Dr Sofija Petković
Principal Research Fellow
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Sofija Petković’s research is focused on the archaeology of the Roman period, analysis of the foundation and transformation of Roman military fortifications, fortified cities, fortified imperial residences and Roman and late antique necropolises on the Balkans, and on archaeological finds such as – fibulae, bone and antler objects, ceramics and ceramic lamps. Dr Petković’s particular research is related to the mining and metallurgy of the Roman period and the influence of natural resources on the Romanisation of the Balkans. In archaeological research, Dr Petković applies interdisciplinary methods, which encompass the analysis of architecture, bioarchaeology, archaeometallurgy and geo-sciences, all in cooperation with the colleagues from the mentioned fields.
2008 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Roman fibulae on the territory of Serbia from the 1st to the 4th century
1994 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Bone and antler objects on the territory of Moesia Superior 1st – 4th century
1984 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2019 – Institute of Archaeology, Principal Research Fellow
2012 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2008 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
1990 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
1990 – Military Museum in Belgrade
Languages: English, German, French, Russian
Director of projects
(2013-) Vrelo-Šarkamen, archaeological research, presentation and promotion, Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade and Museum of Krajina, Negotin
(2012) Systematic protection research of the locality of Dekutince – Suvi Rid – Kućište, near Vladičin Han on the E75 motorway, passage 10
(2011-) Archaeological research, presentation and promotion of the Roman fortification and settlement of Timacum Minus in Ravna, near Knjaževac, Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, Homeland Museum of Knjaževac
(2011-) Influence of natural resources on the formation of Roman settlements and fortifications in eastern Serbia, project of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia
(2011) Systematic protective research of the locality of Davidovac – Gradište, near Vranje on the E 75 motorway, passage 10
(2002-2008) Romuliana-Gamzigrad, Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade, National Museum in Zaječar, project of the Board for Archaeology of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, co-ordinator Dr Miloje Vasić, academic director Slobodan Dušanić
Participation in projects
(2011-2019) Romanisation, urbanisation and transformation of urban centres of civilian and military character in Roman provinces on the territory of Serbia, a project of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
(1985-1991) member of the archaeological team on the research of the Trajan’s Bridge locality, in the project Djerdap II, under the academic M. Garašanin (Archaeology department, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts), Dr Gordana Marjanović-Vujović (National Museum of Serbia) and Dr Miloje Vasić (Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade)
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
Plaque from the Ministry of Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia for the best monography in humanities for 2010
- Serbian Archaeological Society
- Editor for archaeology and old history of Serbian encyclopaedia: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Matica Srpska, Institute for Textbook Publishing of the Republic Serbia – from 2011; from 2018, Dr Petković has been the editor
- Matica Srpska, Department of Lexicography, Novi Sad, member-associate
- A correspondent member of Römisch-Germanische Kommission des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Frankfurt am Main (from 2019)
- A member of the Board for the archaeological locality of Felix Romuliana (Gamzigrad)
- A member of the editorial board of the journal of the Serbian Archaeological Society (2008-2015)
International conferences
- Limes XXIIII. 24st International Limes Congress, Institute of Archeology, Belgrade – Viminacium, Serbia, September 2nd-9th 2018
- 10th Meeting of the Worked Bone Research Group of the International Council of Zooarchaeology, Beograd, Serbia 2017
- International Symposium of Funerary Anthropology “Homines, Funera, Astra” Sixt edition. Death and Children from Prehistory to the Middle Ages, “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba Iulia, Alba Iulia, Romania, October 15-18th 2017
- International Symposium of Funerary Anthropology “Homines, Funera, Astra” Fifth edition. Death and Animals from Prehistory to Middle Ages, “1 Decembrie 1918”, University of Alba Iulia, Romania, 18-21 October, 2015
- 46th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, 1-4 October 2014, Bor Lake Serbia
- Symposium “Archaeological Heritage – its Role in Education, Presentation and Popularization of Science”,Viminacium, Serbia, October, 5 – 8 2012
- International Conferenc, Romuliana. 50 Years of Archaeological Excavations, Zaječar, Srbija, October 27th – 29th 2003
- 3rd International Symposium „Metallurgy in Southeast Europe from Ancient Times till the End of 19th Century„ Sozopol, Bulgaria, Septembar 26th – 30th 2005
National conferences
- Godišnji skupovi Srpskog arheološkog društva, 2010-2013, 2016, 2017, 2021.
- Antičke svetiljke- hronologija, tipologija i ornamentika. Akta sa stručnog skupa, Beograd, Srbija, 2013.
- Arheometalurgija, VII Savetovanje metalurga Srbije, “ Perspektive razvoja metalurške industrije Srbije”, Beograd, Srbija,11 – 13. septembar, 2008.
- Петковић, С., Тапавички Илић, М. 2020. Касноантичко утврђење Horreum Margi (Late Roman Fortification of Horreum Margi), Грађа бр. 11, Београд: Археолошки институт.
- Živković, D., Štrbac, N., Petković, S., Lamut, J., 2018. Felix Romuliana – ranovizantijski arheometalurški centar, Bor: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Tehnički fakultet Bor.
