Dr Aleksandar Bulatović
Principal Research Fellow
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Dr Aleksandar Bulatović researches interactions of Central Balkan populations in the Eneolithic and copper age, ritual and spiritual life in prehistory and early history period, and the absolute chronology of the Metal Ages period.
2008 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: The foundation and development of copper age cultures in the basin of the South Morava river
2005 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Topography of prehistoric localities on the territory of south-eastern Serbia
1996 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2018 – Institute of Archaeology, Principal Research Fellow
2012 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2009 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
2006 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Assistant
1997 – National Museum Vranje, curator
1996 – National Museum Vranje, apprentice curator
Languages: English
Director of projects
(2022-2025) THE FLOW: Interactions-Transmission-Transformation: Long-distance connections in the Copper and Bronze Age of the Central Balkans; Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade; the “Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade; under the patronage of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
(2017- ) Prehistoric landscapes of the region of Pusta Reka, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade and Institute for European and Oriental Archaeology, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
(2011- ) Material and Spiritual culture of communities of Metal Ages in Serbia, as a part of the scientific-research project “Archaeology of Serbia: cultural identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the Central Balkans in the development of European prehistory
(2014- ) Archaeological research in the locality of Velika humska čuka, near Niš
Participation in projects
(2019-) The Fall of 1200 BC, School of Archaeology, University College, Dublin
(2018-) Death and Burial between the Aegean and the Balkans, Austrian Archaeological Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna
(2017-) The Atlas Project, University of Stockholm and University of Upsala
(2011-) Archaeology of Serbia: cultural identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the Central Balkans in the development of European prehistory, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
(2011-) Ethnogenesis of Serbs in the Middle Ages period: a comparative analysis of historical and cultural heritage, genetic material and the objects of material culture from an analytic chemistry point of view, Institute of History and Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Belgrade
– Associate of Archaeological Research Centre of City College, New York
– Serbian Archaeological Society
Participation in international conferences
- Conference at OREA, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Beč, Austrija, 8-10. jun, 2016
- Fortifications: the Rise and Fall of Defended Sites in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age of South-East Europe, International Conference, Temisoara, Rumunija, 11-13. novembar, 2015
- Communities in transition – the Circum-Aegean Later Neolithic Stages, International Conference at the Athens Museum and the Danish Institute at Athens, 7-9. jun, 2013
- Trakite i okolni svet, Šumen, Bugarska, 2-4. oktobar 2008
Participation in national conferences
- From Central Balkans to Danube: Archaeology and Heritage, International Colloquium, Svrljig, 5-6.. oktobar 2013
- Dani kulturne baštine juga Srbije, Narodni muzej, Leskovac, 2010
- Dani kulturne baštine juga Srbije, Narodni muzej, Leskovac, 4-5. decembar. 2008
- Prelazni period iz bronzanog u gvozdeno doba u basenu Južne Morave, održan u Leskovcu, maj 2000.
- Bulatović, A. Milanović, D. 2020. Bubanj, the Eneolithic and the early Bronze Age tell in southeastern Serbia, Mitteilungen der Prahistorischen Kommission Band 90, Austrian Academy of Science Press, Vienna.
- Bulatović, A. 2020. Ranutovac, an Early Bronze Age Necropolis in southeastern Serbia, BAR International series 2978, Oxford.
- Булатовић, А. Филиповић, В. Глигорић, Р. 2017. Лозница, културна стратиграфија праисторијских локалитета у Јадру, Рађевини и Азбуковици, Археолошки институт, Београд, Центар за културу, Лозница (Археолошка грађа Србије X).
- Булатовић, А. Станковски, Ј. 2012. Бронзано доба у басену Јужне Мораве и у долини Пчиње/Бронзено време во басенот на Јужна Морава и долината на Пчиња, Археолошки институт Београд (Посебна издања, књ. 52) и НУ Музеј, Куманово.
- Булатовић, А. 2007. Врање – културна стратиграфија праисторијских локалитета у Врањској регији, Београд – Врање, Aрхеолошки институт и Народни музеј, Врање (Археолошка грађа Србије III).
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Bulatović, A. 2020. Beakers with trapezoidal mouth as one of the most specific type of Middle Bronze Age vessel in the Central Balkans, in Crafting pottery in Bronze Age Europe, the archaeological background of the CRAFTER project, eds: V, Vučković, V, Filipović, B. Stojanović, and R. Risch, 121-148, Zavičajni muzej Paraćin.
- Bulatović, A. 2019. Particular types of bowls as Heralds of a new Age in the Balkans, Contribution to the study of cultural and possible ethnic movements in southeast Europe at the end of Bronze and the beginning of Iron Age, in Papers in honour of Rastko Vasić 80th birthday, eds. V. Filipović, A.Bulatović, A. Kapuran, 215-232. Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology
Papers in international scientific journals
- Bulatović, A. Gori, M. Vander Linden, М. 2020. Radiocarbon Dating the 3rd Millennium BC in the Central Balkans: a re-examination of the Early Bronze Age sequence, Radiocarbon Vol. 62, Nr 5, 1163-1191.
- Mason, A. Powell, W. Bankoff, H.A. Mathur, R. Price, M. Bulatović, A. Filipović, V. 2020. Provenance of tin in the Late Bronze Age Balkans based on probabilistic and spatial analysis of Sn isotopes, Journal of Archaeological Science 122/2020, 1051-1081.
- Horejs, B. Bulatović, A. Bulatović, J. Brandl, M. Burke, C. Filipović, D. Milić, B. 2019. New Insights into the Later Stage of the Neolithisation Process of the Central Balkans. First Excavations at Svinjarička Čuka 2018, Archaeologia Austriaca Band 103, Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 175-226.
- Bulatović, A. Vander Linden, M. 2017. Absolute Dating of Copper and Early Bronze Age Levels at the Eponymous Archaeological Site Bubanj (Southeastern Serbia), Radiocarbon, Vol. 59 (4), 1047-1065.
- Bulatović, A. 2014. Corded Ware in the Central and Southern Balkans: A Consequence of Cultural Interaction or an Indication of Ethnic Change?, Journal of Indo-European Studies 42, 101-143.
- Bulatović, A. 2011. Relations between Cultural Groups in the Early Bronze Age in Southeastern Serbia, Western Bulgaria and North-eastern Macedonia, Archaeologica Bulgarica, XV, 2, Sofia, 81-94.
Papers in national scientific journals
- Bulatović, A. Molloy, B. Filipović V. 2021. The Balkan-Aegean migrations revisited: Changes in material culture and settlement patterns in the Late Bronze Age Central Balkans in light of new data, Старинар н.с. LXXI, 9-53.
- Bulatović, A. Gori, M. Vander Linden, M. 2018. New Absolute dates as a Contribution to the Study of the Late Bronze Age chronology in the Central Balkans. Гласник САД 34: 121-132.
- Милановић, Д. Булатовић, А. 2011. Хоризонт бронзаног доба на налазишту Песак код Пригревице. Рад Музеја Војводине 53/2011:79-90.