Dr Ivan Gargano
Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Ivan Gargano has been researching Illyricum in Late Antiquity since 2015, when he finished his MA thesis. The main themes in which he works are urban and rural topography, the military organisation of the provinces of Illyricum and the process of Christianisation from a historical and archaeological point of view. Currently, he is writing a monography dedicated to the topography and Christianisation of the province of Dacia Ripensis, as part of the project DANUBIUS of the University in Lille, which works on the formulation of a GIS database from provinces in the lower Danube region.
2022 – Doctoral thesis in History and Archaeology. Université de Lille – Halma
PhD: The Christianisation of Dacia Ripensis. History and archaeology of the Lower Danube province during Late Antiquity (3rd – 7th century).
2018 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. University of Rome Tor Vergata. PhD: Viminacium in Late Antiquity. Characteristics of the urban centre and suburb of the capital of Moesia Prima from the 3rd to the 6th century.
2016 – Specialistic school Pontificio Instituto di Archeologia Cristiana
2014 – MA in Archaeology. University of Rome Tor Vergata. MA: Viminacium in Late Antiquity. Characteristics of the urban centre, its territory and monumental funerary architecture.
2011 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. University of Rome Tor Vergata
2023 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2022 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: Italian, French, English
Participation in projects
(2022-) HAEMUS Young Scholars Circle
(2018-) DANUBIUS, University of Lille/Halma
International Conferences
- Journée d’étude doctorale HALMA “Réemploi, Réutilisation et Référence dans les sociétés anciennes, Lille, 2021.
- I Congrès International Perchement et réalités fortifiées en Méditerranée et en Europe, Roquebrune-sur-Argens, 2019.
- The Tabula Peutingeriana: Recent Approaches and New Results, Wien, 2019.
- Creation of Late Antique world in the Balkans, Sofia, 2018.
- XVII Congresso Internazionale di Archeologia Cristiana, Utrecht-Nijmegen, 2018.
- XXIV International Limes Congress”, Belgrade-Viminacium, Serbia, September 2nd – 9th 2018.
Chapters in international monographs and edited volumes
- Gargano, I. 2022. Aquae in the De Aedificiis. Territorial and administrative issues in Dacia Ripensis during the 6th century, in Perspectives on Byzantine Archaeology. From Justinian to the Abbasid Age (6th–9th Centuries), ed. A. Castrorao Barba, G. Castiglia, Brepols, Turnhout-Belgium:123-130.
- Gargano, I., Moreau, D. 2022. Le réseau des fortifications dans l’arrière-pays bas-danubien tardo-antique: la Dacia Ripensis, in Perchement et Réalités Fortifiées en Mediterranee, Archaeopress: 392–406.
Papers in scientific journals
- Jeremić G. Gargano I. 2022. La frontière en Mésie première et en Dacie ripuaire, La Dacie et la frontière danubienne de l’Empire romain. Dossier d’Archeologie hors série 40: 54-57.
- Gargano I. Moreau D. 2021. Christianization of the Lower Danube: The Case of Dacia Ripensis, Sofia. Creation of the Late Antique World in the Balkans. Annales Balcanici 1: 231-244.
- Gargano I. 2016. Evidence of Christianity in Viminacium: a study on historical sources, epigraphy, and funerary art, Shumen. STUDIA ACADEMICA ŠUMENENSIA 3: 11-29.