Dr Dragana Antonović
Principal Research Fellow
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Dragana Antonović has , since 1990, been involved in the research of the technological development of prehistoric societies, particularly Neolithic and Eneolithic. Her research is focused on the production of stone and copper tools and weapons from the territory of Serbia to reconstruct the processes of acquiring the raw materials for the products along with the technology of the production, as well as their cult and symbolic meaning in prehistoric societies. In recent years, Dr Antonović has dedicated time to the research of prehistoric mining in Serbia.
1998 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: The Appearance and Development of the industry of abrasive stones in the Neolithic period of Serbia
1990 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Objects of abrasive stone from prehistory, from the locality of Belo Brdo in Vinča
1984 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2014 – Institute of Archaeology, Principal Research Fellow
2006 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
1999 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
1998 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
1995 – Institute of Archaeology, Librarian
1993 – University library “Svetozar Marković”, Librarian
Languages: English
Director of projects
Prospection of Mali Šturac: research of prehistoric mining, Ministry of Culture and Information of Republic of Serbia
Participation in projects
Archaeology of Serbia: Cultural Identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the Central Balkans in the development of European prehistory, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
Cultural changes and population movement in the early prehistory of the Central Balkans, Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development
Other projects
Protective archaeological excavations of “Kolubara” coalmine, Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Serbia – Belgrade
The rise of metallurgy in Eurasia: Evolution, organisation and consumption of early metal in the Balkans, University College of London, Institute of Archaeology
Metallurgy in prehistory and Antiquity, Board for the archaeology of the Department of Historic Sciences, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (until 2013)
Neolithic and Eneolithic cultures and copper finds in eastern Serbia, Board for the archaeology of the Department of Historic Sciences, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (until 2013)
Prehistoric flint sourcing in NW Bulgaria and NE Serbia: field survey and laboratory analyses, Cardiff School of History and Archaeology, Cardiff University, National Institute of Archaeology and Museum, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Archaeological research in Vinča, Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade City Museum and Faculty of Philosophy, Belgrade (until 2008)
-Serbian Archaeological Society
2019 – Gold plaque of the Rudnik Society for the outstanding accomplishment of the preservation and promotion of the archaeological heritage of Mt. Rudnik
International conferences
- International symposium Mining and archaeology, 12 – 15. 9. 2019, Štip
- 6th Scientific Conference Methodology and Archaeometry, Zagreb, 30th November – 1st December 2018
- 5th Scientific Conference Methodology and Archaeometry, Zagreb, Croatia, 30th November – 1st December 2017
- MESO 2015, The Ninth International Conference on the Mesolithic in Europe, Belgrade, Serbia, 14th – 18th September 2015
- 50 Jahre Prähistorische Bronzefunde – Bilanz und Perspektiven, Internationales Kolloquium, Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz, 24. bis 26. September 2014
- 3rd Balkan Early Metallurgy Symposium, 10-12th May 2013, Sozopol, Bulgaria
- JADE 2: Interprétations sociales des objets-signes en jades alpins dans l’Europe néolithique“ Besançon, 25–27. 3 2013.
- The Early Balkan Metallurgy Workshop, June 11 2007, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, Institute of ArchaeoMetallurgical Studies, London
- Metallurgy in Southeast Europe from ancient times till the end of 19th century, September 26–30th 2005, Sozopol, Bulgaria.
