МА Danica Grujić
Research Trainee
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
MA Danica Grujić deals with the analysis of animal remains with the aim of reconstructing human-animal relations in prehistory, primarily in the Bronze and Iron Ages. Special interest is focused on the analysis of the skeletal remains of animals with the aim of reconstructing the diet of people, as well as the role of animal husbandry, hunting and fishing in the economy of communities in the past in the area of the central Balkans. In order to answer the mentioned research questions, in as much detail as possible, she is also interested in the application of biomolecular analyses.
2022 – she enrolled in PhD academic studies at the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2022 – she completed her master’s academic studies at the Department of Archaeology of the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Defended master’s thesis with the topic: Domestic animals in the early Neolithic of the Pannonian Plain: animal husbandry and patterns of settlement seasonality at the Gospođinci-Nove zemlje site
2023 – Archaeological Institute in Belgrade – Junior Research Assistant
Participation in international conferences
- 10th Postgraduate Zooarchaeological Forum, CAZ International Council for Archaeozoology, Zagreb, May 24th-26th 2023
Participation in exhibitions
- “Science for museums: the prehistory of Sombor and its surroundings in the light of new bioarchaeological research”, City Museum of Sombor
Advanced training
Completed the conservation of pottery course at the Central Institute for Conservation (CIK), in Belgrade
Languages: English
- Member of the Serbian Archaeological Society
- Anđelković Grašar, J., Mladenović, M., Gavrilović, A., Grujić, D., Đerković, P., Perić, P., Ilić, I., 2021. Archaeology Workshops as an Educational Approach in Communication with the Public — Case Study Roman Games in Ptuj. Arheologija i prirodne nauke, 17, pp.135 145.
- Grujić D., Vuletić L., Nikolić Đ., Bojić N. 2020. Taksonomske i tafonomske razlike faunističkih ostataka iz geoloških slojeva 1 i 2 u pećini Orlovača, Artefakti, 4/20.
- Grujić, D., Sedlić, A. 2019. Prikaz izložbe „Rimski limes i gradovi na tlu Srbije“, Artefakti, 3/19.
- Grujić., D. 2016. Detekcija tragova upotrebe na neolitskim strugačima pomoću optičkih instrumenata srednjeg uvećanja, Petničke sveske 74. Valjevo, ISP.