Dr Dragana Gavrilović
Senior Research Associate
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
The main spheres of Dr Gavrilović’s research are related to the technology of antique fresco-painting, iconography, conservation and restoration of wall painting from Antiquity.
2014 – Doctoral thesis in multidisciplinary sciences – history and philosophy of natural sciences and technology. Board for multidisciplinary studies of the University of Belgrade. PhD: Technology of manufacturing antique wall painting in the territory of Serbia
2008 – Master’s thesis in the Faculty of Applied Arts, University of Art, Belgrade. MA: Pasting of paintings on fabric
2003 – Graduated restorer-conservator. Academy of Serbian Orthodox Church for Art and Conservation, Belgrade
2021 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2015 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2008 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
2005 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Trainee
Languages: English
Director of projects
(2017-) Conservation and presentation of wall paintings from archaeological localities: Amphitheatre, Object with apse and crude oil depot (Viminacium) Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
(2014 – 2015) Conservation and presentation of wall painting fragments from the archaeological locality of the amphitheatre (Viminacium), Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
(2010 – 2012) Treatment of wall painting fragments from the archaeological locality of Sirmium, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, Museum of Srem
Participation in projects
(2012-2014) Institute for History, University of Vienna (UNIVIE) Danube Limes Brand: Extension of the Danube Limes – UNESCO World Heritage in the Lower Danube
(2004) IRS – Viminacium, Roman city and legionary camp – research of the material and spiritual culture, population, application of the modern non-destructive techniques of aerial prospection, geophysics, GIS, digitalisation and 3D visualisation – Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Institute of Archaeology
Scholarships, grants and professional studies
(2009) Certified exam in National Museum, Serbia for conservator-restorer
(2011) Central Institute for Conservation, Belgrade (CIK) and Institute for conservation and restoration, Rome (ISCR – Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro), Archaeological Wall Painting Conservation Course, Niš, Serbia
(2007) ICCROM, Regional course on archaeological conservation (Butrint), Albania.
(2003) Specialisation course “Modern methods in painting conservation”, National Museum, Serbia
(2003) Specialisation course “Modern methods in painting conservation”, National Museum, Serbia
(2001, 2002) School for old painting techniques, Novi Pazar
International conferences
- The 27th Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference (TRAC 2017), Daram, England, March 28th-31th 2017.
- International congress – Preserving transcultural heritage: your way or my way?, Lisabon, Portugal, July 05th-08th 2017.
- XIIIth Conference of the International Association for Ancient Wall Painting (Aipma) 2016, Context and Meaning, Lausanne, Swiss, September 16th – 20th 2016.
- International Symposium of Archaeology and History, In Memoriam Constantini Daicoviciu, the 42nd Edition – The Life After… (Birth, War, Marriage…). Bajle Herkulane, Rumunija, March 09th – 12th 2016.
- The 4th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2016), Laboratory of Building Materials, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Santorini, Greece, October 10th – 12th 2016.
- INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OF ARCHEOLOGY AND HISTORY, IN MEMORIAM CONSTANTINI DAICOVICIU – THE 41ST EDITION, Danube and Trade between East and West from Prehistory until the Contemporary Times, Caransebes, Romania, February 17th – 20th 2015.
- XII International Conference of AIPMA (International Association for the Study of Ancient Mural Painting), Athens, Greece, September 16th -20th 2013.
- Second Interdisciplinary Conference: Disasters, Catastrophes and the Ends of the Worlds In Sources, Pultusk, Poland, June 25th – 27th 2012.
- European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry, Viena, Austria, June 18th-22th 2012.
- The Eleventh International Colloquium, Ephesos/Selçuk, Turkey, September 13th-17th 2010.
National conferences
- Annual meeting of the Serbian Archaeological Society, 2012, 2017
- Serbian Theology Today: The Fourth Annual Symposium, Belgrade, May 25-26, 2012.
- Archaeological Heritage – its Role in Education, Presentation and Popularization of Science, Symposium, Viminacium, 5 – 8. Oktobar 2012.
- Međunarodni kongres vizantologa, NIŠ I VIZANTIJA X, „Niš – martiriopolis i carski grad“, Niš, Srbija, 3-5. juna 2011.
