Dr Uglješa Vojvodić
Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Since 2013. year, research of MA Uglješa Vojvodić is dedicated to the studying of material traces of medieval societies’ cultures in the Balkans, particularly of the squires in medieval Serbia, their burials and bestowers’ activities. As part of his dissertation, he also studies models of settlements and economic patterns in the medieval parish Ras, with the goal of accurate reconstruction of the life in the mentioned territory.
2023 – PhD degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade Ras
2005 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade. MA: Archaeological aspects of squires’ burial in medieval Serbia
2013 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy University in Belgrade
2019 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2019 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2018 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English
Director of Projects
(2018 – ) Co-director of the project Protective research of the necropolis Dublje above the house
Participation in projects
(2011-2019) Processes of urbanisation and development of medieval society, Ministry of education, science and technological development of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade
(2012-2017) Serbian-French-German research of Caričin grad, Archaeological Institute in Belgrade, École française de Rome, CNRS, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz
(2012-2014) Program of systematic archaeological research of the monastery Studenica
(2014 – ) Scientific-research project for Belgrade Fortress, Secretary for the culture of the Assembly of the city of Belgrade, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade
– Serbian Archaeological Society
Participation in international conferences
- Ruraila XIII conference, Stirling 9-15th September 2019
- 6th International Conference on Mediaeval Archaeology, Zagreb 5– 6th June 2019
- 18 simpozijum Niš i Vizantija, Niš 3. – 4. jun 2019.
- US-Serbia & West Balkan data science workshop, Belgrade 26-28th August 2018
Participation in national conferences
- Средњовековна секција Српског архелошког друштва 2017, 2019.
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Bikić V. i Vojvodić U. 2017. Pottery distribution and raw material resources in the area of medieval Ras, in Archaeotechnology studies, Raw material exploitation from prehistory to the Middle Ages, Edd. S. Vitezović, D. Antonović, 161-189. Belgrade: Serbian Archaeological Society
- Ivanović M. i Vojvodić U. 2016. The Marks of Nobility in the Archaeological Context, in: Byzantine Heritage and Serbian Art I. Processes of Byzantinisation and Serbian Archaeology, edd. V. Bikić, 159-165. Belgrade: The Serbian National Committee of Byzantine Studies, P.E. Službeni glasnik, Institute for Byzantine Studies, Serbian Academy of Science and Arts
Papers in scientific journals
- Видосављевић В. и Војводић У. 2018. Извештај са заштитних археолошких истраживања локалитета Дубље изнад куће у Новом Пазару II. Новопазарски зборник 41: 223-226.
- Видосављевић В. и Војводић У. 2017. Извештај са заштитних археолошких истраживања локалитета Дубље изнад куће у Новом Пазару. Новопазарски зборник 40: 213-216.
- Војводић У. 2015. Црква Св. Јована у Савову код Студенице. СаопштењаXLVII: 67-86.