Dr Bebina Milovanović
Senior Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
The primary interests of Dr Milovanović are related to the material and spiritual culture of Romans in the province of Moesia Superior. Since 2002., Dr Milovanović researches problematic of rural and urban settlements, residential and defensive architecture in Viminacium. Dr Milovanović shapes and develops her research by determining the socio-economic aspect of the Roman population’s life by also using multidisciplinary techniques (geophysics, anthropology, GIS).
2008 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade, PhD: Roman lead in Serbia, exploitation, production and use
2005 – Master thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade. MA: Finds of earrings in Roman provinces on the territory of Serbia
1985 – Bachelor degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade
2020 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2009 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2002 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2001 – National Museum Serbia, curator
2000 – National Museum of Požarevac, trainee
Languages: English, French
Participation in projects
(2011-2019) IRS – Viminacium, Roman city and legionary camp – research of the material and spiritual culture, population, application of the modern non-destructive techniques of aerial prospection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute of Archaeology
(2006-2011) Applying geophysics methods GIS, GPR and GPS technologies in the research of the Roman city and legionary camp of Viminacium
(2002-2005) Applying artificial intelligence, internet database and dynamic presentation in archaeology
– Serbian Archaeological Society
Participation in international conferences
- 25th International Limes congress The Netherlands, Nijmegen, 21st – 27th August 2022
- 24th International Limes congress Serbia, Beograd -Viminacijum, 2nd-9th Septembar 2018
- International symposium on Funerary Anthropology, Homines, Funera, Astra,sixth edition – Death and Children from Prehistory to the Middle Ages, Alba Iulia,15-8tth October 2017
- XII International Conference of AIPMA (International Association for the Study of Ancient Mural Painting), Athens, 16-20th September 2013
- ROMEC XVI – The Roman Military Equipment Conference, Zagreb 2013
- XVII International Conference of AIAC „Meetings between cultures in the ancient Mediterranean“, Roma 2008
- „Schmuck und tracht der antike im laufe der zeit“, Modra–Harmónia (Slovakia), 2003
Participation in national conferences
- XLV skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva, Prokuplje, 26- 28. 05.2022.
- XXXVII skupština i godišnji skup Srpskog arheološkog društva, Kragujevac, Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture, 09-11.10. 2014.
- Savetovanje – Održivi razvoj grada i energetskog kompleksa Kostolac, Zbornik radova, Kostolac 16. 05. 2013.
- Savetovanje – održivi razvoj grada Požarevca i energetskog kompleksa Kostolac, Zbornik radova, Kostolac, 25. 04. 2012.
- Promotivno predavanje u Zadužbini Ilije M. Kolarca, Beograd 2010.
- Milovanović, B. 2017. Rudarsko-metalurški kompleksi i predmeti od olova u rimskim provincijama na tlu Srbije/Mining and Metallurgy Lead Complexes and Finds in the Roman Provincies at the Territory of Serbia, Beograd: Arheološki institut
- Миловановић, Б. 2007. Налази наушница у римским провинцијама на територији Србије, Београд: Археолошки институт
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Данковић, И. Миловановић, Б. Марјановић, М. 2018. Од девојчице до matronae: животни ток жена на лимесу, у Римски лимес и градови на тлу Србије, ур. М. Кораћ, С. Поп-Лазић, 72-81. Београд: Археолошки институт
- Milovanović, B. 2018. Jewelry as a Symbol of Prestige, Luxury and Power of the Viminacium Population, in Vivere Militare est from Populus to Emperors-Living on the Frontier, vol. II, ed. M. Korać: 101-142. Beograd: Arheološki institut
- Milovanović, B. and Mrđić, N. 2017. Viminacium – Roman city and legionary camp: topography, evolution and urbanism in Roman Frontier Studies 2009, Proceedings of the XXI International Congress of Roman Frontier Studies (Limes Congress) held at Newcastle upon Tyne in August 2009, eds. N. Hodgson, P. Bidwell, J. Schachtmann, 393-400. Oxford
Papers in international journals
- Gavrilović, D. and Milovanović, B. 2021. Fragments of Wall Painting from Residental Buildings at the Site of Čair (Viminacium). Archaeologia Bulgarica XXV, 1: 15-25.
- Kosanović, I. and Milovanović, B. 2018. Inscriptions of “Good Luck” on Roman Objects from Viminacium. Ephemeris Napocensis XXVII: 203-212.
- Milovanović, B. Nikolić, E. Raičković Savić, A. 2017. Contribution to the Study of Roman Architecture in Viminacium: Research of Thermae Masonary Techniques. Archaeologia Bulgarica XXI-1: 39-58.
- Milovanović, B. 2017. Inhumacija djece na nekropoli Više grobalja antičkog Viminacija/Sceletal graves of children from the necropolis Više grobalja of ancient Viminacium. Vjesnik arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu, 3. s. XLIX: 95-122.
- Milovanović, B. 2014. Vojnici, odlikovanja i vojno znakovlje na nadgrobnim spomenicima iz Viminacija/Solders, Medals and Military Insignia on Tomb Stones from Viminacium. Vjesnik Arheološkog muzeja u Zagrebu 46: 159-184.
Papers in local journals
- Milovanović, B. i Danković, I. 2020. Anthropomorphic amulets from Viminacium, Starinar LXX: 127-143.
- Миловановић, Б., Мрђић Н. и Косановић И. 2020. Заштитна археолошка ископавања у Виминацијуму-источни и северни део. Гласник ДКС 44: 74-79.
- Milovanović, B. and Anđelković Grašar, J. 2017. Female Power that Protects: Examples of the Apotropaic and Decorative Functions of the Medusa in Roman Visual Culture from the Territory of the Central Balkans. Starinar LXVII: 167-182.
- Milovanović, B., Mitić, M., Kosanović, I. 2016. A New Find of Lead Mirror Frames from Rit (Viminacium). Arheologija i prirodne nauke 11: 9-22.
- Миловановић, Б. 2015. Иконе подунавских коњаника од мермера из Горње Мезије. Гласник Српског археолошког друштва 30: 51-80.
- Milovanović, B. and Raičković Savić, A. 2013. Seal boxes from the Viminacium site, Старинар LXIII: 219-236.