Dr Aleksandar Kapuran
Principal Research Fellow
+381 11 3282 081;
+381 11 2637 191
Interests and methodology of research
Archaeology of Prehistory, Copper, Bronze and Iron age, early metallurgy of copper and bronze
2011 – Doctoral thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade, PhD: Topography of settlements from Metal Ages in north-eastern Serbia
2007 – Master’s thesis in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. MA: Architecture of Late Bronze and early Iron Age in the South Morava basin
1993 – Bachelor’s degree in Archaeology. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
2021 – Institute of Archaeology, Principal Research Fellow
2012 – Institute of Archaeology, Senior Research Associate
2008 – Institute of Archaeology, Research Associate
Languages: English
Director of projects
(2018 -) Bronze Age in north-eastern Serbia – metallurgy, settlements and necropolises, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, Institute for European and Oriental Archaeology, Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna – co-director of the project
Participation in projects
(2022-2025) THE FLOW: Interactions-Transmission-Transformation: Long-distance connections in Copper and Bronze Age of the Central Balkans; Institute of Archaeology Belgrade; the “Vinča” Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University in Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade; under the patronage of the Science Fund of the Republic of Serbia
(2010-2019) Archaeology of Serbia: cultural identity, integration factors, technological processes and the role of the Central Balkans in the development of European prehistory, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
(2010-2019) Cultural changes and migrations in the early prehistory of the Central Balkans, Faculty of Philosophy, Department of Archaeology, Belgrade
(2017-) Iron Age female identity in the southern part of the Carpathian Valley (FEMINE), Croatian Science Foundation, Archaeological Institute, Zagreb
(2006-2010) Iron Age in the Morava Valley, Institute of Archaeology, Belgrade
(2007 – 2009) Late Antique Palace of Felix Romuliana and its surroundings, Frei University in Berlin, Humboldt University in Berlin, Römisch-Germanische Kommission Frankfurt, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin
– Serbian Archaeological Society
Participation in international conferences
- Perspectives of the Balkan Archaeology 3, Mechanism of Power, May 2022 Ohrid, North Macedonia.
- UK-Gespräche Bronze Age Metallurgy production-consumption-exchange, 2019
- Prehistoric Communities along the Danube, OREA – Austrian Academy of Sciences Vienna ,Institute for Archaeological Science, University Vienna, 2019.
- Mortuary practice s and society in the Carpathian Basin, Institut za antropologiju, Institut za arheologiju, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2017.
- Perspectives of the Balkan archaeology 2: Contacts and Relationships between the Balkans and Adjacent Regions in the Late Bronze/Iron Age (13/12th-6/5th BCE), Institute of Archaeology Belgrade, Serbia, 2017.
- Searching for gold, resources and networks in the Bronze Age of the Eastern Balkans, Österreichische Akademie, Vienna, Austria, 2017.
- Let the dead speak for the living-Late bronze and Early Iron age burials in Southeast Europe, OREA – Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Institute of Archaeology Zagreb, Vienna, 2016.
- Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology 1: The Early Iron Age, Methods and approaches, Zemaljski Muzej Bosne i Hercegovine. Sarajevo, BiH, 2016.
- 14th International Colloquium of Funerary Archaeology,Muzej u Čačku, Čačak, Srbija, 2014.
- Late Urnfield Culture between the Eastern Alps and Danube Arheološki institut, Zagreb, Hrvatska, 2013.
- Communities in Transition: The Circum-Aegean later Neolithic stages (5000/4800-3200/3000 BC), New Acropolis Museum and the Danish Institute at Athens, Athens, Greece, 2013.
- 45th International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade and the Mining and Metallurgy Institute Bor, Bor Lake, Serbia, 2013.
- Bronze Age Craft and Craftsmen in the Carpaian Basin, International Colloquium from Târgu Mureș, Mureş Country Museum, Romania, 2012.
- The beginning of the Late Bronze Age between the Eastern Alps and the Danube, Institut za arheologiju i Arheološki muzej u Osijeku, Osjek, Hrvatska, 2011.
