Dr Ivan Bugarski
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Ivan Bugarski has been employed at the Institute of Archaeology since 2002. He researches several topics, from Late Antiquity to the Early Middle Ages. Dr Bugarski is particularly dedicated to the Migration period and archaeology of the Avars. As a long-term associate in the research of the Caričin Grad locality, Dr Bugarski also researches Early Byzantine archaeology. Dr Bugarski’s dedication to landscape archaeology led him to an interest in prospection and work on introducing new detection methods in Serbian archaeology, particularly the LiDAR methodology.
2014 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Archaeology of the Avars in Serbia
2006 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Čik and Vojka – Examples of early medieval necropolises from the territory of Bačka and Srem
2000 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2020 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2015 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2007 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2002 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English, Russian
Participation in projects
(2020-2026) HistoGenes. Integrating Genetic, Archaeological, and Historical Perspectives in eastern Central Europe, 400–900 AD (ERC Synergy Grant – 856453)
(2011-2019) Processes of urbanisation and development of Middle Ages society, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology
(2019-) DANUBIUS. Organisation ecclésiastique et topographie chrétienne du Bas-Danube pendant l’Antiquité tardive (Ecclesiastical organisation and Christian topography of the Lower Danube during Late Antiquity) (IIIe-VIIIe siècles ap. J.-C.), Université de Lille
(2010-2015) ArchaeoLandscapes Europe, Roman-Germanic Commission, Frankfurt
(2005-) Serbian-French-German research of Caričin Grad, Institute of Archaeology in Belgrade, École Française de Rome, CNRS, Roman-Germanic Central Museum Mainz
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
Study research in the National Museum in Budapest, Landesmuseum in Mainz and Commission for the archaeology of Poland, Academy of Sciences, Kraków
– Serbian Committee for Byzantology
– Archaeological board of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
International conferences
- BECAP 22. Lonci kao mediji: dekoracija, tehnologija i prenos poruka. Beograd 2022
- Rani srednji vek na Centralnom i Istočnom Balkanu / Раното средновековие на Централних и Источни Балкан / The Early Middle Ages in the Central and Eastern Balkans, Beograd 2021
- Međunarodni znanstveni skup Avari i Sloveni, dvije strane kraja pojasa: Avari na sjeveru i jugu Kaganata, Vinkovići – Zagreb 2020
- Atilina Evropa? Strukturna transformacija i strategije uspeha u evropskom periodu Huna, Budimpešta 2019
- Vladanje carstvom u svetu koji se menja – studije o poreklu, uticaju i recepciji Notitia Dignitatum, Frajburg 2019
- Славяне в мире Балкан и Восточной Европы: историко-археологическая панорама. II Российско-сербская конференция по археологии и древней истории, Moskva 2017
- Suočavanje i transformacija rimske tradicije u kasnoj antici i ranom srednjem veku – Rimljanstvo i varvari u zapadnoj i istočnoj centralnoj Evropi, Budimpešta 2016
- Međunarodna radionica o Amorijumu i srednjovizantijskim Tematskim prestonicama: ΑΜΟΡΙΟ AMORIUM – عمورية: Vizantijska prestonica provincije u okruženju Carstva, Atina 2016
- Granični prelazi. „Poznorimski“, „ranohrišćanski“, „rani vizantijski“ kao kategorije istorijsko-arheoloških istraživanja srednjeg Podunavlja (IV – VIII vek n.e.) – 27. međunarodni simpozijum o osnovnim problemima ranog istorijskog razvoja srednjeg Podunavlja, Ruma. 2015
- Oporavljanje izgubljenih predela, Beograd 2013
- Ranovizantijski grad i društvo. Konferencija posvećena stogodišnjici arheoloških istraživanja u Caričinom Gradu, Leskovac 2012
- Pontsko-podunavska teritorija u periodu velikih seoba (5–6. vek), Beograd 2009
National conferences
- Srpsko arheološko društvo, XL Skupština i godišnji skup i proslava 70 godina Arheološkog instituta (Mnemosynon firmitatis), Beograd 2017
- 16. naučni skup Kulturno-istorijska baština juga Srbije, Leskovac 2016
- Šesta nacionalna konferencija vizantologa, Beograd 2015
- Бугарски, И. 2009. Некрополе из доба антике и раног средњег века на локалитету Чик, Београд: Археолошки институт (Посебна издања 46)
Chapters in international monographs and edited volumes
- Bugarski, I. 2021. Consequences of Hunnic raids and the newly-established border: An archaeological panorama of the Central Balkans (ca. 450–500), in Attila’s Europe? Structural Transformation and Strategies of Success in the European Hun Period eds Zs. Rácz, G. Szenthe, 243-258, Budapest: Hungarian National Museum – Eötvös Loránd University
- Bugarski, I. and Ivanišević, V. Sixth-Century Foederati from the Upper Moesian Limes Weapons in a Social Context, in Vivere Militare Est. From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier. Volume I, eds S. Golubović, N. Mrđić, 291-332, Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology (Monographies No. 68/1)
