Dr Sonja Jovanović
Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Since 2005, Dr Sonja Jovanović has been dedicated to the studies of the Roman and Early Byzantine periods, through research of settlement and urbanisation processes, and burial customs and material culture, particularly coinage and glass. Since 2008, Dr Jovanović has focused on studies of Late Roman and Early Byzantine glass, but also on glass material of the medieval period. She is dedicated to questions of the manufacture and distribution of raw glass and final products, and the use of glass objects, through a multidisciplinary approach that encompasses archaeological and archaeometry methods.
2015 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Technology of glass production and production centres in Dacia Mediterranea
2008 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Roman heritage in Leskovac Valley
2005 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2016 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2008 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2008 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English, French
Participation in projects
(2011-2019) Processes of urbanisation and development of the medieval society, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology
(2001-2019) Serbian-French-German research of Caričin Grad, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, École Française de Rome, CNRS, Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum Mainz
(2017-2018) Glass from Byzantium to Baghdad – trade and technology from the Byzantine
Empire to the Abbasid Caliphate (University College London – Qatar)
(2016-2017) DANUBIUS. Organisation ecclésiastique et topographie chrétienne du Bas-Danube pendant l’Antiquité tardive (IIIe-VIIIe siècles ap. J.-C.), Université de Lille (Ecclesiastical organisation and Christian topography of the Lower Danube during Late Antiquity (3rd-8th centuries AD), University of Lille)
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
(2008) Scholarship of the foundation Alexander Rave, Landesmuseum Mainz
International conferences
- ARTE-FACTUM 2 – Study days on ancient glass, Podgorica-Duklja 2022
- ARTE-FACTUM 1 – Study days on ancient glass, Kopar 2020
- East Meets East, Medieval Glass Trade and Technology from the Balkans to the Arabian Gulf, Preslav 2017
- Niš i Vizantija, simpozijum XV, Niš 2016
- 20 th Congress of the International Association for the History of Glass, Friburg-Remont 2015
- 10 th Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group of the International Council of Archaeolzoology, Belgrade 2014
- Early Byzantine City and Society. Conference Dedicated to the Centenary of Archaeological Research in Caričin Grad, Leskovac 2012
- I Workshop Internazionale di Numismatica, Roma 2011
- XIV Međunarodni numizmatički kongres, Glazgov 2009
- Glass Along the Silk Road, from 200 BC to AD 1000, Majnc 2008
National conferences
- Serbian Archaeological Society, XL Assembly and annual meeting and celebration of 70 years of the Archaeological Institute (Mnemosynon firmitatis), Belgrade 2017
- Annual meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society 2016
- Stamenković, S. 2013. Rimsko nasleđe u Leskovačkoj kotlini, Beograd: Arheološki institut (Posebna izdanja; knj. 53)
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Ivanišević, V. i Stamenković, S. 2017. Coin finds from the intramural housing in Caričin Grad (Justiniana Prima), in Numismatica e Archeologia. Monete, stratigrafie e contesti. Dati a confronto, ed. G. Pardini, N. Parise, F. Marani, 601-608. Roma
- Stamenković, S. Greiff, S. Hartmann S. 2017. Late Roman glass from Mala Kopašnica (Serbia) – Forms and chemical analysis, AIHV Annales du 20e Congrès, Fribourg / Romont 7–11 septembre 2015, Romont 2017, 213-221.
- Marković, N. i Stamenković, S. 2016. Antler workshop in Caričin Grad, in Close to the bone: current studies in bone technologies, ed. S. Vitezović, 218-225. Beograd: Arheološki institute
- Стаменковић, С. Иванишевић, В. Пешић, Ј. 2016. Римска некропола у Малој Копашници, у Археолошkа истраживања на аутопуту Е75 (2011-2014), ур. С. Перић, А. Булатовић, 17-45. Београд: Археолошки институ
- Иванишевић, В. Стаменковић, С. Јовић, С. 2016. Римско насеље и занатски центар у Малој Копашници, у Археолошkа истраживања на аутопуту Е75 (2011-2014), ур. С. Перић , А. Булатовић, 47-69. Београд: Археолошки институт
- Стаменковић, С. 2015. Средњовековно стакло манастира Студенице, у Манастир Студеница: археолошка открића, М. Поповић, 361-377. Београд: Републички завод за заштиту споменика културе и Археолошки институт
- Ivanišević, V. i Stamenković, S. 2011. New data on monetary circulation in northern Illyricum in the fifth century. in Proceedings of the XIVth International Numismatic Congress – Glasgow 2009, ed. N. Holmes,757-764. Glasgow
- Ivanišević, V. i Stamenković, S. (with a contribution by Susanne Greiff). 2010. »Glass« workshop from Caričin grad (Iustiniana Prima), in Glass along the Silk Road from 200 BC to AD 1000, ed. Bettina Zorn, Alexandra Hilgner, 39-52. Mainz
Papers in scientific journals
- Jovanović, S., Cholakova, A., Pop-Lazić, S., Freestone, I. C., Živković, M. 2021.The blues of Romuliana, Starinar LXXI: 207-230.
- Иванишевић, В. и Јовановић, С. 2018. Стаклени тегови са Царичиног града (Justiniana Prima). Лесковачки зборник LVIII: 43-53.
- Spasić-Đurić, D. i Jovanović S. 2018. A 12th century set of marvered purple glass vessels from Braničevo (Serbia). Starinar LXVIII: 151-173.
- Rehren, Th. Cholakova, A. Jovanović, S. 2018. Composition and texture of a set of marvered glass vessels from 12th century AD Braničevo, Serbia. Starinar LXVIII: 125-149.
- Иванишевић, В. и Стаменковић, С. 2014. Late Roman fortifications in the Leskovac basin in relation to urban centres, Starinar LXIV/2014: 219-230.
- Stamenković, S. i Ivanišević, V. 2013. Rimski i ranovizantijski carski olovni pečati iz zbirke Narodnog muzeja u Beogradu. Numizmatičar 31: 239-252.