- Bronze Age Rites and Rituals in the Carpaian Basin,Targu Mureṣ the Carpaian Basin,Targu Mureṣ, Mureş Country Museum, Romania, 2010.
Participation in national conferences
- Annual meetings of the Serbian Archaeological Society (2002, 2017)
- Kapuran, A. 2019. Velebit, a Tumulus Culture Necropolis in the Southern Carpathian Basin (Vojvodina, Serba), BAR International series 2942, Oxford.
- Kapuran, A. 2014. Praistorijski lokaliteti u severoistočnoj Srbiji, Arheološki institut, Beograd.
- Капуран, А., Булатовић, А. и Јовановић, И. 2014. Бор и Мајданпек, културна стратиграфија праисторијских локалитета између Ђердапа и Црног Тимока, Археолошки институт и Музеј рударства и металургије, Београд-Бор.
- Булатовић, А., Капуран, А. и Јањић, Г. 2013. Неготин, културна стратиграфија праисторијских локалитета у Неготинској Крајини, Археолошки институт и Музеј Крајине, Београд-Неготин.
- Kапуран, А. 2009. Архитектура бронзаног и гвозденог доба у басену Јужне Мораве, Центар за археолошка истраживања Ф.ф. Београд.
Thematic anthologies prepared
- Kapuran, A. ed. 2018. Jovanović, B. Early La Tene Pećine necropolis, Belgrade: Institute of Archaeology
- Капуран, А. и Булатовић, А. прир. 2015. Мокрањске стене, културна баштина Неготинске Крајине – Зборник радова, Неготин: Музеј Крајине
Chapters in monographs and edited volumes
- Kapuran A., Milojević, P., 2020 Vatin culture pottery in settlements and necropoles of Northeastern Serbia. in Crafter Project: Bronze Age of Europe, an overview whe are we now?, eds. R. Rich, V. Vučković and V. Filipović, 89-107. Paraćin.
- Kapuran, A. 2020 Prehistory of Northeastern Serbia on the Example from Felix Romuliana and its sourroundings, in Gamzigrad-Studien I. Ergebnisse der deutsch-serbischen Forschungen im Umfeld des Palastes Romuliana. Römisch-Germanische Forschungen Bd. 75. eds. G.V. Bülow and S. Petković, 59 – 82. Wiesbaden
Papers in local scientific journals
- Kapuran, A., Gavranović, M., Mehofer, M. 2020 Bronze Age Settlement and Necropolis of Trnjane, near Bor – Revision and New Research Results, Старинар LXX: 51 – 84. doi.org/10.2298/STA2070085P
- Armbruster, B., Jockenhoevel, A., Kapuran, A., and Ramadanski, R. 2019 The moulds from velebit and European Bronze Age metalanvils, Старинар LXIX: 139-182.
- Kapuran, A. 2018. Jewellery made of bronze sheets from the prehistoric necropolis at the village of velebit, near Kanjiža, Старинар LXVII:33-45.
- Kapuran, A., Živković, D. and Štrbac, N. 2016. New Evidence for Prehistoric Copper Metallurgy inthe Vicinity of Bor, Старинар LXVI: 173-191.
- Kapuran, A., Blagojević, M. and Bizjak, D. 2015. Settlements and necropolises of the Early Iron age along the middle course of the Nišava river, Старинар XLV: 145-182.
- Gavranović, M. und Kapuran, A. 2014. Üer einige tüllenbeilvarianten im zentralbalkan, Старинар LIX: 31 – 56.
- Капуран, А. и Булатовић, А. 2012. Културна група Коцофени-Костолац на територији североисточне Србије, Старинар LXII: 65-94.
Papers in international scientific journals
- Dizdar, А., Kapuran А., 2021 Late Hallsttat Female Head/Hair Decoration in the Southern Carpathian Basin. Temple Rings of the Ciumbrud and Donja Dolina Types, Archaeologia Austriaca, Band 105/2021: 149 – 204.
- Mehofer, М., Gavranović, М., Kapuran, А., Mitrović, Ј., Putica А., 2021 Copper production and supra-regional exchange networks – Cu-matte smelthing in the Balkans between 2000 and 1500 BC, Journal of Archeological Science 129 (2021).