- Petković, S. Bugarski, I. Miladinović-Radmilović, N. 2016. A Non-Wandering Soldier’s Grave? The Seventh-Century Burial in Davidovac (Southern Serbia), in GrenzÜbergänge. Spätrömisch, frühchristlich, frühbyzantinisch als Kategorien der historisch-archäologischen Forschung an der mittleren Donau / Late Roman, Early Christian, Early Byzantine as categories in historical-archaeological research on the middle Danube. Akten des 27. Internationalen Symposiums der Grundprobleme der frühgeschichtlichen Entwicklung im mittleren Donauraum, Ruma, 4.–7.11.2015, Hrsg. I. Bugarski, O. Heinrich-Tamáska, V. Ivanišević, D. Syrbe, 247-272, Remshalden: Verlag Bernhard Albert Greiner (Forschungen zu Spätantike und Mittelalter 4)
- Bugarski, I and Radišić, M. 2016. The Central Balkans in the Early Middle Ages: Archaeological Testimonies to Change, in Processes of Byzantinisation and Serbian Archaeology, ed. V. Bikić, 91-99, Belgrade: The Serbian National Committee of Byzantine Studies – P.E. Službeni Glasnik – Institute for Byzantine Studies, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (Byzantine Heritage and Serbian Art I) (=Бугарски, И. и Радишић, М. 2016. Централни Балкан у раном средњем веку: археолошка сведочанства о променама, у Процеси византинизације и српска археологија, ур. В. Бикић, 91-99, Београд: Српски комитет за византологију – ЈП Службени гласник – Византолошки институт САНУ (Византијско наслеђе и српска уметност I)
- Bugarski, I. 2012. On the Jánoshida Type Earrings and the Seventh Century Byzantine Finds from the Western Balkans, with a Retrospective View of the Vajska (Vajszka) Cemetery, in Thesaurus avarorum. Régészeti tanulmányok Garam Éva tiszteletére – Archaeological Studies in Honour of Eva Garam, ed. T. Vida, 233-254, Budapest: ELTE Bölcsészettudományi Kar Régészettudományi Intézet – Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum – MTA Bölcsészettudományi Kutatóközpont Régészeti Intézet
- Бугарски, И. и Иванишевич, В. 2012. Пограничье Римской империи и варваров: Система обороны Империи от Куция до Ледераты, в Лесная и лесостепная зоны восточной Европы в эпохи римских влияний и великого переселения народов. Конференция 3, ред. А. М. Воронцов, И. О. Гавритухин, 482-511, Тула: Гос. музей-заповедник «Куликово поле»
- Ivanišević, V. et Bugarski, I. 2012. Les étriers byzantins: la documentation du Balkan central, dans Le cheval dans les sociétés antiques et médiévales, dir. S. Lazaris, 135-142, 272-277, Turnhout: Brepols (Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive 22)
- Ivanišević, V. and Bugarski, I. 2008. Western Banat during the Great Migration Period, in The Turbulent Epoch II. New materials from the Late Roman Period and the Migration Period, eds B. Niezabitowska-Wiśniewska, M. Juściński, P. Łuczkiewicz, S. Sadowski, 39-61, Lublin: Instytut Archeologii Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej w Lublinie (Monumenta Studia Gothica t.V)
Edited volumes
- Иванишевић, В., Бикић, В. и Бугарски, И. (ур.) 2021. Свет средњовековних утврђења, градова и манастира. Омаж Марку Поповићу, Београд: Археолошки институт, Београд (Посебна издања 74) – Град Београд, Омладинско позориште ДАДОВ.
- Bugarski, I. Heinrich-Tamáska, O. Ivanišević, V. Syrbe D. (Hrsg.) 2016. GrenzÜbergänge. Spätrömisch, frühchristlich, frühbyzantinisch als Kategorien der historisch–archäologischen Forschung an der mittleren Donau / Late Roman, Early Christian, Early Byzantine as categories in historical-archaeological research on the middle Danube. Akten des 27. Internationalen Symposiums der Grundprobleme der frühgeschichtlichen Entwicklung im mittleren Donauraum, Ruma, 4.–7.11.2015, Remshalden: Verlag Bernhard Albert Greiner (Forschungen zu Spätantike und Mittelalter 4)
- Ivanišević, V. Veljanovski, T. Cowley, D. Kiarszys, G. Bugarski I. (eds). 2015. Recovering Lost Landscapes, Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology (Monographs Vol. 58 – Aerial Archaeology Research Group Occasional Publication No. 6)
Papers in scientific journals
- Bugarski, I. Miladinović-Radmilović, N. Popadić, I. Marjanović, M. 2013. Early Mediaeval Burial at Stubline near Obrenovac: Spatial, Anthropological and Archaeological Analyses of the Southernmost Avar Grave. Acta Archaeologica Carpathica XLVIII: 285-305.
- Bugarski, I. 2008. The Geomorphological Matrix as a Starting Point for Determining the Position of Avar-time Settlements in Pannonia: The Example of the Bačka Region. Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 38/3: 437-455.
- Bugarski, I. 2008. Early Mediaeval Finds from Veliko Gradište and the Appearance of Late Avar Belt Elements along the Southern Bank of the Middle Danube. Archaeologia Bulgarica XII/1: 87-96.
- Иванишевић, В. Бугарски, И. Стаменковић, А. 2016. Нова сазнања о урбанизму Царичиног града, Примена савремених метода проспекције и детекције. Старинар LXVI: 143-160.
- Иванишевић, В. и Бугарски, И. 2012. Примена LiDAR технологије у анализи топографије Маргума/Мораве и Кулича. Старинар LXII: 239-255.
- Bugarski, I. 2006. A Contribution to the Study of Lamellar Armours. Starinar LV/2005: 161-179.