IMMERSIUM – Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans

Participants from the Institute of Archaeology:
Executive director: PhD Miomir Korać/PhD Snežana Golubović
Project manager: PhD Ivan Bogdanović
Logistics Assistant: Ljubomir Jevtović
Partner Institutions:
Centre for Cultural Innovations Blink 42-21 (North Macedonia)
Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (Greece)
Balkan Heritage Foundation (Bulgaria)
Muzej in Galerije Mesta Ljubljane (Slovenija)
National Institution for Management of the Archaeological Site of Stobi – Gradsko (North Macedonia)
Navipro d.o.o. (Slovenija)
IMMERSIUM – Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in Western Balkans
Project IMMERSIUM allows mobile phone users to experience life in three Roman archaeological sites: Viminacium in Serbia, Stobi in North Macedonia and Emona in Slovenia.
The use of digital technologies is a leading trend in the promotion and presentation of cultural heritage. That was the subject of project IMMERSIUM – Immersive Storytelling Driven Cooperation for Cultural Heritage Dissemination in the Western Balkans, co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union (623277-CREA-1-2020-1-MK-CULT-COOP-WB). The project began in 2021, and by the end of 2022, with the support of all seven partner institutions, an IMMERSIUM mobile app was developed, including three different stories/games for each of the archaeological sites.
The use of augmented reality, immersive storytelling and other technologies allows visitors to travel back in time and visit the Roman Viminacium, Stobi and Emona, and get a sense of life in the Balkans during the Roman period.