- Rezultati saradnika Arheološkog instituta u 2011. godini, Viminacijum, 28. mart 2012.
- Rogić, D., Popović, B., Popović, I., Jesetrić, M. 2017. Wall Painting of Sirmium, I Public and residential structures next to the northern city rampart (site 21), Monographs – Nᵒ 61. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology.
Chapters in international monographs and edited volumes
- Vujović, M., Gavrilović, D., Gajić-Kvaščev, M. 2020. Mermerna ikonica kulta Podunavskih konjanika iz Muzeja grada Beograda, in Ancient Cult in Balkans through Archaeological Findings and Iconography. eds. S. Petković, N. Gavrilović-Vitas. 117-129. Belgrade, Serbian Archaeological Society.
- Nikolić, E. Rogić, D. Anđelković-Grašar, J. 2018. Architectural Space in the Wall Painting of the Roman Tomb in Brestovik. u Vivere Militare est: From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier, vol. II. ur. M. Korać, S. Golubović, N. Mrđić, 195-268. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology.
- Rogić, D. 2018. Painted decoration from a Viminacium tomb. U Vivere Militare est:From Populus to Emperors – Living on the Frontier, vol. II. Ur. M. Korać, S. Golubović, N. Mrđić. 163-193. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology.
- Nikolić, E. Anđelković-Grašar, J. Rogić, D. 2017. Viminacium: Research, Protection and Recognition, In Preserving Transcultural Heritage. Your Way or My Way? Questions on Authenticity, Identity and Patrimonial Proceedings in the Safeguarding of Architectural Heritage Created in the Meeting of Cultures Ed. J. R. Santos. 573-583. Lisbon: Caleidoscópio – Edição e Artes Gráficas, SA.
- Nikolić, E. Radivojević, A, Delić-Nikolić, I. Rogić, D. 2016. Roman Mortars from the Amphitheatre of Viminacium, u Proceedings of the 4th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2016), Santorini, Greece, ur. I. Papayiani, M. Stefanidou i V. Pachta, 137-144. Thessaloniki: Laboratory of Building Materials, Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- Rogić, D. 2014. Wall decoration of the Viminacium amphitheatre, in Akten des XI. Internationalen Kolloquiums der AIPMA (Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique), Band 23, Wien 2014, 507-512.
- Anđelković Grašar, J., Nikolić, E., Rogić, D. 2013. Pictorial Elements and Principles in Creation of Context and Meaning of an Ancient Image on Example of Viminacium Funerary Painting, Context and Meaning, in Proceedings of the twelfth International Conference of the Association Internationale pour la Peinture Murale Antique, eds. S. T.A.M. Mols & E. M. Moormann, Leuven. 515-521. Paris – BristolAthens, CT: Peeters Publishers.
Papers in scientific journals
- Gavrilović, D., Milovanović, B. 2021. Fragments of Wall Painting Residential Buildings at the Site of Čair (Vimin acium), Archaeologia Bulgarica, XXV 1 (2021): 15-25.
- Gavrilović, D., 2020. Re-Conservation and Reinpretation of a Roman Fresco from Sirmium. Старинар LXX: 225 – 237.
- Rogić, D. 2018. Viminacium’s painting officina. Antiqua 55: 897 – 903.
- Rogić, D. 2018. Some examples of wall paintings from Sirmium. Antiqua 55: 905 – 911.
- Rogić, D., Nikolić, E. 2016. Architectural Elements in Sirmium Wall Paintings, Acta Mvsei Caransebesiensis – Tibiscvm: 81 – 87.
- Anđelković-Grašar, J. Nikolić, E. Rogić, D. 2013. “Tomb with Cupids” from Viminacium: a Contribution to Research of Construction, Iconography and Style. Starinar 63: 73-100.
- Rogić, D. Anđelković Grašar, J. Nikolić, E. 2012. Wreath – its Use and Meaning in Ancient Visual Culture. Religion and Tolerance, Vol. X, No. 18: 341-358.
- Rogić, D. Nikolić, E. Jesretić, M. 2011. Astragal und Eiformige Motive auf Stuckdekor der Wandmalerei Sirmiums. Старинар LXI: 205-221.