2001. Прилог проучавању оловних саркофага у Горњој Мезији. Viminacium 12: 135-158