- XIVth Congress of the U.I.S.P.P., Liege, 2–8 September 2001
National conferences
- Annual meetings of the Serbian Archaeological Society (2011-2019)
- VII Consultation of Metallurgists of Serbia, 11-13. September, 2008. Belgrade
- Antonović, D. 2014. Kupferzeitliche Äxte und Beile in Serbien, Mainz: Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur; Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag (Prähistorische Bronzefunde Abt. IX, Bd. 27)
- Antonović, D. 2006, Stone tools from Lepenski Vir, Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology (Cahiers des Portes de Fer, Monographies 5)
- Antonović, D., 2003. Neolitska industrija glačanog kamena u Srbiji, Beograd: Arheološki institut (Posebna izdanja 37)
Chapters in international monographs and edited volumes
- Antonović, D., Dimić, V. 2022. Abrasive Stone Tools in the Neolithic of Serbia: from Recognition to Publication. in Lithic Studies: Anatolia and Beyond, еd. A. Baysal, Oxford, Archaeopress: 265–285
- Antonović, D., Dimić, V. 2021. Ground and abrasive stone tools from the Early Neolithic site of Bataševo (Serbia), in Scripta praehistorica: miscellanea in honorem Mariae Bitiri dicata, eds. R. Dobrescu, A. Boroneanţ, A. Doboş, Târgovişte : Cetatea de scaun (Materiale şi Cercetări Arheologice, serie nouă, Supplementum I / Institutul de Arheologie „Vasile Parvan”: 413–428
- Dimić, V., Antonović, D. 2021. round and abrasive stone tools from Belovode; Ground and abrasive stone tools from Pločnik. in The Rise of Metallurgy in Eurasia: evolution, organisation and consumption of early metal in the Balkans, eds. M. Radivojević, et all Oxford, Archaeopress: 205–214; 382–392
- Vitezović, S., Antonović, D. 2020. Jewellery from osseous and lithic raw materials in the Vinča culture, in Bueauty and the eye ofo the beholder: personal adornmenst across the millennia, Targovişte, eds. M. Mărgărit, A. Boronenanţ, Cetatea de Scaun: 87–100.
- Antonović, D., Dimić, V., Starović, A., Borić, D. 2017. Ground stone artefacts from Aria Babi, in From hunter-gatherers to farmers: human adaptations at the end of the Pleistocene and the first part of the Holocene: papers in Honour of Clive Bonsall, eds. M. Mărgărit and A. Boroneanţ, 135–147. Targoviște, Cetatea de Scaun
- Antonović, D., Dimić, V. 2017. Copper ore exploitation at the site of Prljuša on Mali Šturac, in Archaeotechnology studies: Raw material exploitation from prehistory to the Middle Ages, eds. S. Vitezović, D. Antonović, 117 – 142. Beograd, Srpsko arheološko društvo
- Antonović, D. 2016. Alter Kupferbergbau auf dem Balkan, in 50 Jahre “Prähistorische Bronzefunde” Bilanz und Perspektiven: Beiträge zum internationalen Kolloquium vom 24. bis 26. September 2014 Mainz, Hrs. U. L. Dietz und A. Jockenhövel, 33–52. Mainz, Akademie der Wissenschaften un der Literatur; Stuttgart, Franz Steiner (PBF XX, 14)
- Antonović, D. 2014. Examination methodology for ground stone arttefacts, in Archaeotechnology: studying technology from prehistory to the Middle Ages, eds. S. Vitezović, D. Antonović, 13–27. Belgrade, Srpsko arheološko društvo
Papers in international scientific journals
- Borić, D., Cristiani, E., Hopkins, R., Schwenninger, J-L., Gerometta, K., French, C. A. I., Mutri, G., Ćalić, J., Dimitrijević, V., Marín-Arroyo, A. B., Jones, J. R., Stevens, R., Masciana, A., Uno, K., Korzow Richter, K., Antonović, D., Wehr, K., Lane, C., White, D. 2021. Neanderthals on the Lower Danube: Middle Palaeolithic evidence in the Danube Gorges of the Balkans, Journal of Quaternary Sciences (2021), 1 – 39. DOI: 10.1002/jqs.3354
- Vitezović, S., Antonović, D. 2019. Functional differentiation and possible regional specialisation of the Vinča culture settlements: viewpoint from osseous and lithic industries, Quaternary International (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2018.12.029)
- Borić, D., French, C. H. I., Stefanović, S., Dimitrijević, V., Cristiani, E., Gurova, M., Antonović, D., Filipović, D. 2014. Late Mesolithic lifeways and deathways at Vlasac (Serbia), Journal of Field Archaeology 39, Vol. 1: 4–31.
- Antonović, D., Vukadinović, M. 2012. Eneolithic mine Prljuša – Mali Šturac: archaeological and geophysical investigations, Старинар 62: 95 106
- Antonović, D., Stojanović, A., 2009. The Nephrite amulet from Zmajevac (Cerovac, Central Serbia), Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 39–2: 183–191
- Antonović, D., Resimić-Šarić, K., Cvetković, V. 2006, Stone raw materials in the Vinča culture: petrographic analysis of assemblage from Vinča and Belovode, Старинар 55: 53–66
- Antonović, D. 2002. Copper processing in Vinča: new contributions to the thesis about metallurgical character of Vinča culture, Старинар 52: 27 45