- Петковић, С., Гавриловић-Витас, Н., Миладиновић-Радмиловић, Н., Илијић, Б. 2016. Погребни ритуал и Дионисов култ на Равни (Timacum Minus), Посебна издања 57, Београд – Књажевац: Археолошки институт.
- Petković, S. 2010. Rimske fibule u Srbiji od I do V veka n.e.(Römische Fibeln in Serbien von 1. bis 5. Jh. nach Chr.), Posebna izdanja 50, Beograd: Arheološki institute.
- Petković, S. ,Ružić, M., Jovanović, S., Vuksan, M., Zoffmann, Zs. 2005. Roman and Medieval necropolis in Ravna near Knjaževac, Posebna izdanja 42, Beograd: Arheološki institut.
- Petković, S. 1995. Rimski predmeti od kosti i roga sa teritorije Gornje Mezije, Posebna izdanja 28, Beograd: Arheološki institut.
Edited volumes
- Gamzigrad-Studien I. Ergebnisse der deutsch-serbischen Forschungen im Umfeld des Palastes Romuliana, Gerda von Bülow, Sofija Petković (Hrsg.).Römisch-Germanische Forschungen Bd. 75. Wiesbaden 2020, 1-406;
- Illyricum Romanum. Studiola in honorem Miloje Vasić, ed. Ivana Popović, Sofija Petković, Monographs no. 73, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade 2020, 1-286.
- Ancient Cult in the Balkans through Archaeological Findings and Icoography/ Антички култ на Балкану кроз археолошке налазе и иконографију, Edited by Sofija Petković and Nadežda Gavrilović Vitas, Serbian Archaeological Society/Српско археолошко друштво, Beograd 2020, 1-181.
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Petković, S. 2020. Roman Brooches from Serbia as Cult Objects, in Ancient Cult in the Balkans through Archaeological Findings and Icoography/ Антички култ на Балкану кроз археолошке налазе и иконографију, Ed. S. Petković and N. Gavrilović Vitas. Beograd, Serbian Archaeological Society/Српско археолошко друштво: 131-156.
- Petković, S. 2020. The Results of Archaeological Research in the South Tower of the West Gate of Later Fortification of Felix Romuliana, in Gamzigrad-Studien I. Ergebnisse der deutsch-serbischen Forschungen im Umfeld des Palastes Romuliana, Bd. 75. Hrsg. G. von Bülow, S. Petković. Wiesbaden, Römisch-Germanische Forschungen:171-204.
- Petković, S. 2020. Lamps from the Roman Fortification of Čezava – Castrum Novae as Chronological Indicators of the Startigraphy of Cultural Layers, in Illyricum Romanum. Studiola in honorem Miloje Vasić, ed. I. Popović, S. Petković, Monographs no. 73. Belgrade, Institute of Archaeology: 40-52.
- Miladinović-Radmilović, N., Petković, S. 2020. Health and Social Status of Children in the Late Roman Timacum Minus, in Illyricum Romanum. Studiola in honorem Miloje Vasić, ed. I. Popović, S. Petković, Monographs no. 73. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology: 240-267.
- Petković, S. 2019. Fibulae and Roman Army on Danube in Moesia Superior, in Vivere militare est. From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier, (Vol. I), ed. M. Korać. Belgrade, Institute of Archaeology: 65-131.
- Petković, S. 2017. Roman Necropolis with Cremation in Davidovac near Vranje – Contribution to Study of Mala Kopašnica – Sase Type Graves, in Ante portam auream. Studia in honorem professoris Aleksandar Jovanović, ed. M. B. Vujović. Belgrade, University of Belgrade, Faculty of philosophy: 151-176.
- Petković, S., Bugarski, I., Miladinović-Radmilović, N., 2017. A Non-Wandering Soldier’s Grave? The Seventh-Century Burial in Davidovac (Southern Serbia), in Grenzübergänge. Spätrömisch, -frühchristlisch, -frühbyzantisch als Kategorien der historisch-archäologischen Forschung an der mittleren Donau/ Late Roman, Early Christian, Early Byzantine as categories in historical-archaeological research on the middle Danube. herausgeben von I. Bugarski, O.Heinrich-Tamáska, V. Ivanišević und D. Syrbe / Forschungen zu Spätantike und Mittelalter 4, herausgegeben von O. Heinrich-Tamáska, N. Krohn und S.Ristow. Greiner, Remshalden: 247-272.
- Petković, S. 2011. Late Roman Romuliana and Mediaeval Gamzigrad from the end of 4thto 11th centuries AD, in Keszthely – Fenékpuszta im Kontext spätantiker Kontinuitätsforschung zwischen Noricum und Moesia, Hrsg. O. Heinrich-Tamaska. Budapest – Leipzig – Kesthely – Rahden: 267 – 283.
- Petković, S. 2011. Gamzigrad – Romulianain der Zeit nach dem Kaiserlichen Palast, in Bruckneudorf und Gamzigrad. Spätantike Pälaste und Großvillen im Donau-Balkan Raum, Band 15, G. von Bülow, H. Zabehlicky. Bonn, KVF: 113 -128.