Dr Vojislav Filipović
Senior Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
The Bronze and Iron Age of Central Balkans, metal objects, burials, Balkan communications in prehistory, Paleo-Balkan tribes, warrior equipment, archaeometallurgy of bronze, and cultural-historic archaeology
2015 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Weapons and warrior equipment in the cultures of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age in Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Albania
2008 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Necropolises of the developed Bronze Age period of Podgorina and Donje Podrinje
2005 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2020 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2016 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2011 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2003-2006 – Director of archaeology programme in the Petnica research station
Languages: English, French
Director of projects
(2019 -) Co-director of Archaeological research of settlement systems, burial customs and mine resources in the Bronze Age period of north-western Serbia, Brooklyn College of City University New York (USA), and Institute of Archaeology
Participation in projects
(2022-2025) The FLOW: Interactions-Transmission-Transformation: Long-distance connections in Copper and Bronze Age of the Central Balkans; Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, the “Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade; under the patronage of Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
(2010-2019) Archaeology of Serbia: Cultural identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the Central Balkans in the development of the European prehistory, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development. Topic: Material and spiritual culture of Iron Age communities in Serbia, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
– Serbian Archaeological Society
– The Society of Conservators of Serbia
International Conferences
- Bronze Age Metallurgy production – consumption – exchange and 20th Anniversary Archaeometallurgical Laboratory VIAS, Vienna, Austria, 2019
- Prehistoric Communities along the Danube, Osijek, Hrvatska, 2019
- Lost Centuries or Age of Transformation? Rethinking the Late Hallstatt/Early La Tène Transition, Požega , Hrvatska, 2018
- Late Bronze Age Mortuary Practices and Society in the Carpathian Basin, Zagreb, Hrvatska,2017
- Routes, fleuves et habitat groupe au coeur des Balkans, Bordoux, France, 2016
- Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology – The Early Iron Age: Methods and Approaches, Sarajevo. BiH,2016
- Fortifications: the Rise and Fall of Defended Sites in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age of South-East Europe, Timisoara, Romania, 2015
- 14th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology: Funerary Practices during the Bronze and the Iron Ages in the Central and Southeast Europe, Čačak, Serbia, 2015
- From Central Balkans to Danube: Archaeology and Heritage, Svrljig, Serbia, 2013
- Clash of Cultures – Going south…, Piran, Slovenia, 2013
- XVIIth International Congress of Ancient Bronzes, Izmir, Turkey, 2011
- Iron Age Rites and Rituals in the Carpathian Basin, Târgu Mureş, Romania, 2011
- Thracians and the World Around, Shumen, Bulgaria, 2008
- Funerary Practices of the Bronze and Iron Ages in Central and South-Eastern Europe, Bistrita, Romania 2008.
National conferences
- (2005-2021) Annual meetings of the Serbian Archaeological Society and about 20 thematic or narrow regional meetings
- Петровић, В., Филиповић, В., Миливојевић, С. 2012. Сврљишка област у праисторији, антици и средњем веку / LA RÉGION DE SVRLJIG EN SERBIE ORIENTALE – PRÉHISTOIRE, ANTIQUITÉ ET MOYEN ÂGE Београд: Балканолошки институт САНУ и Културни центар Сврљиг
- Булатовић, А., Филиповић, В., Глигорић, Р. 2017. Лозница – културна стратиграфија праисторијских локалитета у Јадру, Рађевини и Азбуковици. Београд – Лозница: Археолошки институт – Музеј Јадра
Chapters in international monographs and edited volumes
- Powell, W., Bankoff, A., Mason, A., Mathur R., Bulatović, A. and Filipović, V. 2018. Tin Sources and Regional Trade in the Bronze Age of Southeast Europe: Evidence from Tin Isotopes in: Gold&Bronze, Metals, Technologies and Interregional Contacts in the Eastern Balkans during the Bronze Age (eds. S. Alexandrov, Y. Dimitrova, B. Horejs and K. Chukalev), 141-149. Sofia: NAIM BAN.
- Filipović, V. 2019. Iron Spears of the Balkan Syginnae Type from the Central Balkans. in: Papers in Honour of Rastko Vasić 80th Birthday (eds. V. Filipović, A. Bulatović i A. Kapuran), 297-306. Belgrade: Institute of archaeology
- Bulatović, A., Filipović, V. 2017. The Morava Valley in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age – changes in topography and material culture. in: Fortifications: The Rise And Fall Of Defended Sites In Late Bronze And Early Iron Age Of South-East Europe (eds. B.S. Heeb, A. Szentmiklosi, R. Krause and M. Wemhoff), 149-159. International Conference in Timişoara, Romania from November 11th to 13th, 2015. Berlin: Staatliche Museen zu Berlin,
- Filipović, V. 2014. Triballi as conservative Palaeobalkan tribe in the 6th and 5th century BC, in: The Clash of Cultures? The Celts and the Macedonian World (eds. M. Guštin and W. David). 47-52, Manching: kelten römer museums manching
- Tapavički-Ilić, M., Filipović, V. 2012. A Late Iron Age Grave Find from Syrmiain: Iron Age Rites and Rituals in the Carpathian Basin (ed. S. Berecki),453-459 Proceedings of the International Colloquium from Târgu Mureş, 7–9 October 2011, Târgu Mureş: Editura Mega.
Papers in scientific journals
- Bulatović, A., Molloy, B., Filipović, V. 2021. Changes in material culture and settlement patterns in the LBA in the Central Balkans in the light of new data. Starinar LXXI: 61-106.
- Filipović, V. 2018. Some Observations on Communications and Contacts in the Central Balkan and Neighbouring Regions During the 7th to 5th Century BC Based on the Distribution of Weapons. Godišnjak CBI ANUBiH 47: 105–115.
- Filipović V. and Mladenović, O. 2017. Prilog proučavanju članaka astragalnih pojaseva sa teritorije centralne i jugoistočne Evrope / Contribution to the Study of Astragal Belt Segments from the Territory of Central and Southeastern Europe. Prilozi Instituta za arheologiju u Zagrebu 34: 143-183.
- Filipović, V., Vasić, R. 2017. Illicit Antiquities Plague in Serbia. Glasnik SAD 33: 335-348.
- Mason, A.H., Powell W.G., Bankoff H.A., Mathur R., Bulatović, A., Filipović, V., Ruiz, J. 2016. Tin isotope characterization of bronze artifacts of the central Balkans. Journal of Archaeological Science 69:110-117.
- Филиповић, В. 2015. Скифские влияния в центральной части Балкан в раннем железном веке. Stratum plus 2015/3: 9-17.
- Petrović, V., Filipović, V. 2015. The First Cohort of Cretans, a Roman Military Unit at Timacum Maius. Balcanica XLVI: 33-39.
- Filipović, V., Bulatović, A. 2011. An Early Iron Age Necropolis in Eastern Serbia. Glasnik SAD 26: 73-83.