Dr Ilija Mikić
Senior Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
The scientific research work of Dr Ilija Mikić is focused on the analyses of human osteological material from Viminacium – a Roman city and military camp. The analyses encompass palaeodemographic, palaeopathological and dental anthropological research, which have as their goal the study of populations and presumed settlements, on the one side, and, on the other side, the study of the conditions and quality of life in different periods of the past. By participating in studies of ancient DNA, Dr Mikić has broadened his research.
2016 – Doctoral thesis in history and philosophy of the natural sciences and technology, University of Belgrade, PhD: Viminacium – interdisciplinary interpretation of the relationships of the settlements and population from late prehistory to the late Middle Ages period
2009 – Master’s thesis in Physical Anthropology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Epigenetic variations on medieval skulls from Vinča – identification and interpretation
2008 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2017 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2012 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2011 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
(2005, 2008) Anthropological study in Munich (Staatssammlung für anthropologie und paläoanatomie München)
Participation in projects
(2017) 3D scanning of 10 anthropological skull types from Viminacium and reconstruction of the facial appearance, co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, Institute of Archaeology
(2011-2019) IRS – Viminacium, a Roman city and legionary camp – research of the material and spiritual culture, population, application of the modern non-destructive techniques of aerial prospection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute of Archaeology
– Serbian Archaeological Society
– IUAES (International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences)
International conferences
- International Symposium of Bimolecular Archaeology, Toulouse, 2021
- European Association of Archaeology-virtual meeting, Widening Horizons, Kiel, 2021
- Kонференция молодых ученых, Новые материалы и методы археологического исследования: От критики источника к обобщению и интерпретации данных, Москва 2019
- 24th International Limes Congress, Belgrade-Vimininacium, Serbia 2018
- 22nd European Meeting of the Paleopathology Association (PPA), Zagreb, Croatia 2018
- IUAES Inter Congress: World anthropologies and privatisation of knowledge, Dubrovnik, Croatia 2016
- 20th Annual Meeting of European Athropology Assosiation: European Anthropology in a Changing World: From Culture to Global Biology, Zagreb,Croatia 2016
- III Международная конференция молодых ученых: Новые материалы и методы археологического исследования, Институт Археологии Москва, 2015
- Тhe Value and Scale of the Experimental Archaeology Aproach – Conference on the Dialogue with science. Kierikki Stone Age Centre, Finland 2014
National conferences
- Annual meetings of the Serbian Archaeological Society (2018-2019)
- Vojvoda, M., Golubović, S., Mikić, I. 2021. MORS IMMATURA, Novac i apotropejsko profilaktički elementi u pogrebnim ritualima-južna nekropola Viminacijuma, Posebna izdanja 72. Beograd: Arheološki institut.
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Golubović, S., Mikić, I. 2020. Contribution to the study of skull cult of Meosia Superior, in Studiola in Honorem Miloje Vasić, ed. I. Popović, S. Petković. Belgrade, Institute of Archaeology: 90-99.
Papers in scientific journals
- Olalde, I. et all. 2021. Cosmopolitanism at the Roman Danubian Frontier, Slavic Migrations, and the Genomic Formation of Modern Balkan, BioRxiv.
- Carić, M., Tresić Pavičić, D., Mikić, I., Čavka, M., Cvitkušić, B., Janković, I., Marla Toyne, J., Novak, M., 2020. Something old, Something new:(Re) Analysis and interpretation of three bronze age trepanations from Croatia, Anthropologie LVIII/1: 39-51.
- Vulović, D., Miladinović-Radmilović, N., Mikić, I. 2019. A case of myositis ossificans traumatica on one skeleton from Viminacium. Starinar LXVIII: 203-214.
- Mikić, I., Lisul, B., Grga, Đ. 2019. Dental anthropological status from the human population found on the Roman site of Viminacium-necropolis Nad Klepečkom. Serbian Dental Journal Vol. 66: 140-147.
- Конопелькин Д.С., Гончарова Н.Н., Микич И. Ж. 2018. Краниологическая характеристика и внутригрупповой анализ населения южного некрополя античного города Виминаций. Вестник Московского университета. Серия XXIII. Антропология 2/2018: 85-93.
- Конопелькин, Д.С., Гончарова, Н.Н., Микич, И.Ж. 2017. Краниологическая характеристика некоторых групп населения римского города Виминаций (предварительное сообщение). Вестник Московского университета, Серия ХХIII. Антропология 2/2017: 77-83.
- Mikić, I. 2017. Osvrt na proučavanje trepanacija sa područja Srbije. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 13: 145-153.
- Grga, Đ., Mikić, I., Lisul, B., Zlopaša, T., Dželetović, B. 2017. Dental and Jaws Status in Pre-historic Human Population of the Gomolava Sitе. Serbian Dental Journal 64, Issue 1: 24-31.
- Mitkoski, A., Bulatović, A., Mikić, I. 2016. Necropolis under a tumulus at Veprcani: Representative case of using sacred places during several periods in the past. Starinar LXVI: 27-57.
- Mikić, I. 2015. Population of Viminacium during the Migration Period: Segment without artificially deformed skulls. Старинар LXV: 107-119.
- Mikić, I., Korać, N. 2011. Viminacium – The Pećine necropolis-skeletons around Late Antique Buildings “A“ and “B. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 7: 185-199.
- Mikić, I. 2010. Epigenetic test on Medieval Skulls from Vinča. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 6: 199-210.
- Mikić, I. 2008. Kratak osvrt na pagansku grobnicu G-2624 antičkog Viminacijuma. Arheologija i prirodne nauke 3: 37-43.