Dr Ivan Vranić
Senior Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Ivan Vranić researches cultural contacts and social, political and economic relationships of Iron Age communities from the Balkans and antique Greece. The research that Dr Vranić conducts is focused on the locality of Kale in Krševica and numerous fortified “Hellenistic settlements” in the Balkans’ interior, which were built with the knowledge of certain Greek architectural principles and technologies. Dr Vranić is interested in the identity questions that are connected to the production, distribution and consumption of red-figural and West Slope Greek pottery in Krševica and other localities, as well as the practice in the consumption of the so-called local grey Hellenistic pottery.
2012 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: The relationships between the Central Balkans and the Aegean in the 4th and the 3rd century B. C. The example of the locality of Kale in Krševica
2007 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Ceramic material from the locality of Kale in Krševica. Possible approaches
2006 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2023 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2013 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2008 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2006 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English, German, French
Director of projects
Archaeological site of Kale in Krševica, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia
Participation in projects
(2010- 2020) Archaeology of Serbia: Cultural identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the Central Balkans in the development of European prehistory, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
(2006-2010) Metal Ages in Pomoravlje. Project of the Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, financed by the Ministry of Science and Technologies of the Republic of Serbia
– Serbian Archaeological Society
International conferences
- Between the Aegean and the Danube: Thracians, Greeks, and Celts in the Balkans during the Classical and Hellenistic periods, National Archaeological Institute with Museum (Bulgarian Academy of Science) and “Mieczysław Domaradzki” museum, 19th-21st September 2018, Sofia
- Iron Age Connectivity in the Carpathian Basin, Târgu Mureş, Romania, 13th–15th October 2017
- The Violence in the Prehistory and Antiquity/Die Gewalt in der Vorgeschihte und im Altertum,
- Humboldt-Conference/Humboldt-Kolleg, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 15th-16th October 2016
- Settlement, Culture and population dynamics in Balkan prehistory, HAEMUS: Center for Scientific Research and Promotion of Culture, Skopje, Macedonia, 13th-14th March 2016
- European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS 2014), Bononia University, Bologna, Italy, 15th-20th June 2014
- The 3rd International Symposium of Archaeology, Strumica, Macedonia, 31st October- 3rd November 2013
- The 5th International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Belgrade, Serbia, 17th-21st September 2013
- Theory and Methodology in the Prehistoric Archaeology of Central Europe, University of West Bohemia – Pilsen, Masarik University – Brno, 24th-26th October 2012
- Imperialism and Identity at the Edges of the Roman World, University of Belgrade (Department of Archaeology), University of Novi Sad (Department of History) and Petnica Science Center 20th − 23rd September 2012
- Fingerprinting the Iron Age, Approaches to identity in the European Iron Age. Integrating South-Eastern Europe into the debate. Magdalene College and McDonald Institute, University of Cambridge, 23rd – 25th September 2011
- The 4th International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Istanbul, Turkey, 14th-18th September 2009
National conferences
- XL assembly and annual meeting and celebration of 70 years of the Archaeological Institute, Belgrade, Serbian Archaeological Society, Archaeological Institute, Belgrade, 5-7. June 2017
- Serbian archeology between theory and facts (2013-2017)
- Serbian Archaeological Society, XXXVI Assembly and Annual Meeting, Serbian Archaeological Society and Museum of Vojvodina, Novi Sad, May 30 – June 1, 2013
- Вранић, И. 2022. Хеленизација у новом кључу: потрошња грчке фирнисоване керамике, “умрежавање” и културне промен на Кршевици (V-III век пре н.е.). Београд: Археолошки институт, Народни музеј Србије.
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Vranić, I. 2018. Interpreting Iron Age violence or violent nature of archaeological narratives? The case of Kale-Krševica (south-eastern Serbia), in Violence in Prehistory and Antiquity, ed. E. Nemeth, 23−38. Kaiserslautern und Mehlingen: Parthenon Verlag
- Popovic, P., Vranic, I. 2017. Add Apian Ill. V. 14, in Ante portam auream, Studia in honorem professoris Aleksandar Jovanović, ed. M. Vujović, 89−95. Beograd: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu
- Vranić, I. 2014. ‘Hellenization’ and ethnicity in the continental Balkan Iron Age, in Fingerprinting the Iron Age, eds. C. Popa & S. Stoddart, 173−184. Oxford: Oxbow Books
- Vranić, I. 2014. The ‘Hellenization’ process and the Balkan Iron Age, in The Edges of the Roman World, eds. M.A. Janković, V.D. Mihajlović & S. Babić, 33−47. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishers
- Popović, P and Vranić, I. 2013. One possible location of Damastion – Kale by Krševica (south-eastern Serbia), in The Bosporus: Gateway between the Ancient West and East (1st Millennium BC-5th Century AD), Proceedings of the Fourth International Congress on Black Sea Antiquities, Istanbul, 14th-18th September 2009, eds. G. Tsetskhladze, S. Atasoy, A. Avram, Ş. Dönmez and J. Hargrave, 309−314. Oxford: BAR International Series 2517
Papers in scientific journals
- Vranić, I. 2019. A barrel-vaulted reservoir at Kale-Krsevica: hydraulic technology and Iron Age ‘Hellenisation’ in Serbia. Antiquity 93(367):144−162.
- Vitezović, S. and Vranić, I. 2017. Studije tehnologije i studije materijalne kulture: mogućnosti bliže saradnje na primeru koštanih artefakata. Etnoantropološki problem 12(3): 703−424
- Vranić, I. 2016. “Ritulno” i “struktuirano” odbacivanje u arheološkim interpretacijama: primer sistema za vodosnabdevanje na lokalitetu “Kale” u Krševici. Етноантрополошки проблеми 11(3): 661−678.
- Vranić, I. 2014. Arheologija u javnosti i medijima: kratak uvod u teorijske osnove dijaloga o nasleđu, Етноантрополошки проблеми 9(3): 597−607.
- Kuzmanovic, Z. and Vranic, I. 2013. On the reflexive nature of archaeologies of the Western Balkan Iron Age: a case study of the “Illyrian argument”. Anthropologie (Brno) 51(2): 249−259.
- Vranić, I. 2012. Urbanizacija u arheološkim interpretacijama: primer “helenizovanih” naselja u unutrašnjosti Balkana, Етноантрополошки проблеми 7(3), 731−746.
- Vranić, I. 2012. The Classical and Hellenistic Economy and the “Paleo-Balkan” Hinterland: A Case Study of the Iron Age “Hellenized Settlements”. Balcanica XLIII, 29−50.
- Вранић, И. 2011. „Раноантичка насеља“ и гвоздено доба централног Балкана: питања етничког идентитета, Етноантрополошки проблеми 6(3), 659−679.
- Popović, P. and Vranić, I. 2008. The textile industry at Krševica (southeastern Serbia). Starinar LVI: 309−326.