Dr Ilija Danković
Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
The interests of Dr Ilija Danković are related to Roman provincial archaeology, primarily to the research of all aspects associated with the identity and position of women in Antiquity, reflected through material culture. Besides the aforementioned, Dr Danković also researches topics related to the production of textiles, water systems and antique communications.
2021 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Grave goods in female burials as indicators of age. A case study of Viminacium’s cemeteries from the 1st to the 4th century
2011 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2021 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2015 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2012 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English, Spanish
Director of projects
(2021-) Virtual Limes – digitalisation of the localities on the Roman Limes for the nomination and presentation of the future UNESCO world cultural heritage site – Underwater prospections, Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia
Participation in projects
(2012-2019) Viminacium, a Roman city and legion camp – research of the material and spiritual culture, population, application of the modern non-destructive techniques of aerial prospection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute of Archaeology
– International Lychnological Association (ILA)
– Serbian Archaeological Society
Participation in international conferences
- Fifteenth Annual International Conference on Comparative Mythology. Sacred Ground: Place and Space in Mythology and Religion (Beograd, Viminacijum, Srbija), 2022
- International Symposium on Boat and Ship Archaeology (Zadar, Hrvatska), 2021
- Adornment as expression of everyday identity in ancient and medieval life, Rome, 2019
- XXIV International Limes Congress, Belgrade-Viminacium, Serbia, 2018
- HOMINES, FUNERA, ASTRA. Death and Children from Prehistory to the Middle Ages, Alba Iulia, Romania, 2017
- XXIII International Limes Congress, Ingolstadt, Germany, 2015
- IV Interantional Congress of the International Lycnological Association, Ptuj, Slovenia, 2012
- XXII International Limes Congress, Ruse, Bulgaria, 2012
Participation in national conferences
- Annual meetings of the Serbian Archaeological Society 2017, 2018
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Danković, I., Milovanović, B. 2022. I summon thee, Thôbarrabau! Magical practice in Viminacium, in Vivere in Vrbe. Viminacivm, Volume 1, Eds. M. Vojvoda, I. Danković, B. Milovanović. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 56-97.
- Danković, I., Marjanović, M. 2022. Woman, Wife, Mother: Everyday life of female residents of Viminacium, in Vivere in Vrbe. Viminacivm, Volume 1, Eds. M. Vojvoda, I. Danković, B. Milovanović. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology, 202-97.
- Jevtović, Lj., Danković, I. 2022. An overview of CBM industries of ancient Viminacium, in Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures. Production and trade in the Adriatic region and beyond, Eds.G. Lipovac Vrkljan, A. Konestra, A. Eterović Borzić. Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, 117-124.
- Marković, D., Danković, I. 2020. The Potential for Horse Breeding in the Vicinity of Viminacium, in Animal Husbandry and Hunting in the Central and Western Balkans Through Time, Eds. N. Marković and J. Bulatović, Oxford: Archaeopress Publishing Ltd, 143-153
- Danković, I., Milovanović, B., Marjanović, M. 2018. From a girl to a matrona – The life course of the women on the Limes, in Roman Limes and Cities on the Territory of Serbia, Eds. M. Korać, S. Pop-Lazić, Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts/Institute of Archaeology, 72-81.
- Pop-Lazić, S., Vujadinović, V., Danković, I. 2018. Military equipment, in Roman Limes and Cities on the Territory of Serbia, Eds. M. Korać, S. Pop-Lazić, Belgrade: Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts/Institute of Archaeology, 21-28.
- Danković, I., Milovanović, B., Mikić, I. 2018. Zaštitna arheološka iskopavanja na lokalitetu Pirivoj (Viminacijum) 2016. godine, u Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2016. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović. Beograd: Arheološki institut, 35‒42.
- Danković, I,, Bogdanović, A. 2017. Contribution to the Knowledge of Viminacium’s Water Supply, in Arheovest V, Vol 1, Szeged: JATEPress Kiadó, 469-482.
- Jovičić, M., Danković, I., Mitić, M. 2017. Zaštitna arheološka iskopavanja kasnoantičke nekropole na lokalitetu Pećine (Viminacijum) 2015. godine, u Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2015. godini, I. Bugarski, ur. N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović. Beograd: Arheološki institut, 56‒61.
- Redžić, S., Milovanović, B., Danković, I. 2017. Zaštitna arheološka iskopavanja na lokalitetu Više grobalja (Viminacijum) 2014. godine, u Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2014. godini, ur. I. Bugarski, N. Gavrilović Vitas, V. Filipović. Beograd: Arheološki institut, 87‒92.
- Danković, I., Pantelić, S. 2014. Istraživanja na lokalitetu Rit (Viminacijum), u Arheologija u Srbiji: projekti Arheološkog instituta u 2013. godini, ur. D. Antonović, S. Golubović, V. Bikić. Beograd: Arheološki institut, 60‒63.
Edited volumes
- Vojvoda M. Danković, I. Milovanović B. 2022. Vivere in Vrbe. Viminacivm, Volume 1, Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology.
Papers in international scientific journals
- Danković, I. 2020. Roman bone distaffs and spindles: Could they have been used for spinning?. GSAD 36 (2020), 79-98.
- Milovanović, B. Danković, I. 2020. Antropomorphic amulets from Viminacium. Starinar LXX, 127-143.
- Danković, I. 2019. Burial of a woman with an amber doistaff at Viminacium. Starinar LXIX/2019: 215-229.