Археолошки институт представља јединствену, централну научно-истраживачку установу у Србији која је посвећена археологији. Основала га је Српска академија наука и уметности 1947. године, а од 1961. је самостална установа.

Projects financed by the Ministry of Culture 2024

Projects financed by the Ministry of Culture 2024

Projects financed by the Ministry of Culture in 2024

Competition for co-financing of archaeological heritage

No. Project Name Project Carrier
1 Archaeological research of the Koprijan Medieval Fortress near Doljevac Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
2 Viminacium – Investigation of the urban core at the locality named Čair Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
3 Limes in Serbia – UNESCO World Cultural
Heritage – Exploring the Miroč Fortress –Gerulata
Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
4 Archaeological Workshop – Middle Morava Valley in the Neolithization of Southeastern Europe. Drenovac – Neolithic Megalopolis Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
5 Serbian-French archaeological research in
area of Caričin Grad
Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
6 Archaeological research of the Villa of Constantine the Great at Mediana (Niš) Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
7 Systematic archaeological research of the necropolis with cremated dead at the Hajdučka Česma in 2024 Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
8 Archaeological research in the lower course of the South Morava river: Excavations of a fortified Late Neolithic settlement at the Middle Polje site in Bradarac, near Aleksinac Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
9 Vrelo – Šarkamen, archaeological research,
presentation, and promotion
Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
10 Prospecting of Mali Šturac – Еxploration of prehistoric mining: Еxploration of Shaft 5 Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
11 Archaeological research conducted in Velika Humska Čuka in Hum, near Niš Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
12 Systematic Archaeological Excavations of the locality Glacov Salaš site in 2024.


Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
13 Processing of materials from the Neolithic settlements Pavlovac – Čukar and Pavlovac – Gumnište, salvage excavations in 2011. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
14 Preparation of final documentation and preparation of illustrations for the press from the archaeological excavations of the Adzina field site – Brajkovo in Klenk near Šabac in 2024. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
No. Project Name Project Carrier
15 Systematic archaeological prospecting of the Jagodina region Regional Museum of Jagodina

Systematic archaeological prospecting of the Knjaževac region

Homeland Museum of Knjaževac
17 Geophysical surveys of prehistoric sites in the Rudna Glava region and detailed prospecting of the micro-region. Museum in Majdanpek

Competition for the Financing of Museum Heritage

No. Project Name Project Carrier
1 Continuation of works on equipping the exhibition space for the permanent display of the Viminacium Museum as part of the Institute of Archaeology in the area of ​​the Viminacium archaeological site (phase 4 – 2024) Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
2 Preparation of final documentation and provision of permanent and safe storage of osteological material from earlier anthropological research in Sirmium Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)

Competition for the Financing of Immovable Cultural Heritage

No. Project Name Project Carrier
1 Conservation, restoration, and presentation of Neolithic architecture in Drenovac Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
2 Arrangement, protection, and presentation of the area of ​​the Prljuša Archaeological Site at Rudnik – 2nd Phase Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)

Competition for Digitalization

Project Name
Project Carrier
1 Digitization, presentation, and promotion of two early Christian churches in the locality of Mediana, Niš. Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade (IoA)
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